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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. You're most welcome G. You were very gracious in getting 'bested' by Dad BTW.
  2. She's a beauty for sure Frank. Tell Craig hello and congrats from me
  3. What an awesome day!!! The meet & greet was great and now have 2 more OFC fishing partners added to a list of many . Weather & winds were perfect and inactive fishing periods were whiled away with trading stories and making new friends. Rick I gotta say despite the 'dozing off', you are bringing up a fine young fishing amabassador in 'G' and he is a fine reflection of yourself (besides, 'FISH ON!! Seemed to take care of the 'napping). A couple of added notes...... Rick's horizontal hold of the Tyee is not extended (he had the fish slime on his shirt to prove it LOL) & @ 6 ft 'ish 190 lbs (am I close ??) and shows a true trophy photo. Congrats. It's only the 2nd Tyee landed on my boat and I am still waiting to call one my own but the thrill of putting a guest on one is good enough for me . Heart Break!! I've seen a lot of Kings inside of 50 ft and I'm almost certain that my brother's missed fish (pulled the treble off the split ring ) was potentially the third Tyee landed aboard my boat. Definitely fueled his newborn addiction though and almost every fish he does land is a new PB. Quote of the day; G boats a nice 12 lb bow and I ask him if he needs a hand holding up the fish for a photo..... Me: "G, you need a hand???" G: "Sure, can you hold the net??" OMG, 2 funny.. FYI; Fire Tiger combo (dipsey, spin doctor & blue gree atomic fly) is always deployed 150-180 ft on #3 setting off one of my wire rods. Caught Rick his PB Tyee as well as a 32.5 pounder and 75% of our 20+ fish over the last 3 seasons. "Great Ontario Salmon Derby" Tickets; Stopped buying multiple tickets (for family & crew) last season. 2 'official DQ's' against qualifiers last year & so far this season Makes me wonder how many cheats are not getting caught??? As Rick mentioned, fishing for fun is way more rewarding. Hopefully, I have a few more trips in the coming weeks and if I have an open seat(s), I'll be sure to post as much in advance as possible. Would be great to add another member or 2 to the Tyee Club Rick & G, I can't wait to fish your home harbor next year Tightlines All, Simon
  4. I enjoyed hearing 'the rest of the story' while fishing with you & G yesterday Rick. LOL.
  5. Paul, Very happy to hear things are going your way Simon
  6. 7/8 today on LO & OFC has a new Tyee Club member (he'll be posting a reort ar some point ;) )

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Oh wait,I was there too.LOL

    3. Pikeslayer


      It's all about the FW. Fish Whispering.

    4. spincast


      Thanks Simon - obviously the secret is to be in someone else's boat :)


  7. This was a topic of discussion earlier this week: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=70988
  8. Last week, I took a rare July/August trip to our home lake south of Parry Sound. As quality bait fish is imperative to catching 10+ pike & 5+ walleye, I was determined to find a bait shop enroute (from Mississauga) without having to extend my drive to PS. After some detective googling, I came across 'True Canadian Outdoors'. To be honest, their website is somewhat confusing and still references the old hwy 400 location so I went 'old school' and picked up the phone to confirm location and hours. TCO is located @ 3175 Rutherford Road, unit H46 in Vaughan. Directly NW of Bass Pro in one of the perimeter strip malls. Best direction I could give is to enter off of Rutherford Road @ the Husky Gas Station. Go south to the first entrance/left turn into the strip mall directly south of Husky. You'll find TCO tucked into a corner unit. It's worth the adventure of finding LOL. After meeting and chatting with owner Nick, I ordered 2 dozen large minnows. While Nick was prepping the minnows (including an ice pack in the box for the 2+ hour drive), I perused his shop. I got to tell ya, his prices on rods, reels & terminal tackle were really impressive. I'm sending my SIL there in early September to buy a combo for my B'DAY. BTW, we lost 4 minnows over 3 1/2 days and the survivors were feisty and caught us some decent fishies. If you're in the BPS neighborhood or looking to pick up some bait 2 minutes off the highway, it's definitely worth your while to find Nick @ True Canadian Outdoors. As mentioned, he could update & invest a little in his website but now that I know where to find him, I'll be visiting there often over September & October & probably be doing a little Christmas shopping as well. Cheers, Slayer
  9. City Marine x2. BTW, Dave is vacationing in Ireland for the next 2 weeks. Beto (Baytoe) is his senior mechanic/lieutenant.
  10. Million Dollar Smiles...Not Fishing Our beautiful Grandaughter Leah was diagnosed with Wilm's Tumor shortly after her second birthday last October. Thanks to her incedible team @ Sick Kids Hospital Network (Toronto, Boston & Dallas), Credit Valley Hospital and her heroic parents, Leah is an angelic survivor before her 3rd birthday. With a "Wish" in the bank redeemable when she turns 5 years old So my daughter calls me a couple of weeks ago and is excited beyond comprehension. "Leah's been nominated to receive an 'gift' from Million Dollar Smiles. They're coming on Saturday July 20th to install a playhouse in the back yard!!!" Saturday arrived and Mom & Leah had to be offsite for the build so they spent a fun filled morning keeping distracted (thanks to Ta Tia). The team from $1,000,000 :) accompanied by a volunteer crew from Elevation Church bright and early @ 8:30 am. We were told there would be approximately 20 volunteers and my SIL did a head count of 42 @ mid day. The the build was on!! With so many wonderful people volunteerring their time on a beautiful Saturday, the build completion & 'reveal time' was pushed ahead to 1:00 pm vs. 3:30. So after a bit of scrambling and tracking the girls down, it was time for the big reveal...... It was a very emotional surprise (yes, Poppa shed a few tears) and Leah was not happy with a yard full of angels, but quickly came around... At the end of an exciting day, it was time to spend some quiet time with her new baby sister Kiera Grace. To an amazing organization ( www.milliondollarsmiles.ca ) and the volunteers @ Elevation Church, our families heart felt gratitude and blessings go out to you all :) If your interested to see the full video ( build + reveal), you can see it here. Thx for looking, Simon ps. Sean is doing well, and despite the long road ahead he is getting better and a little stronger every day
  11. Frank & Juli, Nice to see you managed to get away together for some alone time We still set aside a couple of weeks @ Lake 'X' every September to have our adult kids (25-30) and grandchildren now, up for some family holidays. It's the highlight of our summer
  12. Tournament is 7 full weeks. 6 Matrix + 1 Tundra = 7 'grand prizes'. Entries from the 'tundra winning week' do not move up a place accordingly. That would require an additional Matrix.
  13. And you're the vice-president of Muskies Canada???? President in waiting???? Wow!!!!!
  14. LMAO Brian. That dancing 'bow' was hilarious. I figure it would have made into the boat all by itself to join in our conversation. It was a lean day on Lady O fish wise, the east winds started blowing as the morning was growing and the swells were reaching a meter or more (it's gonna get nasty tomorrow I think) but The Mistress managed well. At the end of the day, it wasn't all about the fishing. Likewise, I'm honored to call you friend Brian Happy that Barb's Roti didn't disappoint and sorry to say that while you were battling traffic I was catching a few zzzzzz's. Roy. Yes thank you, things are shaping up. Our Grandaughter Leah is in full remission and has a new (month old) sister, Kiera Grace. Sean is finally where he needs to be and receiving the appropriate care and extensive therapy. He is responding well, looking much better and seems to be engaged for the challenging road to recovery. We are very happy and grateful to WCB Alberta for approving the funding. Albert. Stop with the rumours. See ya in a few weeks. GREAT TO BE ON THE WATER AGAIN :)
  15. WE'RE COMING HOME!! Monday via Lear 35/36A. Can't wait!!!

  16. Most sincere blessings to you and yours Bruce.
  17. Hey OFC!! Happy Easter!! First off, thanks for the continued PM's & emails.They are most appreciated by myself & Sean. Apologies for the delays in posting updates, but I'm trying to limit them to 'milestones'. . So here is the latest. It's a 'biggie'. 03/29 Update We've been waiting for something 'significant' to report and post in an update and so here's a great news update on Sean; Troy (Sean's brother in law) visited last weekend and we noticed that Sean's ability to 'track' and attention had improved in duration. Troy was showing Sean some videos of Leah and NHL highlights and we noticed Sean was able to focus for intermittent 10 second spans. A week later, Mom & Tyler are here to visit and his attention span is easily 30 seconds or more, and definitely more frequent. Sean is responding to voice now by turning his head in the proper direction to follow voice and movement. This seems to be very challenging for him but he is trying very hard. The increased activity is also somewhat exhausting for him and our challenge is to not over stimulate him and allow him to rest appropriately in between activity. Sean's neuro nurse has instructed us to constantly encourage and let him know he is improving and getting better day by day. Technically Sean is still comatose, but he is trying like hell to wake up. We are more optimistic day by day and these small steps are positive progress to continued improvement and recovery. No matter how long the road is, and without doubt, we know your thoughts, prayers and messages of hope and encouragement have been, and continue to be, as important as the medical team efforts and ongoing treatment. Please keep them coming. We are all truly grateful. 03/30 This morning, Sean’s treach was ‘capped’ to evaluate whether he could breathe through his mouth/nose. He passed the 8 hour test with flying colours. Obviously this was more physically demanding for him and his awareness level was somewhat subsided vs. yesterday. We’ll take that though. It’s another step towards his recovery and eventual return home to Ontario. Sincererly, The Murphy's
  18. Thanks Albert, One more detail. Sean's family name is Murphy. Thanks to every one in the community. Sean continues to fight!!!
  19. Sean is stable but remains in critical condition. He is currently comatose without drug induced protocol. Although this is not great news, there is hope and lets not let go of that!! They fixed the broken right arm and suspect soft tissue/ligament damage to the right knee but are unable to confirm due to his current condition. There are no internal injuries and his heart is strong! Right now all efforts and resources are focused on Sean's brain injury. His Royal Alexander neurological team is fantastic (one of the best in Canada) and very forthcoming with information ( no crap with these guys) and diagnosis. Recovery is going to be a long haul with many challenges and unknowns. Many good thoughts and prayers need to be said before this is done. Please remind God that Sean is a keeper. I will bring Sean home!! just not sure when. Thx for all the FB postings, texts, emails and voicemails. I will read every one to Sean. All the family are truly overwhelmed and appreciative of your support. As well, Sean lost a great coworker and mentor in this tragic accident. Please don't forget Ron and his family in your thoughts and prayers. God bless you all. And of course Sean. Simon, Marianne, Meghan, Tyler & Sean http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/02/07/highway-881-crash-leaves-one-mand-dead-two-injured_n_2635908.html?utm_hp_ref=canada-alberta
  20. I have received many PM's with prayers, best wishes and questions. As well as FB, emails & phone calls. It is becoming challenging to keep up with responses so I thought it would be best to post here for all of our community. PM's and emails are still welcome but I would respectfully request no phone calls and thank you for understanding. I've attached a link at the end of the update concerning accident details (non graphic, just the facts). It looks like I will be residing in Edmonton for the foreseeable future and will try to post updates as often as needed. Thank you all in advance for your blessings, prayers and best wishes. Sean needs all the help he can get!!! Simon
  21. Very low blow there children. No doubt, your families are proud?
  22. I think this is the most offensive post I have ever read on OFC. Breeding???? Grandma never had a native???? Wow!!
  23. Big day tomorrow for our little Princess Leah. More well deserved Bravery Beads on the way :)

    1. Skipper D

      Skipper D

      we can take it as progress is being made ....

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