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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. I thoght toys were exempt from duty charges at the border...
  2. oh sure tease us and then show no pics of it cooked...damn, looks good thou
  3. Hey awesome Ryan! This is one of the to do list fishing trips! Ill give ya a shout when its time, for the the contact info of the guide! This I have to do!!! Best part is its right here in good ol CANADA!!!!
  4. What a Day!! First of all I want to personally thank Ryan and his wonderfull family for putting this all together! Secondly id like to thank all sponsers and Mr. Mercer for the wonderfull prize pack and shirts! I will enoy the lure making kit. I havent had the chance to go thru all the goodies as of yet. But thanks to everyone involved! we all dererve a HUGE pat on the back! $4500.00 in less than 2 weeks! Now that was a hard day of fishing thats for sure! after the day of fishing I noticed I was actually more tired than after a day of work..Those poor pro's eh! lol Anyway most of the day brought fish like these. Drewbrew and I were in this together! lol Now fo rthe big fish of the day! For all that didnt get to see it, here it is! Finally the fish porn! My PB largie!!! Thanks again and ill post up a bunch of pics here have a gander!
  5. nice fish! Gotta got out in the rain. I get my best fishin in the rain..As long as there isint lightning out there. Thanks for posting
  6. I was thinking of bringing my video camera and doing a short vid on youtube. Is this ok with all involved? I dont want to be that pesky guy with the video camera. Besides ill need to record the bigest fish I catch!! were so excited for this one! im up to $220.00 in pledges..who hoo!
  7. we always just toss them them the water for the turtles to eat. or the campfire will always do..
  8. im at around 200 myself!! We will be there shortly after 7 am,will be happy to lend a hand with anything ,see ya then guys!!
  9. Ok quick question for you Dan...Having never been to this lake what is the launch like there? Im wondering if we should be there an hour or so early to get launched? were bringing a 12 ft tinny so if its real busy we could just toss it in anywhere. what are your thoughts on this? Do we start at 8 am sharp?
  10. lol barbra trick..now there's somthin I havent heard since I was a child..But seriously this isint somthing a typical homeowner can do. Id seek professional help (contractor) This way you have an idea what it would cost. Most companies provide free estamtes. You want to go with a company with a good reputation with cty hall and has thier own engineer as these guys can cost a fortune alone. Besides a good contractor will apply and get the permit for you. I know an engineer that loves to carge a small fortune to do up drawings.Brutal.Good luck
  11. purge away my friend!! cant wait to see what u have!
  12. Im at $100.00 already including $40.00 from Spincast! Anyone else wanna pledge from around the Brantford area all gladly come pick up your cash guys!
  13. id like Leechmans Bass kit for the event..lol
  14. So let me get this right. The goverment of ontario built the road? Then sold it to a private company? Yet our tax dollars go towards collecting the profit for them? Not to mention the tax dollars paying for policing a privately owned highway. Unreal. Im in the wrong dman business.Geez
  15. sounds good to me! We should have a card to put in the photo's isued in the morning b4 we start. Lookin forward to it big time!
  16. Awesome Dan thanks! So how does it work? Do we keep what we catch for weigh in? Well be in a canoe so stringers will have to do. I dont want to kill the fish we keep. Will pics suffice?
  17. Hey Ryan I think I have another guy (with a canoe) convinced to join us. He isint an OFC member is that ok? He will be after this im sure!
  18. Had the same thing happen to me. I used the 407 in 98 when it first came out. I never bothered to change my address on my licence so in 2008 when I had to renew my plate stickers they wouldnt let me untill I cleared up my 407 bill. You could imagine the sinking feeling I had when they told me it was $680.00. Here I thought all this time I had goten away with not paying for the one trip. LOL was I ever wrong. 10 years of interest on a $30.00 bill. Never again after that. There should be a way to get that interest back. I guess if somone owed me $$ id want interest too though. Its d ouble edged sword this time. She will have ot pay it trust me I tried. I was sooo mad I even considered giving up my licence. That would never work thou.
  19. Awesome pics! Is it wrong that I suddenly just got hungry?
  20. Awesome! yes the audio was out for me too.
  21. Few questions for a newbie? How much is the entry and where is this lake? Im interested. Does anybody have room for one more on thier boat? My boat is north at the trailer..Awesome event id love to go!
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