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Everything posted by spincast

  1. congrats on your first walter. persistence has its own rewards.
  2. interesting what disappears around heres, and what doesnt

  3. can we wait till I don't need an anchor to keep me in my seat? http://www.windfinder.com/weatherforecast/barrie_lake_simcoe
  4. the way this spring is going, it may be July 1st before the water sets up like that again. (I'll be around then Brian )
  5. Bingo Chad. The current government has taken Orwell's 1984 vision of governmental communication and fine tuned it to such a degree ... that the main task of any ministry's communication department is to stop any information other than self promotional propaganda from being released, and our scientists are muzzled or fired for disseminating the results of their research if it does not promote the "Vision"
  6. right on. Washed my white stripe off today too. First slime in the boat for 2013.
  7. Finally scared that skunk off with a bulldog

    1. misfish


      Let me guess.Little G caught it. LOL


    2. spincast


      Nope - he was partying to the wee hours last night with a bud (sleepover) and passed. It would have been his fish. Hahaha - I showed him the pic :"COME ON!'

    3. misfish
  8. Bon Echo; hardwood hills campground. do the hike into Joe Perry for a of day fishing, or head to the group campsite lake.
  9. great day to out on the water - only a couple more weeks down here till we can go snot rocket hunting
  10. There's never been a better time to lock in 5 year mortgage..
  11. Congrats - looking forward to some of those, and maybe a few other LO swimmers this weekend. Hopin' to show the skunk the door for '13, finally.
  12. I got a couple too. The one from my local MP was exactly what I expected; you could sum up the content in a few brief words = "I'll pass it on". Hey, Phil, next time you send that PC promo literature out (junk mail), I'll be sure to pass it on too. Not what I pay you for my friend. I recieved this from the Minister of Abroginal Affairs. Canned, spammed and devoid of any form of material content: . Premier Kathleen Wynne shared with me your message to her regarding the preliminary draft Agreement-in-Principle (AIP) for the Algonquin land claim negotiations. I am pleased to respond. Our government appreciates learning about your concerns. We recognize that hunting and fishing are important activities for both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Ontario will be seeking workable solutions that respect the interests of all society, provide continued public access to Crown lands and natural resources, and protect biodiversity, resource sustainability and conservation. The preliminary draft AIP is not a final product. Ontario will continue to consult with the public and stakeholders to ensure that their interests are understood and considered fully as part of these negotiations. There are still several years of work ahead before a Final Settlement Agreement can be reached. The provincial negotiation team will continue to consult extensively with: municipalities; sport, recreational and environmental groups; local and resource based businesses; Aboriginal communities; and others across the claim area whose interests may be affected. You also asked about the 2007 Algonquin Land Claim Declaration Order. The order is a process through which all affected Ontario government ministries will screen and evaluate potential environmental effects and carry out public, agency and Aboriginal consultation. The public consultation related to the 2007 Algonquin Land Claim Declaration Order will take place after a draft Agreement-in-Principle has been ratified and approved by all three parties. I encourage you to review the full content of the preliminary draft AIP, the other resource materials, and to keep up to date on the latest developments in the Algonquins of Ontario negotiations through the Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs’ web site. Please contact the Ontario Information Centre for the Algonquin Land Claim if you have additional questions or comments regarding these negotiations. Ontario Information Centre Algonquin Land Claim 31 Riverside Drive Pembroke ON K8A 8R6 Phone: 613-732-8081 Toll Free: 1-855-690-7070 Email: [email protected] Once again, thank you for writing and sharing your concerns. Sincerely, David Zimmer Minister www.ontario.ca/aboriginal www.twitter.com/ONAboriginal So far I haven't told him it is because of my awareness of the process that I contacted him, but I am sure that time too shall come.
  13. Didnt take too much to bring their attention into focus, http://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/04/29/chicheemaun_ferry_season_delayed_by_low_water_levels_on_lake_huron.html need a fire ladder to get on and off the ferry
  14. great stuff - he'll be out catchin you before you know it.
  15. Looks like a great opener for all, thanks for the report. Shame about the Darwin brothers on the shore - seems to be a staple of opening day on inland waters, but you guys made the best of it for sure. Those are some beautiful browns.
  16. nice going. great colours in that first shot
  17. beauty. I cant even imagine a river alone on opener - the crowds, and crowding, were one of the reasons I gave up going the first weekend. Couple of sweet catches.
  18. and right now you can get an Elite 5 for a song http://www.basspro.com/Lowrance-Elite5x-Fishfinder/product/10215775/ if you are in the market for a FF, you cant go wrong with this unit at this price.
  19. its scary how fast these guys are going. Richie Havens, who opened Woodstock, passed on Monday. Make the best of the time you are granted, for "time waits for no one... and it wont wait for......."
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