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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Received an early christmas gift with some awesome news today :)

  2. A bunch of us will be there the weekend after (23-25). Hopefully the bite turns on for you. And stays on for us :thumbsup_anim:
  3. Sorry to hear that Nick. Damn!!
  4. Pretty sure you know my neighbourhood Brian. One of your old go to's is just around the corner Yep, salt of the earth just about covers it They don't serve Pinot Grigio there We were supposed to meet Susanna & Gerald on the Bell but someone passed away and the funeral was the day of our visit. I was game to attend the wake but 'you know who' nixed it.
  5. Playtex glove in Dildo Harbour (not joking) Joey. Don't want to know what it was used/needed for the bleeding came as a result of the ex's hubby daring rock climbing. I saved his life BTW
  6. Well, summer/fall vacation is coming to an end and finally got around to do some editing. So here's a short clip (comments following) <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Ko8hd5mBqnQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Highlights:The peoples (outside of 'the town'). Their hospitality and warmth.The Claddagh Inn (St. Marys). Patrick & Carol were the best hosts and ran the finest B&B we stayed at.The weather. Unbeleivable for the first week of September.Regrets:Bringing 'the ex' but her hubby is a long time good friend.Spending too much time in 'the town'. We were in St. John's for all/parts of 5 days out of a 7 day trip (did I say bringing 'the ex' )Not booking 10 days (vs 7).Missing out on shark fishing out of St. Marys. I will be returning next year sans ex, hubby & wife to do so.The hurricane that wasn't. THEY CLOSED THE LIQUOR STORES.Missing a 'kitchen party' with my Aunt's sister (due to a funeral unfortunetly)Missing the sunrise @ Signal Hill. We were there @ 0500, but so was the fog.I did manage to bring home a chunk of salted meat (forget if it's beef or pork) and a pudding bag. I NEED A GOOD RECIPE FOR JIGS DINNER (Brian ????).All in all, I have to say it's been my favourite Canadian destination to date (been to all Canadian provinces coast to coast).Had a blast and looking forward to returning Edited to add; Though Porter Airlines had by far the best price, they don't fly direct. Even though we were the originating flight, never had to de-plane and short 15 minute stops, we flew via Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax to St. Johns. Left me with one numb Next time, direct flight regardless of cost.
  7. CITY MARINE hands down!!!! My '91 Merc 115 runs like a top. http://www.citymarinetoronto.com/ Check out all the mechanics training certificates on the wall. All current. Tell David/Linda that Simon sent you. ps. If you're entertaining any marine mechanics in the Burlington area, be sure to pm me. There is one company there that you definitely want to stay away from.
  8. Yes. According to friends down that way, they have started to turn on. good luck.
  9. And here's the proof. It cost me a premium beer (lost a bet) but BB promptly used the full can of Keith's as an ashtray for his cigar Also have to add, that this is one of the most challenging boat launches I have ever encountered. Especially with the water level down 2 ft.
  10. Yep! Sure do! Also clean and filet them if my guests aren't familiar.
  11. Brian, I will post a report when I finish my fall vacation sometime in October. Lots of photos to edit and condense into YouTube. Plus I isn't posting a report until I actually make my own jigs dinner!! I'm back in the city for only a day, hosting some OFC'rs at the lake this weekend and thinking about coming home after thanksgiving. I will say The Rock was one of my best destinations and wish I could of stayed longer and left the ex GF behind.
  12. Some days I fill my box. Some days I don't. All depends on my guests & my appetite.
  13. Call Dave@ City Marine. Tell him Simon referred you.
  14. If you ever want to meet half way Dana, my home lake is in Seguin. I could even put you up for a night. Sorry no trout, just big pike and decent walleye As well as LM, SM & perch. PM me if your interested. Slayer
  15. Youse folks have that Internet thing up there???
  16. I'll send an update when I can get on the Internet Skip. No world wide web here in Dildo NF.
  17. Nothing too dramatic Roy (except for being out of scotch). Pix will need to wait until I get home and download some video. Actually pretty calm right now, I think maybe the 'eye' is passing through??
  18. Just checked the weather; http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/graphics_at2.shtml?5-daynl
  19. How detailed would you like the notes Rick?? Coming from you Rob, that's huge I figure at the end of the trip, Pergatory would be a fair deal Joey Oh you know I will Frankie Actually planning on some moose to keep the budget in check. Cape Spear sunrise is at the top of the list. I've seen the sun set in Victoria so this will be cool.
  20. Scotch and cigars are packed. Hurricane gear as well, just in case. Leaving tomorrow 1030 and reeking terror in St. John's by 1530. Lock up your sisters me brudders, Pikeslayer is comin to town. Okay, so assuming I'm not in bed by 1900, I'm looking for fun & memories. Feel free to chime in. Will travel overnites max 3 hrs and returning next Saturday. Keep in mind I'm traveling with the Missus and ex girlfriend + hubby (it's complicated) Behave yourselves, Slayer ps. Does what happens on The Rock stay on The Rock?????
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