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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Awesome and Thanks GBW! Can i ask where you found this info? I looked in yellow pages with no luck.. I'd rather marions cause she has an awesome deal on worms. 100 for 10 bucks! Kids can pan fish all day at that price!
  2. We want to out to the trent for the weekend for some waleye and pike. We need some bait and light gear. I kinda want to get minnows there. Does anyone have her phone#. Id like to call first to be sure she is open. Thanks for any help!
  3. I seriously dont know how ppl get soo drunk that they get like that. I guess im lucky in a way. If I drank mself to that point id be so sick id need an ambulance to get around Now that I have kids old enough to be out on the road, I want to give a thanks out to all the boys in blue doing an awesome job keeping these idiots off the road.
  4. I just love these threads. I laugh my of when I read them..Its funny cause no matter what team we all cheer for we all would still fish together anytime..
  5. good game so far, couple o good fights! Rosehill and Komi are out for blood as it seems
  6. check ebay. If it were my motor Id first get the serial # and find out what year it is to start. then id go online and look for a parts breakdown and find a part #. There very well could be a rebuild kit for that part. Suzuki's generally are good motors (IMO anyway) Good luck my friend. Id also shop around before I payed a guy $150 for that part...Like I said find out what year it is exactally, most suzuki dealers should be able to tell you by giving the serial # then you can look for parts from there.
  7. Considering where you live this doesnt suprise me.I have family there.They have just the same problems. Geez I could only imagine, Man I wouldnt want to live there.Id be in prison by now.
  8. wow I wonder how the boat came off the trailer like that..Yikes.Interesting pic.
  9. I used a garden hose for my boat.It tucked right up under the gunwale nicely! Just a thought
  10. Awesome! I like you have a cople older friends. one is 83 yesterday! He tells me he doesnt mind gettin old. Considering the alternative..lol Anyway we will be fishing next weekend and I hope to post a similar picture!
  11. Riverfisher..he is alive and at home. just a false report..Still suffering from cancer thou.
  12. Awesome report and awesome fish! Hard to belive its comming to an end already!...
  13. Id be happy with a 45..Still havent caught one. Mind you I dont go out for them as I dont have the proper equiptment. They sure are a beautifull fish
  14. I personally perfer Rocky Maddisons fish crisp myself. Any flavour but the labbats blue beer batter..yuck!
  15. Unreal, just unreal..some people (media) seriously need to realx.Yikes
  16. tb4me


    missed it but that picture says a million words, thats for sure! funny guy..
  17. Wow way to not give up on it! Nicefish!
  18. ha ha ha thats funny..must have been the shirt
  19. catchin minnows on spons..must be fishin for bait. Looks like they were snagging them. Have they never heard of a minnow net?
  20. I ran into the same thing last week comming from Paris to Brantford on hwy 5. It took me anhour to get them all out of my rad in my truck..nasty buggers
  21. Awesome news! I always wondered why this hasnt been done before. It worked out well at the fishathon too!!
  22. after reading you title I instantly thought it was rhetorical question cause were all getting screwed by our insurance companies..some more than others apearantly. Geez
  23. So sorry for your loss. I still remember when I lost my grandfather. Sad day indeed.
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