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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Congrats Dan, hooking up with Bunk you can't go wrong and Wayne....well that's another story. Looks like I should have stayed up there and headed west
  2. Now Cory that wasn't entirely true Now where is your favorite smiley I'd like to use it now
  3. Well I haven't had time to put up my own report but I would like to take a moment to thank Peter (brickNblock) and his lovely wife for the very pleasant surprise of showing up at Lakair over the weekend. Seems Peter heard that myself and a few others were going to be there and he dropped everything and headed our way at the last minute. It was great to see them again and Charmine went one step further and made some of her homemade crab salad, a very delicious treat, very generous of her. Hopefully I can get up their way in the future. THANK YOU!
  4. Nice fish Lew I was glad to see someone caught one beside Corey or we would have never heard the end of it It was great to see you and a few other folks, just wished I would have been there longer.
  5. I'll be parked out front of the billboard this weekend Happy Anniversary Pete!
  6. Sorry for your loss Ron. My condolences to you and your entire family
  7. Great pictures and report! I find the bigger pike are easier to handle than the smaller ones. They will destroy some spinnerbaits though. Glad you had a good time! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Pete don't want to see you two chucking 7/0 trebles at each other, that could get dangerous See ya on Friday
  9. LOL Cory, looking forward to seeing the both of you (and a few others) this weekend Lew is fine and catching fish but most importantly he is taken care of his wife and daughter while they recuperate from their surgeries at his lake place, both his gals are doing fine
  10. Good report Glad you had a good time. Thanks for sharing!
  11. Great report Tom! Glad to see ya get out of the house for more than just a day! Now about that drive..... 6.5 hours???? walk in the park bud! Sounds like you had a good time and you took some nice pics! Thanks for sharing!
  12. Doug maybe he's tying up the Mrs Slip knot for sure
  13. Awesome report Dan! The pics as usual are excellent Thanks for sharing
  14. Six year old and considered an adult?????? I know a few adults that act like six year olds If I keep shrinking I could almost meet the childs rate
  15. Bill from where I sit that LM is well over six pounds. Congrats to your gal that's a nice fish
  16. Jason good report bud, sounds like the fishing and company made up for the bad things that happened. The camera deal is a killer. Thanks for sharing your experience
  17. Super report Joey Congrats to the both of you
  18. Good report Nice mixed bag of fish, thanks for sharing!
  19. Burt years ago we used to keep some of the white bass and white perch, personally I much prefer to eat the yellow perch, Probably about my favorite to eat besides small eater size walleye. The white bass are good but you have to keep them ice cold until/while you clean them or the meat becomes soft and mushy.
  20. Spent the weekend at my bud's place at Lake Erie. Got a late start on Friday and by the time we got there just enough time to eat dinner and sit outside and watch one heck of thunderstorm move in for about two hours, one heck of a light show until it got right on top of us. We had decided that because of the storm we would go out and get a limit of perch and then try for some eyes, the perch were more than willing, pretty much up and down fishing Saturday morning with a lot of doubles caught along with a lot of white perch and white bass. Had to sort through a lot of small perch to fill our tickets with decent fish. After the perch it was time to turn to the walleyes, we set up trolling along the border west of North Bass Island running a four rod spread and we couldn't keep rods in the water, started off catching two nice size eaters then the eyes kept getting smaller, it was good to see a lot of smaller walleyes for the future. Along with the smaller fish we caught some big perch (figures we already had our limit) and a ton of big white bass. Because there was only two of us on the boat it made for some interesting moments, we caught a ton of fish just not what we were after. Here's a shot of two of four that made it to the box. Forward to Sunday morning, my buddie's son came up and he wanted to do some perching so with the short amount of time to fish and because we did so well on Saturday we figured we could pull a three man limit in just a few hours, ....WRONG Seems the sheepheads wanted to play and we couldn't get away from them. Baaaaahhhhhhh We ended up with just about two limits of perch, ran out of minnows and the wind completely died and it was getting hot so we called it a day. Another fine trip to Erie is in the books :cheers:
  21. Paul is having computer issues.....ITS BROKEN Someone is trying to get him fixed back up soon.
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