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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. First thing is I'm surprised to hear you ever smoked TG. Chesterfields? Not going to win this bet but I quit smoking cigarettes over fours years ago, quit once for seven years but had a two year relapse. Marboros were my choice. edit I have to come clean, I'm not smoke free because I do indulge in cigars. Don't I already owe you a case of beer?
  2. No thanks required Raf, only the best for my northern neighbors
  3. No woriies Brian that's two weeks worth of therapy right there
  4. Thanks Brian I think you made me seperate some major scar tissue this morning. Jeesh that's some funny stuff right there.
  5. That'll teach him for not taken me with him
  6. If it's info on rod building you want Speil is your man, not only are his rods beautiful works of art they are highly functional. Cheers
  7. The Main Street pier is down at the boardwalk, and scammers and undesireables hang out down there (I'm trying to be polite here ) Parking a vehicle is at risk. A lot more traffic up there also. I like the Sunglow, been going there for years and I see some of the same "good old boys" that kinda of police their pier. I think the last time I was there it was $6.00 for a 24hr pass or I used to buy a 7day $25 pass plus your bait. You can buy the bait on the pier or save a little bit and buy from a bait shop not a couple hundred yards from the pier (have to pass it on your way in).
  8. Beans is right on with fishing off the pier, but go to the south one Sunglow not the Main Street pier, personally I think the fishing is better at Sunglow and a little safer too!
  9. Roy you can tell dawg that if he needs to make a stop to just call me, he's got my number. Good luck to you and everyone else and be safe! Cheers!
  10. Yep, Weds it was in the 60's here and yesterday our high was 35 with a brisk breeze and snow flurries on and off all day. I guess it's time to put the shorts away and get out the long sleeve shirts
  11. Dan the HDR conversion looks sweet! The first shot is the original without any touch up (underexposed), second pic is the first edited to get rid of the red eye (still underexposed though) like Rick was taking about and the third was taking the first pic and brighten it up but I left the red eye in on purposed. I'm using Photoshop CS2. Like I said "got to start somewhere" and the only money out of pocket was me buying the user guide for the program, my son gave me the CS2.
  12. Ok don't laugh, I'm going to try to catch up with some of you guys so I had to start somewhere lol. This little fella was stealing green tomatoes that I had picked off my plants and set out to ripen. Anywho all the pics that I have ever posted have been untouched and after seeing what you guys have been doing I going to try to follow suit so to speak. First shot raw I know it has red eye but I thought it was fitting for the little devil Reduced the red eye lighten up but left the devil eye Like I said I had to start somewheres Cheers
  13. Thought the same thing Paul but after looking at his ride and being a Chevy guy I thought is was really nice. Don't tell him that though
  14. Lucky you Lew! All we get down here are 30minute infomercials and some dude from Tenn that fishes in ponds. A local guy here does write for Muskt Hunter Mag With no fishing the last month and sitting in front of the idiot box I really wonder why I even have cable tv Enjoy!
  15. No worries Wayne I was just busting your chops I did see Glen yesterday and he is pretty stoked about the BOQ. Roy he doesn't have a gun rack but he did have about a dozen rods hanging out the back of his truck plus he was sober so that would explain why he doesn't sound like he normally does douG So be prepared to defend yourselves
  16. Thanks Wayne .....that didn't sound right...
  17. Tell him to suck it up! I for one don't feel sorry for him Cheers
  18. Well done Joey! Couldn't ask for better company and fish to boot Thanks for sharing!
  19. Well done Mike! Outstanding pics! Thanks for sharing!
  20. At least you have a good sense of humor Cliff Congrats on giving it the old college try
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