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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Two or three cubes and a couple fingers of Crown Royal in a short glass will do ya Happy Holidays!
  2. All is well Pete I received my issue on Saturday and again you and your writers have done a splendid job Keep up the good work Thanks! Holiday greetings to all at EA!
  3. Congrats Gerritt You'll really like the mag, a lot of good info and most importantly fish porn to the max. I really enjoy getting mine and usually there is at least a couple OFC'ers in each issue. Cheers!
  4. OMG That was dang hilarious. Wayne you really should have put up a warning though, I've got a mess here now. Wayne you got those Travolta moves down now
  5. I feal for ya bud. I went through something simular a few years back, worked and was brain washed for the same guy for 14 years, made him a ton of money. Watched plenty of guys come and go while I was there and all I ever heard was "Is there no loyality?" from the man. Long and short of it got a PHONE CALL on Thanksgiving telling me that I was going to be laid off. Went to him the day after and told him to write me a check for what he owed me for the last two weeks of work and the balance of my vacation pay, said he owed me no vacation pay because I was laid off but would pay me for my work, looked him square in the eye and said "where is your loyality", he paid me what he owed and I went on my way. The guy called me a couple months later to come back to work and I said NO Thanks. Back then I didn't make much money and only got to fish once in a while, still don't make much but I pretty much fish whenever I want within reason. Hang in there you've gotten some good advise here. Good Luck!
  6. Bull.... I know what your up to and GCD will probably be on the other end of a good ole arse whopping next June
  7. Dang I'm going to have to pat down the mailwoman today I think she is holding out on me. Thanks for the heads up Connie
  8. Ouch! Guess I need to quit complaining about the rain a 40F
  9. Well done Lew! Thanks for the recap! Glad you had a good year except for the loss of Ed. Good Luck in 08
  10. Might be why he is sick (but then again when hasn't he been ) Standing to close to the still, inhaled some of those fumes Sober up ...I mean get well soon
  11. Excuse me but I think you people have misplaced some of the white stuff Either that or a snowcone truck dumped it's load in my driveway this morning What the heck is going on? We've had two snow falls in the same week Would you all just inhale already
  12. Boy ain't that the truth What's for dinner Lew?
  13. Wayne it seems to me that a certain someone said Call his bluff
  14. Well Glen I managed a "Dam" fish yesterday, matter of fact a couple of them. I'll see your striper and raise ya a smallie Good report bubba Thanks!
  15. Very good report! Thanks for sharing your insite and passion of your three year stay in Canada. Kudos to you for rekindling your quest for angling, hope your return home will open up another chapter of success for you. Thanks for sharing the photo's and stories! I have a feeling that it won't be long that you will return in search of species that won't be available to you on the other side of the pond. Good Luck and be well! Cheers
  16. I don’t think I could mount it but I would like to wrestle with her
  17. Very true statement Connie. Had time to reflect yesterday in what I had to be thankful for during the last year and you my friend were one of them.
  18. Like Art said it was a good day to give thanks, I found myself thinking back over the last year and had a lot to be thankful for. Besides chowing down on some fine food it was great to spend some time with my children Gerrit to funny bud, like that Sadler diddy. Pete no worries for being late, you were right on time bud! Got up at five am prepped the 20lb turkey and kept an eye on it till it was ready to eat at noon. Final results Ate well took the manditory nap all was good I know what I'll be having for lunch today Cheers
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