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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Happy Birthday Big Cliff! I hope you enjoyed the day!
  2. Dan some real nice shots bud. I'm liking the barn
  3. Thanks for the heads up Roy! I'm thinking here
  4. Your quite welcome Maureen! Like I said before it seems like you are always the one giving and I thought it was about time you received! Hope it serves you well! PS Thanks to Glen and Wayne, I figured that was the best way for it to get there safe and sound.
  5. I think I'll refrain from commenting on Pete's new b............
  6. I'm with Cliff on this one.
  7. Sorry for your loss Mike. You were truely blessed to have such a good friend, my deepest condolences to you and his family and friends. Phil
  8. Art should I do it or are you ?
  9. Tried to blow up the pic so I could tell what kind it was and nada We have a lot of Red Tails in the area Better keep Marvin inside!
  10. Mark I ran into the same problem with a older LCD Hummingbird, they had a set rate plus shipping. I was talking to a local tackle shop owner one day and he gave me a number of a local guy that fixed mine for $25. Maybe someone here can chime in with someone that will work on it for you Good Luck!
  11. Congrats on a good month! Looks like fun was had by all!
  12. That'll make Farmer happy! No harm no foul! But then again that X 15 made a couple other lost souls very happy campers earlier in the week so your still ahead in the game TG!
  13. Your right Terry, I wish I had one You still have to look at it though
  14. It only works if your looking at it I guess it no more follow the leader for you Kyle
  15. Cool stuff Dan! 1973 I was graduating from high school 1974 I was having fun But cannot elaborate
  17. Glen your starting to pi$$ me off Those are some dandy looking slabs, congrats bud!
  18. Just read the other thread that goes with this one, Rick we went through the same thing a few years back with our old family dog. She was fourteen at the time and we didn't think twice about having the knee repaired. The biggest discomfort ours had was the bell collar they made her wear so she didn't dig at her stiches. I think you'll find Jack will do just fine. Good Luck and hope everthing works out.
  19. Lew when mine were young we did the set out cookie thing which was cool. Since mine are now older and gone from home the tradition is for them to come spend the night before Christmas at our house so we can celibrate together in the morning with the biggest difference being we don't get up at "Lew O'clock"
  20. Great report Mike Beautiful fish! Thanks for sharing!
  21. LOL Wayne After reading that twice I felt like I was in the tent with him
  22. Besides some that have been posted by able body fisher people the one that I was real happy reading was when Chris Linder was shown on an outing
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