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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Everything here is fair game unless it get locked or deleted
  2. Good to see ya get out Tom! Thanks for the report
  3. I was at the one in Cincy last Friday, didn't want to fight the weekend crowd so I went at lunch time. Expensive lunch break
  4. I just asked someone the other day about you Brian. Glad to hear your still kicking. Be well!
  5. I'm about 150 miles south of OhioFisherman and we have robins here all winter long, right now some of them are looking fat. I'm sure Paul has a few around. Right now the Cardinals are paring off
  6. Hope the repair bill is not to painful dawg! You could always come get my and slime it Glen, Lord knows I'm not using it and it's ready to go
  7. Doogle was that the one he caught or the one he got to hold
  8. Yes Paul the Hinkley Buzzards have returned
  9. I went to BPS in Cincy last friday, picked up something that I have been wanting for a few years, also bought a new baitcaster reel, man that was an expensive lunch break. I spent a lot of money but then again because I did my homework I saved a bundle in the process. Cheers
  10. Geesssh the nerve of BPS Is it time to start fishing yet? Better yet I think I'll go spend some of my money there today
  11. Sorry to hear about the mishap, but glad your ok!
  12. Nah I got one boiling Wayne That's funny right there.
  13. I like to say it not going to effect me but then again when the funds run out what ya going to do. I generally make two trips to Canada and at least ten trips to Lake Erie, so we'll see.
  14. Good article! I get really excited stepping up into a float plane. I mean really excited
  15. Sounds like a great adventure Wayne! That's probably the best non-catching report that I've read. No worries on the snow removal, I did enough this past weekend for the two of us. Thanks for sharing!
  16. LOL Paul and yes I shoveled snow all today I wouldn't want to make a habit out of it though We had only gotten 15 inches total for the year before this storm and we got more than that in the last 34 hours. No worries it's finally through. It was nice to chat with ya on the phone
  17. Nah were about even Cory!
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