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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Raf what Goran stated is correct, but from what I hear most of the time they are just asking for DL's from the canadians coming south. It's kind of up to who you get at the border. I told you about our experiences this year and coming home the last time we only had to show DL's and my truck registration. Good Luck
  2. Congrats Cliff. Thanks for sharing your experience
  3. It's all good TG, just a little bump in the road Rough 48 hours but I hit the ground healing Thanks for your concern
  4. I'm really not in the mood to go there GG. Glad the guy was busted no matter what he was and your right should have been a stiffer penalty. From a yank
  5. Lake Erie a week ago Sunday was 71, this past Sunday it was 63 near the islands area.
  6. Great report dawg and even better company. Good too see Brian out having fun! Thanks for sharing
  7. Good to hear you got fixed up. Happy Anniversary to you and the Mrs., may you enjoy many more
  8. Congrats Mark to you and your wife. Nothing better than a little fishing buddy.
  9. Great looking fish Mike! Something I've never done, maybe someday though. Glad to see you spend a great morning/afternoon on the water Thanks for sharing! Whopper
  10. Very nice Have you hugged a salmon today Thanks for sharing!
  11. Sorry can't help ya Clive. Just stay away from a one way charter called Bada Bing and the captains name is Tony. lol Good Luck in your search!
  12. Brandon some excellent shots bud. I really the the fifth one down with the water casscading down through the mossy rocks. Thanks
  13. Thoughts and prayers are with ya bud. Some things in life just aren't fair and this is one of them! Be strong and take care Phil
  14. Dandy redfish dawg! At least you with good company
  15. JB just go into the members list find him and shoot him a pm. Roger (BPSBASSMAN) I'm sure will be more than happy to answer your questions. Cheers
  16. Here's a site I use for Lake Erie that also covers Lake O take your pick http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=45139 http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=45012 http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/station_page.php?station=45135
  17. Don't mean to hijack this thread but, Yunno doogle your absolutely correct, not enough of these "thank you's" anymore. Thanks for being polite SF! Cheers
  18. Great shots Dan. I know you look forward to this race every year and glad that you had a good time. What are all those beads around the necks of the partiers for ? Thanks Whopper
  19. Good report Mike except for the hook in the finger. Good to see you get out with your dad and your are correct about the pike, although it is better when they come out of the colder waters from up north. I know your not done fishing for the season which will take the sting out of not being at your cabin, like dk says nice looking place you have there! Thanks for sharing! Whopper
  20. Matt maybe we should have went fishing with Cliff
  21. Well with the strong canadian dollar I'm sure Harper will chime in any minute
  22. An amazing report! Truely awesome experience that I'm sure will stick in the old memory bank. Kudos to everyone involved
  23. This reminds me of a Seinfeld episode " You had a reservation?" Gerritt chill dude at least you still get to go Just go with the flow I know it will be a good time Some stand up people here helping out
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