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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. I dont see any pricing on that site anywhere..When I tried to contact the seller I recived no response..If it seems to good to be true it usually is. Has anyone else even seen a price on a product?
  2. wow nice work Spiel! Is this what you do for a living? im impressed. I woudnt mind a nice 1 pc ultra lite setup for bass and eyes on the river..
  3. That portable stove on the tsc site looks cheesy. I would like a steel box type stove. I guess ill just call a local fab shop n see what they will charge me.
  4. Those are some nice fish.. That one pike looks like it had a good chunk out of it. good work! Keep the pics a commin!
  5. Nice fish! Were you in a boat or shore fishing? Love to see those hogs caught! suddnly im hungry...lol
  6. Ya I seen them. I was looking for somthinga tad more custom. I want it on 18 inch legs so its not to close to the floor. Also Bellville is to far away for me to pick them up. Would be cheaper to pay somone to build me one. Thanks though Dan
  7. Hey guys n gals. I have a small man cave I would like to heat this winter. I want to get a custom woodstove welded for it. I was in St williams ice fishing last year and they had the perfect stoves in the rental ice huts. Is there anyone on here interested in welding me one up? Thanks
  8. Call them on thier equiptment. I often wonder how accurate the gas and hydro meters are too.
  9. Awesome Peps your the man! Just made the trip to PS that much better!!!
  10. Awesome fish! I hope you got more than 3 Jood job.
  11. Ill have my friend go there in the next few days. Thanks. Is there any dams or locks in the area the waleyes will come into at night?
  12. Well they are in the sound, so in town would be best. however we would be into a bit of a small road trip.
  13. as the title says im looking for places like dams in perry sound to shoore fish for walleyes. We have froends that moved up there and we want to go visit them. I hoping to do some shore fishing and would love some info..Can any other OFNers help out? Thanks a ton guys! Oh and if you dont want to post spots on here please feel free to PM me. you would be doing me a huge favor..
  14. Wow awesome! Good for you and your dad! Lake of bays will be fun.. Lots of 5 lb smallies to be had in there thats for sure. Good luck and will look for the report after. Thanks for sharing
  15. Ok we seen a few guys fishin right off the hydro dam at night. It was on the trent river just north of Campbellford. I have the feeling that thier fishin for night eyes. How productive is this type of fishing? I also see them all over the dam where the trent meets with rice lake in Hastings. Im tempted to go try this upcomming weekend. Any advice and or tips for a newbie dam fisher? Id love to read about this stuff.
  16. Awesome fish! We seen one of those in the trent this past weekend in about 3 feet of weedy water when bassin..What beautifull fish!
  17. These guys are funny.Im glad the union didnt protect them this time.looks good on them.I often wonder why the unions are so tollerable with loosers. It seems the unions are for the lazy people anymore. Im in the trades (non union)and I can honestly say I have never seen anything like this before. There was this one time when the road in front of my house was torn apart being replaced. The guys installing the new gas lines up to the houses were all drinking while on the job and were not afraid to show it! I called the city right quickly and reported them.. The city offical was there within minutes. Then followed the local police!!! The police had them leave the site. As they drove away there was about 6 beer cans right under the truck. Unreal. I wonder if any of them were charged with impared as they were using all kinds of equiptment.
  18. Hey guys congrats on the wedding! here's to many happy years together!!
  19. We keep the odd small bass. 1lb max sixe..they are nice eating..
  20. tb4me

    laser lures

    Lazer? as in actual real lazers? Intersting. Never heard of them. Wouldnt mind trying one myself..
  21. thanks guys. I called and they indeed are open this sat and will have lots of minnows!!
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