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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Yea Cliff I could use a ride, but ya might have to leave a little earlier if ya want to be on time.
  2. Glad to see ya out harassing the fish population Glen. Thanks for sharing!
  3. Sorry can't help ya, but thats great news!
  4. The Lund sound like a decent deal but holding out a bit longer for what you really want is better
  5. I did a side job today to pad the fishing account, got enough back log to pay for the first few months of the new season. Even earned some brownie points hanging some new curtains Nice work Wayne.
  6. Good deal Ben! Your living what most of us dream about. Good Luck!
  7. Yep not a good thing HH Terry you heard right about their daily intake. I've seen first hand what kind of destruction these birds can do. On two different islands on Lake Erie they have completely killed the vegetation where they congregate. Another place I fish, Rice Lake is starting to get a real good population of them too and they have completely killed the trees on Prison Island and the last time I was there they had but a pretty good dent in the trees on the southeast side on Potdash Island. I guess my point is not only are they harmful to the fishery they raise havoc with the vegetation in areas. Wayne I hope your successful in your effort to control
  8. Yes heard the same thing Roy and a bunch of people are challenging the authenticity of the catch. Some say it was foul hooked.
  9. Cliff Gerritt is correct they make snow melt cable specifically for roof applications The following is a link for you to look at http://www.tycothermal.com/usa/english/sno...al/default.aspx Good luck!
  10. Wow No snow here but we did get 5 inches of rain in a 24 hour period yesterday.
  11. This really ticks me off as it hits close to home. These people arn't fisherman there rapist. Wish The MNR would follow suit with the State of Ohio at least on the walleye harvest We have something going on here where the state may lower bag limit of perch from 30 to 25 that is going to upset a lot of people, they lowered it last year. Won't bother me if they lower it I will follow the rules.
  12. Glad to hear Connie and Glen are well!
  13. Better bring your own booze
  14. And to think he's only here 3/4 of the year HH your bang on with your comments. Wayne is a good guy! Always around to lend a hand Geesh did I just say that out loud
  15. Yep I liked it, although I didn't see it I listen to it. Wayne you must be an offensive type of guy , being a defensive coach for years with the young men I found it was a good game. A lot better than the usual blowouts.
  16. Well done! Glad to see you get out and have some fun! Thanks for sharing Tom
  17. Still good to hear from ya though, it can only go up from here bud.
  18. Thanks Matt for giving a fellow buckeye some info
  19. Geesh Pete, hope it heals up alright for ya bud. Don't know about the hook but I'd of help ya with the brews Kudos to the one's with the good advice!
  20. misty don't make me get out my stick Paul later in the season last year we had some really low water situations because of the blows and Joe had to make an emergency run to the lake to get his boat over to the marina for winter storage or it would be dry docked right there where it normally sits. All is well now though it's sitting on the trailer where you and Deg parked just waiting. We may visit her in a week or two for a peek. Getting kind of pumped for that first weekend when she goes in the water except for all the work involved, I may have to use a shoulder hurt excuse
  21. More structure to fish! I know exactly where that is at, haven't been back in the bay for a couple years though. Wonder if one of the Tibbel boys got some work out of the removal process?
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