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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. Way to go Lew! Those 2 guys obviously had too much $$$ in their jeans.
  2. I have a similar experience with a dealer in my area. Last year I was looking to upgrade my motor to a 30 hp 4 stroke electric start. The salesman did precisely what fishburn stated except he was on the phone. I waited till I got a price, then he left me in the showroom. I was disgusted with his performance to say the least. This past April I was in the same dealership exploring the new Lunds. Same guy spent 1.5 hours with me showing all the features of the package including small items such as the livewells, rod storage & even took out a tape measure to show me the difference in the cockpit area of the Tyee vs another model. The boat I was contemplating was $50,000.00. I have experienced this type of service at a few dealers. If you're looking at small items such as a $5,000.00 outboard or even smaller items such as accessories they don't seem to care. Go in there for a big ticket item, they're all over you. Makes me wonder what type of after sale service I would get. No it wasn't Bay City Marine. Bay City is awesome. I bought my first new boat there in 1986. Good experience & service even back then.
  3. Do not use concrete blocks! When heated up small pieces of concrete will pop off & fly out similar to sparks from your wood. The pieces are very hot & they hurt!
  4. So how is the general public going to become aware of the change in regulations?
  5. Sorry to hear of your loss Larry. I do hope you are able to retrieve your stolen property. My iphone was recently stolen from my truck. So I've been through this type of situation as well. A little tip for you guys. I was at the perch festival in Orillia recently, staying at 1 of the local hotels for 2 nights. Before heading to bed I took photos of all my gear in the locked truck, in the boat - lots of pix! Now I know what was in my vehicle. Another comforting note is the front desk attendant showed me the monitor at her desk which displays their outdoor parking lot security cameras. I made sure my truck & boat were in view of 1 of the cameras. Also their parking lot was very well lit up at night. Something to consider while travelling.
  6. Interesting post. I'll be watching Sunday night. I read a story a few years back about the fish farms in the Maritimes hosted by Dr. David Suzuki. He stated that while he was scuba diving in these ponds he was able to extend the full length of his arm into fish feces. And people consume these fish? UGGG! Also another story about the fish raised in China. They hang wire cages full of live chickens over top of the fish farm ponds. The chicken droppings end in the ponds which the fish consume! You want those fish on your dinner plate?? I rarely buy store bought fish unless it states "wild pacific salmon" or some other statement meaning it's not farm raised for these 2 reasons.
  7. That's a terrible situation for this poor woman. I work in the same area for 2 years now. Nuisance bears have not been an issue at the camps I've stayed at. But, it only takes one! Lews report about the week end cottagers is a valid point. These people need to be educated about wildlife. So the cottage folks return the following week end to find bears hanging around because of the available food source. Now they can't let their children out to play! What are they thinking?
  8. I have 2 birds. Ice 55 for the winter & a 798 down scan & side imaging for the boat. Both machines are great. I had to return the ice 55 to Bay distributors once. George was awesome. I shipped it out on a Wednesday, it was back at my door the following Thursday. Very good service. He found the wiring harness inside was too close to the circuit board - causing interference, giving me incorrect depths. I'm sure they can correct your problem.
  9. In the winter & spring I've been able to keep minnows for several weeks. I use a large plastic tote placed in the garage. Cool air temps is necessary. I have a small air circulating pump from an ornamental turtle from my fish pond to provide the bubbles. Works very well. Summer is too hot - I have never had much success keeping minnows alive.
  10. Nice looking rig! Marsh's Marine? I was there Saturday looking at new Suzys. How was there service? PM me if you don't mind. Thanx
  11. That is beautiful country. I lived in Thunder Bay in the early 70s Loved all the outdoor activities available!
  12. That's awesome - Ice fishing in May - & fish on the ice ! That hut looks pretty nice too. A little bigger it could be my house!
  13. Good to hear you released it. I release the big guys -keep the 2 lbers for the frying pan. RRFN - I'm curious? where is that? Thanx
  14. The grizzlies should get along just fine with the black bears on Front St. in Toronto! Need bigger traps though!
  15. Just a thought for you. I personally don't like carpet cuz I'm forever getting hooks caught in it. When I added a new floor to my 14' Lund I used vinyl. No more hooks caught! I purchased the vinyl at Home Depot. It's very soft, pliable & has a skid resistant texture. Great for boats. They sell it by the foot off a roll, located in the area where they have carpeting on the large rolls. Downside is the glue they recommend is $45.00 / 4 litres. I'm sure 3M spray contact cement would do the job. I had a small area where the vinyl was starting to release from the plywood, so I used the spray. Did the job! Add a couple of staples to the underside for added measure.
  16. Thanx for the reply about the waders. $100.00 sounds good. I was looking at other brands $250.00. I like your price & the lace up boots.
  17. Thanx Cliff for starting the post. Lottsa good info from the pros. Not only am I a fisherman, now I'm educated two!!
  18. Nice pix! Thanx for posting! Where did you purchase your waders? I haven't seen any with the lace up boots. But then again I haven't been looking too hard??
  19. Alex sure is a cutie! He has great taste in cars! Love your pix! Thanx
  20. Awesome! Thanx for posting your pix. I particularly enjoyed your photo of you & your son in 2009 & then today. He has grown a wee bit!
  21. Thanx for the heads up. If I may add. Be careful when selling on Kijiji, lottsa scammers. I recently advertised an item. Received an email from a person wanting to view the item tonight (last Friday). It was pouring rain, he asks is the item still available -I reply yes - he asks will I accept a check? I reply what time you coming to view it, cash only! I've never heard from this person since. I would love to post his email address.
  22. Yah - guess I'm a lousy guard! Thanx for the humour
  23. Thanx again guys. No I did not have the app "find my iphone". You can bet a 7lb walleye my new phone will have such security features! Leaving shortly to spend 600 bux GRRRRR!
  24. Thanx for your replies. I am greatfull for the members of this board for offering advice in a time of need. I will definitely be looking into some of the security features mentioned above such as 10 failed attempts wipes my phone clean & for sure have the lock feature with a password. I'll probably purchase a new iphone today. I appreciate the suggestions of another brand of phone but learning a new phone is not what I want to do. I've had iphone 4, 4s now an iphone 5 which I am comfortable with. I'm also going to look at the 5s & 5c which are newer versions. I'm pretty sure I synced my phone with my lap top & ipad. Please explain how I would retrieve my contacts via lap top or ipad. Thanx guys
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