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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. This kinds reminds me of a joke when the cyotes were gonna be moved to Hamilton. "Why wont bettman allow a pro NHL franchise in Hamilton?? cause then they will want one in Toronto...LOL I am a leaf fan and I see this as a good chance to resign him. If I know Burke he will indeed. He was trying to trade him off while he was worth somthing. Now that he is no longer worth anything on the market its time to get pen to paper. Kabs is a leafer for life my firends. I only hope he gets the respect he deserves..
  2. All we do is, can you hold for a minute? Then go hang up the phone when you hear the annoying off the hoof sound
  3. On the nip ice fishing I caught a ice rod with a stradic 1000 on it. Cleaned it up and greased it and its now on my one piece ultra lite rod!
  4. I personally like Kabs. The sad part is cause we didnt trade him we now stand the chance of loosing him a the end of this season he becomes a unrestricted free agent. wich means we get sweet nothing for him. he now determines where he plays if any trade ofers arise. Should have mooved him while we had the chance. If Bure were smart he would resign him while he is a leaf.
  5. nice yak! I seen those at the fising and boating show. Can still hear the wife now..(nevermind )
  6. with all that extra weight id consider a 2 stroke motor. Much lighter IMO anyway
  7. Heaven forbid somone fishes where I did...as I said earlier access is by either canoe or my Grnadfathers land..Good luck with the latter of the 2.
  8. we use old broken rods to play with chipmonks..Tie a peanut to some fishin line..Hours of fun!!
  9. We were off for a 10 day relax rest n fish vacation! Throw in some cold beer and some awesome cookin and you have a report! Just the 3 of us and and our Good friends with thier 2 daughters. Such well behaived young ladies! Rather skilled when it comes to fishin to I might add.We went thru a little under 300 worms in a week! Dad wormin up the hook! After some hard fishin and some time on the boat we were in the water as much as the fish, or so it seemed! Back out in the boat for a few more... Here are a couple pics of our other kids in the boat Just had to breakout the food porn.Nice smoked turkey.Time to eat!! After the turkey cook there was about an hour or so of pellets lief in the smoker box so why not somke some pork bellies for breakie! Thats all for now guys n gals.. Enjoy and happy fishing!!
  10. Oh Thank-god I thought I was going crazy for a minute there...yikes!
  11. Ok am i going insane or did I just catch flack from Bill about revealing my spot? where did those posts go? LOL thats just wierd
  12. Like a true angler I never reveal my spots...Bill Ill tell ya what.. Gather your 6 buddies and ill meet ya down there..LOL you would never find me in a million years..sorry dude. As far as im concearned im the only person that fishes there( except for a couple of friends I take there) We access this spot from private property..So good luck my friend!
  13. We went out tues evening in the midst of all that rain...went from 7 pm till 845 pm. We didnt bring a camera due to the rain. We caught our limit of waleye (all released except for one) 3 catfish some SM bass and a few 3 to 4 lb suckers in a little under 2 hrs. On worms and sinkers in a little back eddie...We had an awesome time and here is a pic of the keeper. A nice n fat 17.5 incher! MAn what a catch.. Note post edited due to tooo many complaints..
  14. lovely snake heads and giant carp. Looks like we should get our kids out for some perch and walleye dinners while thier still here.
  15. Voted here..Actually I enjoyed the essay. Thanks for the read too!
  16. if you want to fish the bancroft area id try http://www.cottagerentals247.com/ Tim and Cathy will have no problem getting you a place im sure..Check them out
  17. Dude dont give up on the Grand. Its a great fishery. Here in Brantford there are a few exellent places to fish. Pm me and we will setup a time to go fishin. I can assure you the fishin is as good as any other. As for rigging I would just use a slip sinker with a small split shot about 6 to 8 inches up from the hook. Thats all I use. Good luck man and dont give in to pond fishin just yet.
  18. Ya I have heard that they are all staged too..Some are funny no matter what..the rods in the ceiling fan and tailgate made me want to cry..Didnt watch the link posted so I hope were talking bout the same things here...lol
  19. Funny Rick it often sounds the same round here..After last weekend I hope I dont hear any cluckin from the coop this weekend..
  20. ha ha ha ...good one. That should be a Tiger woods joke..
  21. Awesome! It does all add up in a hurry doesnt it..Keep up the posting
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