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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Mike sorry to hear about your friend. True friends as you have descibed Kareem are a treasure. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and his. Whopper
  2. Roy is correct on the dia of the hole size. First number you gave is the bolt size (#12) and the second is the # of threads per inch I believe
  3. Cliff I'm sure Ernie walked away with a smile on his face. Always great to meet other members
  4. I'm glad that this story had a happy ending! Whopper
  5. Whopper


    Good shots Jim here a few from me Lake Erie Lakair Lake Erie Holinshead NWO WhiteClay NWO this pic was taken with a disposable camera and scanned
  6. Welcome aboard ohiomatt! Good Luck on your trip north. Hmm this is interesting two new buckeye board members in the last two days Maybe we should start a buckeye chapter. From a fellow buckeye
  7. Welcome aboard redsfan. Sorry can't help ya with Mountain Lodge. From another buckeye
  8. Sorry to hear about your motor problems Matt! Hope you get fixed up Whopper
  9. How do you think I feel Jim I was going to comment and said to myself nah baby nah
  10. WHAT!!! I believe it I saw it with my own two eyes I believe everything I see or read on the interweb Next thing your going to tell me is there isn't any Santa Claus
  11. Whopper

    Welcome !!!

    WTG Dan this is going to be awesome, I myself have been thru a big learning curve the last year and kind of found myself in a lull here the last couple months so this has got me re energized Heres a few that I was happy with
  12. Happy Birthday Cliff, hope Carole spanks ya
  13. Good report Glen. I've got a question though....did you retire or what? Cheers Whopper
  14. I with Smokey and Joey on this one, no need to post the pic period. Bad taste in my book! You don't see other people posting beheaded pics of walleye, bass or even perch heads. Whopper
  15. Matt get the 40lb if you can, the bigger won't have to work as hard and a battery should last you at least a day depending on the wind speed.
  16. We'll after some prodding and some planning I was finally able with the help of Don (Deg) to finally hook up with Paul (OhioFisherman) for a day of fishing on Lake Erie. The plan was for Don to pick up Paul and bring him to my buddy's place on Catawba Island where I had arraigned a day on the big boat for Paul. Funny I gave Don directions and my cell number when he got close and I was going to meet him out on the highway because my bud's place can a little tricky to find, the meet up time was 7:00am and at about 6:45am I getting a little antsy and decide I going to the truck to get Don's cell number, well as soon as I head to the truck up pulls a van, this can't then uh?, it was and Paul was driving. I can not believe they found the place on their own but I guess after years of driving a truck and the fact that Paul used to play in this area it was no big deal to him. We we had a little problem and that was the fact that with the wrong wind this time of year coupled with low water level we weren't going to be able to get the boat out of the channel, so after some idle chat we decided to go have some breakfast. So off we went and wouldn't you know it when we get back the water level has risen just enough for a go to leave the channel. I guess Paul was so excited to fish he had to try his luck right off the end of the dock. Choice of fish for the day was smallmouth bass. Now my buddy and I haven't really fished for the smallies in the past so armed with spinning rods and tube baits we go out and hit the southwest corner of Kellys Island. We weren't there 15 minutes when my buddy Joe hooks one and I say to myself this is going to be a good day, #1 we have Paul in the boat and #2 sometimes my buddy Joe has a hard time with the catching part of fishing lol, so I figure if he's caught one the rest will follow.... Well the catching part of the day didn't come off like I had planned but the company sure was great. The only smallmouth that were landed were one each by Joe and Don and true to form I still reign as the poophead king with four sheepsheads with Paul trying to give me a run for that title which I'd be more than had to hand over to him . I didn't do a very good job with the camera Saturday and Don is off to help Kevin at Lakair this week so maybe when he get back he'll share his pics with us. Don with his little smallie Paul with a big grin on his face after catching a sheepshead Don had to take a rest after all the action from the day Don and paul getting jiggy with it Seen a couple of these fellas in one area, Don thought one was trying to get in the boat. This pic doesn't do what we saw justice while coming back in the harbor there is a sand bar that these people were walking there dog and it almost appeared they were walking on water. left to right Paul, Joe & Don I have visited, chatted, dined and had coffee with Don and Ruth numerious times but never spent the day with him in a boat so it was nice to do that but what made this a special outing was the fact that Paul was able to join us and I sincerely hope that we can do this again. I think he had a good time because everytime I snuck a look at him he was smiling. Paul when your up to it just let me know we'll see what we can do. Oh and I'll warn everbody Paul has to have the heaviest tackle box of anyone I know for no bigger than it is. Thanks Don for the help and Thanks Paul for the day! I had a blast. Phil
  17. Should have chased him down in your new boat
  18. Sorry Gerritt I forgot that you asked about a spare, Terry's info is correct but I still stand behind what I stated about trailer tires in general.
  19. Gerritt the first letter is correct and yes the 5 bolt pattern should be standard. IMHO and this is from experience, if you are going to trailer your boat a lot buy quality tires not the cheapest ones you can buy. I'm not saying the one at BPS is the best because it's $90.00 you have to make sure of the number or plys and the load rating. Keep properly inflated. Bigger the better in my book. My boat is a lot heavier than yours and I run Good Year Marathon steel belted radials and after years of using Carlilse's I'll never go back if I can help it. Trailer maintenance is critical if you don't want to have any problems. Hope this helped Whopper
  20. Oh I get it! soak them in kerosene and use them for light/heat
  21. I'm glad everything worked out for everyone involved Wayne. It looks like your investment in the big boat already has payed dividends. Like Ron said material items can be replaced but our children "ireplaceable". I'm sure the bottom of the boat will always be a reminder. Whopper
  22. LOL doogle I was thinking more a long the lines of some of GCD's special brew, it'll make ya forget that you even had a throat
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