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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Checked with 'M' re insurance. Too many mods & it won't be insurable. In current condition & adding chains to tires, it would still be considered a lawn tractor & covered under household policy. Adding HP is okay as long as you don't tell insurance agent. Tracks would definitely void the insurance though. Can't find any info on line re registration or helmut requirements so would be interesting to see how a CO/Police would interpet that?? I'd still go with helmut for safety sake (know you were JK ) Send me a list of parts/accessories & I'll scour for used or hit princess auto.
  2. Hahaha. Yorkie muffins were yummy (sort of) LOL. As promised "the rest of the story" stays in the man cave my friend That said, I can't wait to see the 'ice tractor' evolve.... Good times my friend
  3. Thx for the feedback & PM's gents. I did some quick Internet research on water quality & found the following. At the end of the day, not great water quality/fish habitat. http://www.muskokawaterweb.ca/images/lds/LakeDataSheetInfo.pdf http://www.muskokawaterweb.ca/images/lds/Riley.pdf http://muskokarealestateservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Riley_Lake.pdf http://agrienvarchive.ca/download/Riley_lake_biolsurv68.pdf
  4. God Bless your family's Angel Brian. From my family to yours, our most sincere condolences & prayers. Simon
  5. Hey All, Looking for some 'intel' on Riley Lake, zone 15. Used the search function here with no results. As well, checked MNR 'fish on-line' but based on erroneous data of our current & previous home lakes, I don't have a lot of faith in their data accuracy. Would like to confirm primary species (particularly pike LOL) & abundance (poor, fair, good etc). PM's are more than welcome & any input greatly appreciated. Cheers, Slayer
  6. I came across this on youtube. I'm pretty sure he's an OFC member here but just can't put a name to the face?? Any ideas???
  7. City Marine in Mississauga. Certified Mercury technicians. They are 2 minutes from the boat launch @ Promenade Park so you can take it directly to the lake for a test drive after service. Let them know Simon referred you
  8. While fishing...the off button. And it's free Pre-fishing...I take advantage of the apps previously mentioned. Some great tools . I'll add Sailflow. Most important for the big water and very accurate.
  9. I would politely & respectfully suggest that trolling the river from a boat may have negative consequences. Pier & shoreline fishermen don't take too kindly to trollers who invade there territory I was also going to offer up a translation to the YouTube video...But based on their intent on what they were planning on doing with the fishies would not be suitable content here.
  10. As far as giving advice, one would need to know the following; 1. What zone are you referring to? 2. Sport Fishing or Conservation tag?
  11. Woot Woot!! Happy birthday Paul !!! Fifty was great. Can't wait to do it again
  12. I know it's Labour Day weekend when I'm stripping the boat of salmon gear and prepping for the fall hiatus to our home lake in zone 15. Gearing up for pike, walleyes, smallies & buckets. Leaving Monday and will watch the 400 SB parade . Returning ??????
  13. Thanks for the kind words for KG gentlemen . Yes we are very proud of our newest Grandaughter. Like her (soon to be) 3 year old sister Leah, both girls are blessed with strong Celtic genes from the outlaw's side. One last unabashed photo; Leah's found an alternate use for Poppa's fish box...
  14. I always read posted links here regarding engine issues as I find them for the most part informative and somewhat educational. One common element to these threads; I can't remember many suggestions/recommended fixes where it's been suggested to check your fuel supply/quality?? So on to another goat rodeo....... Id been having ongoing issues with my Honda 9.9 kicker in the last month. Into the mechanic for a suspected throttle issue (per Internet detective work). Carb cleaned, ran great in the shop, get on the water and putters out after a minute running time. Back to the shop. Get a text message with a photo showing 'contaminated fuel'... I draw a sample from the 12 L portable tank and send to Dave. Nope. All's well with the fuel... ...with an added note to mention we almost sunk the boat due to "the plug issue". He say 'K' and flushes the lines for 1/2 hour labour and I says thx. On the water this past Sunday, same $#!¥ happens!!!! Now I'm too embarrassed to take it back and I'm determined to figure this cluster out. Took a sample from the carb bowl... "Oh my goodness" says I. 'What in the world is going on here' I says to myself in a very calm manner. Then a 15W lightbulb glows in the space above my shoulders and a voice from that very same place suggests I take another sample from the fuel tank. "But this time, don't draw it from the top, take it from the fuel line dumb dumb". BINGO!!!.... So the fuel is disposed of @ one of Peel Regions Community Recycling Centres (hazardous waste site) @ no charge BTW. Tank is cleaned, all fuel lines & filter blown and flushed with fresh gas + high concentrate of Seafoam and drained. Flushed and drained a 2nd time with fresh gas. Fouled plugs cleaned and ready to fire!! Started first pull and ran @ idle & variable throttle speed for 30 minutes :) The voice inside my head says "Congratulations. Well done!! Pour yourself a drink". "But I ain't done yet" I tell her. "I gots to find the root cause". Turns out the seal of the vent cover on the tank was compromised and as I store it outside, was subject to rain and early morning dew seeping into the tank. As I've subsequently learned, it doesn't take too much moisture/water contamination to reach the tipping point of total phase separation. Also storing the tank in blazing sun all day doesn't help either apparently. Corrective actions have been implemented and we enjoyed our Appleton's & Coke. So hopefully sharing another Pikeslayer Goat Rodeo will save somebody here a lot of aggrevation, some $$$ and grief (from the little voice in your head). Even the latest addition to our fishing team, Kiera Grace was impressed
  15. Well done Brian !! I got a couple years before the first Grandaughter is ready to wet a line. Can't wait
  16. If your talking about 29/30, I will probably have a couple of seats open. Weather & wind depending. I'll let ya know. From what I've read over the years, I've got a lot of catching up to do? LOL Yep, was a tasty one... http://m.allrecipes.com/recipe/38028/blackened-fish
  17. Nice Mike. Close finish http://stfrancisjigger.com/
  18. Part I Well, I got out on Lake O for only the 4th trip on Sunday. My brother Vince & SIL Troy were the crew. Back the boat & trailer into the ramp, Merc fires up real good and I push off Troy & the boat. Drive & park the truck & trailer and saunter back to the launch. Even stopped for a pee in the bushes LOL. As some of you know, I am hearing impaired and refuse to wear aids (pros outweigh cons). Plus I was a little discombobulated from the previous evening activities. I come into view of the ramp and Troy and Vince are trying frantically to get my attention!!! Okay, so I quicken my pace to get within hearing range and (y'all know what's coming next right?) Troy is waving something in his hand. Quicker pace and notice the bilge running overtime. Yep, finally happened to Mr. ATD (attention to detail). Let me tell ya, I have not run so fast since my last 'bank job' 20 yrs ago. Thank gawd Troy & I are well practiced in launching and power loading. The whole event was probably less than 8 minutes but we had water coming up through the mid cabin floor storage. Goat Rodeo part II After draining the boat, we relaunch with the plug intact. Shoot out to our offshore starting point, fire up the kicker (9.9 Honda) and start deploying downrigger lines. Mission accomplished in minutes and now set out the wire dipseys. Honda starts to idle down all by itself and quits within 30 seconds. WHAT NOW !!!! Nope, won't fire back up despite numerous attempts and I have no idea WTH is going on. Still a little foggy from TNB. So we decide to troll with the Merc but stay within a few miles of shore just in case the Merc decides to enter the goat rodeo. Happy to say, there were no more mechanical issues for the rest of the day. Goat Rodeo part III We managed to land a couple of nice 5/6 lb bows and decided to harvest them. During a looooong break without action, I decided to bleed & clean the bows. First bow over the starboard side to slice and bleed out, I drop it into drink and it sinks into rainbow heaven. Did I mention I was feeling a little 'out of sorts'???? I decided to bleed out/clean number 2 on the downrigger platform and was successful without incident. Goat Rodeo conclusion Happy to say there was no further GR events. As a matter of fact, after much pleading and doing my Moses thing with the fish gawds, we were rewarded with this first & PB: Dropped the kicker off @ City Marine 9:00 am Monday and picked it up 9:00 am Tuesday (thx Dave & Beto). Seems that while we were unsuccessful in sinking the boat, we managed to drown the kicker 'real good' LOL. I'm pretty/somewhat sure/confident that that's maybe/hopefully a first and last time event. ps. Upon pondering this 'cluster', I am thankful that we decided to install an auto bilge in addition to the manual one.. That was the 'telltale'
  19. Thank goodness that this young boy and his family have received so much community support (since the incident was reported). "Pissed off mother" is now hiding underneath a rock and sweating bullets. Hope they find him!!!
  20. Sincerest condolences Albert.
  21. Johnny D, Yep, I love my Sylvan. She's a '91 (so' the Merc) and has been very good to us since purchasing in '06. Great boat for Lady O and easy trailering to the cottage lake. About the socks LOL. given the right conditions (no/low winds, sunny & hot) can bring out swarms of nasty little ankle biting flies. They are so annoying (and only target ankles for some insane reason) that I actually have extra pairs stored on board for guests. We were fortunate that day and didn't need them, but the powder blue trim on my socks complimented my blue eyes so I left them on Albert is too big to push overboard but seems he has some history in getting himself & others wet LOL. Tight lines, Simon
  22. Simon, In case your 'kidding'..... "Tyee" is another name given to the Spring or Chinook salmon, the largest of all the salmon species. The name "Tyee" comes from an Indian word that means "great" or "chief." The term Tyee is usually used to refer to Spring or Chinook salmon that weigh 30lbs or more. Campbell River, in British Columbia, is known as the salmon and Tyee capital of the world. It was here that the famous Tyee Club was born. Cheers, Simon
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