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Everything posted by Whopper

  1. I've used both these outfitters and wouldn't hesitate to return to either No bass though, all the walleye and pike you care to catch http://www.armstrongoutposts.com/rates.shtml Not a remote by very affordable, been going here the last three years for walleye opener. The owner is a great guy and will treat you right http://www.trophypikecanada.com/ Good Luck in your search
  2. TJ I've been on numerous flyins and although I haven't been personally checked (on a flyin) about four or five years ago we had a plane land which had both a CO and OPP officers on the plane, they checked three of the four boats in our group and also checked the cabin freezer without anyone being present in the cabin, seemed they were only there to check for licenses and possession fish which our group was good on. They didn't make an issue about beer in the boat at the time which they could have, but I have a feeling that if the same thing happened today they wouldn't look the other way about the beer. We've had a CO waiting at base camp on our return from an outpost to check creel limits as well with no problems. From what I've heard and read this happens more in northwestern part of Ontario, just my opinion. Fisheyes is correct too about Co's coming into outpost camps and checking cabins without permission or warrants, there is a certain CO that likes to visit Sportsmans Lodge and Anglers Kingdom north of Red Lake, it happens every year. Last year we were stopped by CO's and OPP's just south of Ear Falls (HWY 105) and they were stopping everyone going south for a fish check again no problems for us (no fish) but they were writing tickets to everyone not in compliance with the regs. doack I'm not going to tell ya that it's not impossible for you to get a visitor but then again the chances are slim. Good Luck on your trip and I hope you enjoy yourself
  3. Only one thing wrong with your report Matt.......you didn't take me with you Good to see you get back home and catch some fish
  4. My heartfelt condolences to your entire family Wayne. Always remember to forget The things that made you sad. But never forget to remember The things that made you glad. Always remember to forget The friends that proved untrue. But never forget to remember Those that have stuck by you. Always remember to forget The troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember The blessings that come each day. Take Care Phil
  5. I'm with Raf & Roy on this one Awesome catch!
  6. Rice Lake, Indian River outlet area, lots of bass You can launch right out side of Keene at the river or at Serpent Mounds
  7. This is a very big fish Congrats
  8. Have fun, but then again you can't help it with that crew
  9. Some get sick days and payed to boot???????
  10. I agree with jedi I have had the same 8lb Berkley Fireline on two spinning reels for over three years now and absolutely love it and have never lost a fish due to line failure period. The line itself now almost looks like thread. I've caught everthing from small walleyes and bass to 40" pike with this stuff. I do run power pro on my bait casters and like it too 30lb & 80lb but for the smaller braid I'm sticking to the fireline
  11. Dan it has snowed the last three years while I have been up there for the walleye opener but nothing like we witnessed this year. Even the locals in Balmertown were freaking out.
  12. Chili is almost done, or should I have said stew
  13. DanC mentioned in another post about the snow storm that hit the day before the walleye opener. Here's a few shots the day after.
  14. Awesome shots Dan The guy wind surfing is nuts, I know how cold it was
  15. Ah Raf the voice of reason Dawg you making chili today I see
  16. Amen to that brother May 15th they couldn't even get a 12hour forecast right, why bother
  17. Happy B day, I hope it's the best Maybe I will see you and Paul next fall
  18. Will do, heck I may even get to post a catching report
  19. My brother-in-law and nephew does this and they have a lot of fun. They been doing it for a few years now Electronic hide and go seek
  20. I have a vested interest in ice out conditions in NWO and I've been following this blog http://viking-island.blogspot.com/ Walleye Central has some threads going on about conditions also. I'll be traveling through Fort Francis on the 14th or 15th Hope this helps
  21. Good luck Solo! I'm on a 16day countdown for a trek to NWO for the walleye opener...can't wait Edit: Guess I need to learn how to spell walleye before I can catch any
  22. Well done Chris Good to see ya out and about
  23. Goran you are correct as of lately say 35 years, the first time I crossed the border it as backwards 1973 I made that statement just to poke Pete
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