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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Wow MJL I dont know you but you will be in my thoughts and prayers my friend. Good luck tommorow. Good Karma sent your way..
  2. I’m watching some TV having to do with the War and Remembrance Day tomorrow. Nice to think that the people (mostly) still care enough to have the ceremonies in honour of the Vets and all those who serve their country. During the war not just those who served in uniform, but the factories that worked around the clock and the workers who put in 60 hours and more a week. It wasn’t an easy time. And people complain about high taxes today – wages were controlled and there were two rates of income tax. Those making better than average wages – paid an extra tax that went into a “savings” account – this money wasn’t returned until after the war. Anyway – I think it’s nice that the kids have to go to school – otherwise they probably wouldn’t know much about the wars of the past. There are those who don’t care. Some outfit which is opposed to wars and fighting – have been trying to get people to buy and wear white poppies. What an insult to the Veterans and the traditional red poppies. War is hell as anyone who ever had to fight in battle – but the pacifists are unrealistic. If you’re familiar with Kenny Rogers’ song “The Coward of the County” – at the end the “coward” says “Sometimes a man just has to fight.” Didn’t intend to preach – I’m just talking. Nedless to say our family will remember. Our youngest son is in year 3 of the Navy Cadets and will be there for the ceremony.We are so prod of him as he plans to join the Navy when he is out of Highscool.
  3. Peddie says he is going to retire. Just not any time soon...lol More mixed messages. souece RSN and the fan 590
  4. Here we go!lol But seriously that must have sucked big time.
  5. Well what better place to build? This is getting worse by the day. Let the kid learn with the big boys.I tought he did awesome in the preseason then wilson cut is ice time by 11 minutes so he could burry im in the minors.Wilson was Quoted as saying he (kadri) had a bad additude, come on Really? Lets hope Burke was able to get some trade chatter going at the GM's meeting yesterday.I honestly think Wilson has lost the team.Burke needs to seriously look into That too.Let the haters hate I suppose. Just for the record ill never jump off the wagon, there is way to much beer on it for me to leave
  6. This is taken from mapleleafs.com, but I couldnt have said it any better so I stole it...lol Its in regards to Kadri, we need him NOW! Wilson is a hater and a hack.! How many leaf forwards are adept two-way players? Is Bozak? Brent? MacArthur, Kessel? Versteeg was brought in because he was supposed to be responsible at both ends, he has 2 goals and is a -4. point being you can't solely place the deficiencies or success of team defense on one guy. Kadri may not be the best defensively but who is brave enough to argue he is not one of our top 3 forwards offensively? He should be called up his skill is desperately needed here. Team defense is just that team defense, if he is having problems picking up the philosophy I can't think of a better season to help him learn it. We have probably the most expensive back end roster, if and when he makes a mistake we should have enough horses to help cover up those mistakes. If a roster that has spent 27M on defenders and goalies can't help mask the mistakes of a rookie, then we have a completely different set of problems here...
  7. I would have to agree on the dry sponge too. Good luck Ryan..No matter what, its going to be a tough go may need a 2nd 6 pack...lol
  8. Not to sure if this is posted in the right place or not. Im looking to fish with another OFNR tonight.I went lastnight and got skunked. also froze my you know what off...lol Im thinking some company would make it a tad more enjoyable...Let me know ur thoughts if interested.Contact me VIA PM..
  9. Wow Wayne. We (the Ritchie family) will have you and yours in our thoughts and prayers. We too have a young daughter (9) that has had to battle most of her life. She is now fit as a fiddle. We will send all the carma we can your way.
  10. I say he's there by sat and that would be the 6th?
  11. ha I know this guy.Well not personally anyway.One of those ppl that think thier above the law. Instead of calling OPP to report the trespassers he decides to toss off a couple rounds..The rest is history for a year anyway..
  12. lol awesome..aint that the truth! Go leafers!
  13. Thats brutal. some folks have no respect.
  14. Awesome pumpkins! we do our seeds in worchestre sauce and sea salt, boy are they yummy! Out 9yr old daughter was out for over an hour, boy did she bring home a good haul. Mom was beat thou..lol I stayed home and did candy partol and watched Farve get his marbels rattled..To bad we didnt get many kids here either maybe 30 tops! One boy-man (yikes) had 5oclock shadow knockin at the door at 845 pm. Had to tell mama to be nice...lol
  15. After looking My oly is a e520 a real nice camera and as I said earler it comes highly recomended by yours truely! Has anyone played with the face tracking software? if your subject moves whie in a pose the lens auto ajusts to where the subject moves to. I thought that was really cool. We use that for shooting the dogs, perfect picture every time
  16. This just in!!!! The leafs trade Kessel and the next 2, 1st rounders for a 4th rounder and 2 water bottles!!!
  17. I too use the Olympus. It was a good deal..untill I started in buying the lenses and all the rest of the grar. Like a bag uv filtres for all lenses and a cleaning kit. Otherwise an awesome camera.. comes highly recomended for the value. If your planing on using the camera indoors with the flash on id recomend a light defuser. I bought the Gary Phong puffer. $19 bucks
  18. ha ha ha , thats awesome! yikes imagine sitting on the boys!!!...lol I have heard men say the the water in toilets is cold before but I just figured it was somthin else in the water...lol
  19. Nice work Leechman! I tried making those but I couldnt get the loops bent in the wire without ruining them. Is there a trick im missing? I was thinking a wire bender would be nice but I dont have the extra $ to buy one..Good work once again!
  20. wow good call Wayne..that valve was seconds from becoming a grenade..
  21. very nice..Image stabilization is the coolest invention since sliced bread! Good photo's!
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