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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Glad to see ya out and about with a rod and reel Matt Thanks for sharing
  2. Keram did one of the best reno jobs IMHO Do a search of his post
  3. A great tribute to your "Papa" Thanks to him and others like him we enjoy our freedom to persue our interests today Thanks Corey
  4. Sometimes one cannot measure a succesful season by the number of outings or the number of fish caught. Sounds to me like your "11" is is good as it gets. Congrats to you Cheers!
  5. Great post Corey! This right here say's it all
  6. I'm a fellow buckeye, send me a pm and I'll give you a couple options Good Luck!
  7. I have went through two (failed) in my I/O in twelve years so I carry a spare. Mine is really easy to change more so that an outboard.
  8. Gerritt one of my buds has pretty much the same symtoms as you although he doesn't work his legs twenty four seven. He has been going to the doctor for test for about a month, they haven't figured out exactly what is wrong with him but they did start him on B12 shots and they are also treating him for high blood pressure. I'll ask him tomorrow for any further info. Andy you know a good electrician
  9. I'd luv too.......but you know.......
  10. Better bring one of the pink tutu's in a small for dawg
  11. Maureen all you have to do is fog the motor, put stabilizer in the tank and change the lower unit fluid. Make sure that you lower the motor to let all the water run out. No need to remove motor from boat, maybe just cover it. As far as the hitch goes I'm kinda of confused maybe pics will clear up the problem you have. Sorry Lew beat me to it, and he's right is real easy to do plus it will save ya some money
  12. Yep DanC's neighbor cept I'd have to get divorced wife doesn't like the cold or snow
  13. Kirk if TJ can clean up there well anybody.......... I haven't been there but heard a lot of good things about the lake and the lodge Good luck
  14. Well done Dawg! Looks like a good time to me Thanks for sharing!
  15. ROFLMAO and this would be a problem HH NOT
  16. Well Lew your right lol The thing is my hair wouldn't have to be that long to get to my knees...I've got that other Italian Mans disease.....
  17. Good read Cliff! I'm inclined to agree with moosebunk and Dan on this one plus I love to feast on the walleye from the cold waters of NWO. Cheers
  18. Glad to hear things went well! Just recovering from surgery myself, kind of jealous your active date is only two weeks out. Cheers Whopper
  19. And the hits just keep on coming! Congrats on a great day on the water fellas. Wayne knowing Lew I can almost bet he didn't mind you out scoring him Karma strikes again. Free estimates Wayne.... thay's what I do best anymore Cheers
  20. Give me the pasta anyday Plus I've never heard of anyone drinking red wine with a big mac. Cheers!
  21. Bang on Mike, some dandy looking fish! I know exactly zilch when it comes to steelheading but between you and a few others it sure looks like fun. Hope your outing with your bud Kareem turns out well! Thanks for sharing
  22. Excellent Pete & Charmaine Funny that some of the simplest (fish & a smile) things in life can be the most rewarding. Glad to see ya enjoying yourselves Cheers!
  23. Fantastic Maureen! Hope she treats you well. I had that same motor on my first bass boat and had pretty good luck with it. Now go get it all slimed up. Cheers!
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