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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Nice! I really have to get there one of these days.
  2. Good fishing and catching report. Some fine pics too! Thanks for sharing a rant free report Cheers
  3. First time I heard that Paul (Bob & Tom Morning show) I laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes The guy that did this has a whole tape of conversations with telemarketers, good stuff
  4. Congrat on your first! Good on percher for helping ya out Whopper
  5. Hi Wayne good to hear from ya LOL on the Constanza. I guess I should have bought some Canon stock. Looking forward to some of your pics Good Luck on your upcoming adventure Cheers Whopper
  6. Thanks for the report! Border crossings can be a hassle. For me it has been a hit and miss deal the past few years Cheers Whopper
  7. Well done Camp Chef Thanks for taking the time to post these pics. Some dandy looking fish! BREWERS? someone needs a Reds cap
  8. Doogle is correct, in my first trip to Canada in 1973 I had to give the bartender a dime for every US dollar I gave him
  9. Joey I think it may get worst before it gets better, from my side anywho
  10. While on Photobucket in your album under each photo are four tags. Copy and paste IMG tag to your post it's that easy
  11. You can do one of two things, don't know what you are running but right click and see if you have the option to resize pic, if you do resize and load that one. Or you could use a webs site called photobucket (it's free) and it does it for you, then it's as easy as copying and pasteing.
  12. It's the captains call and if you don't fish no pay.
  13. Don't think they'll hurt the dog but grass is a whole different ball game http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/ent/biocontr.../nematodes.html Uh and here I thought nematodes was a form of grubs. Gerritt merit will keep them in check if you apply every year, Never seemed to effect my dog.
  14. Mike I have followed this story and good on you and aniceguy for taking a friend on what might be his last fishing trip here on earth. I really can't see a better last journey. I know you hurt now and you will miss your friend, but in days, weeks and even years to come everytime you think of Kareem it will bring a smile to your soul. May Kareem find peace. God Bless Phil
  15. LOL Pete Pete I would like to see a pic of you and one of those toothy critters, Good Luck!
  16. Goran if you think for a minute I'm going to pick a fight with you ........ well lets just say I want to remain healthy
  17. There may some truth that some will stop coming up, Heck in just this area alone if they did you guys would have Rice Lake all to yourselves. GW is from Texas lol Brian this may be off subject but I know a lot of the Canadians on your side of Lake Erie really appreciate what the State Of Ohio does for the fishery on the big lake.
  18. Hope they don't call Lew out of retirement
  19. bigbuck it's going to have to get a lot worst to stop me from coming up. misfish a couple places in NWO that I have been to have personally told me that even exchange they would still rather cater to US patrons because we come to fish and appreciate more. Don't want to start a big debate just relaying what was said to me personally. What comes around goes around, in 1973 for every dollar I took out of my pocket across the border I had to give up a dime. Cheers
  20. Got that right Raf! Didn't think he was taking pot shots at any one, he usually speaks the truth as does Lew
  21. Did ya mark the spot with a yellow buoy? Got to luv em
  22. I concur Roy, what's next washing the birds too!
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