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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. Hi Dustin You may want to ask DanC about Nip. I have also sent you a PM. Cheers
  2. Lew you did the right thing I hate when total strangers asked me the same thing ...I always reply "None of your business" Standing in line at the coffee shop last Saturday morning a fella asked me who I was voting for?, I told him the same thing, then another guy said "he must be a republican" I just look at both with my best Lew expression.
  3. How many shots in a bottle of Grannies medicine?
  4. Now wait a minute JP got you what??? RayK must like to fish,... only way JP would want to pass along a judge.
  5. Well done on the deck and the rest of the work at your summer home. Since your so good at dropping trees I have three here that you could practice on
  6. Great pics Dan, glad to hear you had a great time
  7. Can't be that huge of a deal if they are only going to charge you $300. I replaced the steering wheel and cable complete on my old bass boat and don't recall any problems but that was over 15 years ago
  8. Ahhh there's the Wayne we have come to love Welcome back bud! PS Sorry to step on this thread because it really doesn't have anything to do with what was asked
  9. Good morning to you too Paul! Here's a few pics of what I did yesterday afternoon, uncovering one of my kid's roommate's car from infront of their house. I was disappointed on Friday when we cancelled a trip to the big pond but now I'm kind of glad we weren't on the lake yesterday
  10. Yep southwest Ohio got hit pretty hard, spent the whole afternoon yesterday removing a tree from a car. Hard to believe we got winds up to 60MHP from something that hit land over 1200miles away. Looks like a war zone here
  11. I would if you want to make sure you get a spot. It's no big deal to reserve one just email Kevin and tell him what you want and dates. Maybe since I nothing to do with this I shouldn't have answered the question but then again I try to help where I can. Cheers
  12. That's bunk! The following is a quote from a very respected angler " Talking to you about the pike at LV is a waste of bandwith, TG knows what the pike are doing, when and where, almost down to the minute"
  13. I don't mind paying the higher price as long as there's some fresh walleye fillets in the fryer. As far as the wine goes, I think I might have to add it to the sauce
  14. Glad ya got all fixed up Paul Good to see ya back
  15. Glad to hear your daughter is safe Connie
  16. Thanks Joe and I knew what you were trying to say in the first place. You are correct, this community is without boundries, so this shouldn't be any different than guessing weights and lengths of fish lol I'm sure if one of your southern neighbors painted your countrymen with a broad brush we would see some of the same comments. Most of us from down south that visit your fine country know how most of you feel about us, we all put our pants on the same way...well except GCD
  17. Well said Joe! Not only do we try to take care of our own...it also seems we come to the aid of everybody else on this planet (that will accept it) and most seem to expect it. Edit Art well spoken!
  18. Fantastic report! This was probably the best honeymoon I have ever heard of Congrats to you and your wife, I hope you enjoy many more.
  19. Mike is was a real pleasure meeting you and your daughter, she is a real sweety The last pic looks very familiar
  20. Spent a weekend at the West Arm, picked up a worm container and a plastic bottle and a nice new boat cushion out of the water, coming back though I was surprised at the number of Timmies cups I ran over on the 401. I can see some one losing stuff out of their boat on the water and not no it but on the highway, how can people just chuck the cups out the window
  21. Bravo Dan! Great report and excellent pics! Glad to see you hooked up with two fine people. Thanks
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