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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Great advice on the CC. I do it all the time when spending time outside of ON. Not to mention the awesome invite for some OFC hospitality. Definitely worth the detour Cliff.
  2. Interesting read. Lots of well read & well opinionated members here. I don't have much to add other than to say; Most times, 'faith' can be very comforting & welcome.
  3. Noticed tonight that Phaneuf spends a lot of his time in the defensive zone skating in circles with one hand on the stick?? Looks tired.
  4. I just stick my head down the hole & sight fish. 8 inch!
  5. Bumpity bump bump (Didn't want to see this drop to page 2)
  6. Have a great trip my friend . Let me know if you need any house sitting or checking up on the kids
  7. Maybe they could forward it to Canadian Tire???
  8. Hear ya Brian. We're not supposed to lose the youngun's
  9. Yeh Terry, openly (& my wife agrees with you ), but I think Judge Judy would side with a counter claim LOL. it's a says a lot when a longtime purchaser/supporter of Mastercraft/CT brands has to resort to fraud/questionable practises to receive honest & sincere customer support from one specific CT franchise (Canadian Tire Heartland). Right or wrong & as posted CT reads this site, I thought it was a good/timely opportunity to reach out to CT in a different format. I'm hopeful that they do in fact filter this post on an open public forum as they have failed to respond to 3 letters & copied emails in the past. I was probably out of line with my suggestion to Rod Caster but this is a biproduct of customer dissension maybe? So apologies to Chad. I should also add that my rant/recoup is specific to "Canadian Tire Heartland Mississauga". I've done my fair share of purchasing in Lindsay & Parry Sound in the last few years & will continue to support these (& other) franchises. They are what CT is supposed to be about. "Canadian Tire Heartland Mississauga" just seems to run their "G.A.S." guage on empty.
  10. No offense or sarcasm directed toward Ketchenany, but he inspired me: http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=72948&p=829538 Dear Canadian Tire, Please know that your Heartland Store (Mississauga) burned me for; $129.00 + tax in Summer 2010- bought a Yardworks (CT brand) lithium battery in the spring. By late August the battery/charger was defective. Returned with receipt & was given a piece of paper with a 1-800 # accessible mon-fri from 8-5. This was a Saturday. Asked if I could get a replacement battery & was told I was more than welcome to purchase one if I liked. I left your trimmer with your most kind, helpful & understanding staff. $170.00 + tax in Summer 2013- originally purchased a deep cycle marine battery in Oct 2011. Returned it under warranty in Sept 2012 & was given a new replacement under warranty. Despite the fact I didn't have my receipt, the staff was able to validate the purchase by serial #. Sure enough, replaced battery fails in June 2013. I couldn't find the replacement receipt but I did find the original receipt. Off to Heartland CT. I'm told 'no receipt, no warranty'. I politely (honestly) explain that they tracked the original battery w/o receipt & I did in fact have the original for the first battery. "Can you trace it?" answer; "Yes sir we can trace original batteries, but not replacement batteries". True story, no Bull. So Canadian Tire I'd like you to know that I have creatively been recouping the funds your Heartland store burned me for. Example, months ago, my CTek charger failed & was well past warranty. I purchased a replacement & returned the defective unit for a cash refund. More recently, a failed 3 yr old portable search light was replaced in the same fashion. I figure Heartland still owes me another $70.00 or so but I'm not sure if I have anything suitable to return as I haven't bought anything of significance in a couple of years. But I do encourage family & friends to assist in evening the score ( http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=72948&do=findComment&comment=829538 ). I know many members here have had similar issues @ other CT franchises & have been happy with the outcomes. Seems to me that this level of customer care is most likely exclusive to the most kind, helpful & understanding staff, management & ownership @ Heartland. Always wondered why Heartland has signs warning customers @ the return area, that impolite/inappropriate customer behavior will not be tolerated (something to that effect). Perhaps Heartland ownership/management should post some signs directed to staff that encourage Customer Satisfaction & Understanding. Thx for reading, Slayer
  11. Jeremy, Those fish were caught (& released) not far from you. Maybe 40 minutes away
  12. All kidding aside (except for the nurse), I'm thinking the 'probe' was more like a 30# mono diameter. As Wayne stated, OHIP for the most part serves us we'll. But 'exceptions/exclusions' can be life altering for patients & financially crippling for some families. As part of our investment/retirement fund, we have invested significantly in extended medical benefits outside of Canada.
  13. I had the same procedure @ about the same time @ CVH, less the 1/2 " ABS. Quite enjoyed it & ended up with a fishing date with the attending nurse who had recently emigrated from Australia
  14. If CT is still selling the exact model, why not purchase a new one & repack the defective one for return the following week? If they offer a replacement, tell them you were on a remote excursion & had to purchase a replacement from another retailer. Worst case scenario is an in store credit. I do it all the time @ CT when purchases are out of warranty. Did the same with a CTek charger just a couple of months ago.
  15. I could spare 1 or 2 of these pieces. Clam thermal material 14 & 26" wide by 12" height. Located in Streetsville.
  16. Agreed. There is definitely a 2nd & more efficient 'tier' of healthcare in most provinces. These are typically labelled 'institutes' or 'clinics' and are fully accredited to the same standard as hospitals. The 'dirty little secret' our provincial health care ministries don't want us to know, is that these institutes/clinics operate @ significantly lower costs with a higher level of patient care, therapy & significantly better recovery/outcomes. Unfortunately, currently these are only available/affordable to the wealthy or insurance/worker compensation claims. It boggles my mind as to why our provincial health care plans refuse to embrace, fund, refer & reimburse these institutes/clinics where specialty care is required. Taxpayer savings would be exponential.
  17. Dead baiting in the middle of the day. Double header pike came right to the hole, Ling kept me busy for a few minutes on 4 lb test
  18. True that Roy!! This is not a Tournament. It ain't about prizes (they're a nice bonus ) It's all about Tyler & a great opportunity to meet like mined OFC'rs. Looking forward to a repeat visit ps. I'll be putting up a summer LO Salmon/Bow trip for auction this year
  19. Get Sean back on the water for sure this year. ps. I'm in the market for a quality 'gently used/reliable' pontoon boat this year. The bigger, the better. If anyone comes across one, let me know via PM.
  20. Perch Albert tons o' perch. Plus no limit on Pinheads..
  21. Hahahah,Crossed the border & picked up some pinheads in Rochester NY (HST FREE!!) circled LO & re-entered Canada through Gananoque (or something like that). Limited out on Sturgeon in 90 minutes. Busy eating our limit now as we have 36 dozen pinheads left for tomorrow ps. ....."..........
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