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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Same old story here. I dumped bell last summer after more than 20 yrs. Now I can eat my dinner in peace and quiet without some clown calling me and trying to sell me something.
  2. Personally I think the compre rods are really good for the money. I have a couple of them. One is a 7ft single piece heavy action I use as a flippin stick, and it has been abused alot and still works great. I am not to crazy about the Shimano Crucial series rods. I have a couple of them and I dont like the feel of them. I think they are over priced as well. St.Croix premiers are good for the money, there tough and reliable but sensative too. A few years ago we had im6 graphite construction now there making im9 and most people think the higher the graphite content the better. And thats just what the manufactures want you to think, but theres a trade off. The higher the graphite content the more sensative they are but they are also alot more brittle and suceptable to breakage. I broke two crucials last year and they are im9 rods. I am going back to im6 or im7 and no higher then you get the best of both worlds. Also the im6 rod prices have come down considerably from 5 years ago.
  3. My fovorite is home brewed coffee on the fire with a shot of bacardi coco rum. It tastes like a fancy gourmet coffee but its better for you.
  4. I have a 96 175 efi merc on my bass boat and my motor has never seen a mechanics wrench except for water pumps and general maintenance. Two years ago I figured it was time to have the head gaskets changed. They say they should be changed every five years (was told this by a merc mechanic). The manual says no such thing. He changed them for me and was blown away by how clean the heads and cylinders. piston tops etc were. He called me asked what kind of oil I used and I told him I used synthetic, amzoil to be exact. He said those heads were as clean as a motor a year old and he was converted that synthetics are the way to go, especially with the v6 motors. Way better than merc synthetic blend and a bit cheaper I might add. About 9.00 per litre. I use it in everything, mowers, truck, snowblower etc. Would never use dino ever again.
  5. When in the states its MGD for me. Closest thing to canadian beer I have found.
  6. never use them Cliff. I just filter tap water through a Brita to get rid of the chlorine taste. For fishing and boating I have stainless steel water jugs I fill and freeze the night before.
  7. I know exactly how you feel my other half started to get like that,(miss P3TA). My buddy and I would fish bass tourneys and on the way home stop for some dinner and a cold one after a hot day on the water. Well one morning before I left for the day of fishing she asked me to come straight home after fishing because she was going to prepare a lovely meal for me. When I got home she was gone and there was a pan of hamburger helper on the stove ice cold. No big deal I warmed it up and ate it, and I hate that crap. Its called compromise. I figured something came up and she had to switch plans. Well a few weeks later she told me I fish too much and to get rid of the bass boat or she was leaving. Well to make a long story short she is now my ex and my new girl wishes I could go fishing every day cause she says it makes me so happy. Im really lovin this gal. Tell your buddy to tell her that i'll bring you home the big one. Then she should be fine.
  8. Congratulations team USA on a job well done. Canada could of very well won that game as well. Us armchair coaches can disect the game to pieces and blame whoever we want for loosing, but what an entertaining game to say the least. Hold your chins up team Canada we are still very proud of all of you. All that shot blocking from team U.S. took a page out of our playbook for sure. Saw a few of our players doing the flamingo pose to block shots. Not sure where they learned that. Thought they only did that in the N.H.L. We will get them next year.
  9. I cast with my right and reel with my left on all reels. Years ago when I was fishing alot of bass tournaments I came up with a bright idea to switch and reel with my left to eliminate fatigue from casting all day. by eliminating the exchange of the rod from right to left hand after every cast seemed to help and I have stuck to it ever since. But its no problem if i'm using someone elses gear and have to reel right handed.
  10. I am hoping to make it out to Chilliwack this year to try centerpin fishing on the Vedder River, Fraser. I have these awesome dreams already and its months away haha
  11. Thanks Burtess for the recipe and the idea. I have an extra turkey here and am going to do the same thing. You rock man.
  12. Hi Vinnie, Take my advice. Keep your policy current. I lost my bass boat in a garage fire a few years ago along with two other bass boats. All three boats were severely damaged mine was a right off. Thank gad we all had insurance or we would of been screwed. My carrier had to pay me out 30,000.00 and let me keep the boat. I was paying 60.00 a month for 30,000.00 coverage. Oh yeah and in the mean time you should be looking for a new company because I think they are hosing you bad. I think its better to have a seperate policy for your boat and not tying it in with your home car etc. Its called a vessel policy. It usually costs more but when theres an incident like I had they had it settled in about two weeks. My other two buddies had theres insured under there home policy and they were fighting for months, and one of them got screwed by a lousy settlement. Just my 2 cents.
  13. Thanks Roy. Thats what I figured but the response I got from the C.O. left me a little puzzled.
  14. My question is can I use squirrel tails on home made baits for musky or pike. I have picked up a few road kills from my neighbour hood roadways and thought they might make some nice baits for muskie and pike. They are nice big black bushy tails. All the gray squirells in my neighbourhood are black and there tails look awesome. I think it should be okay since fly fisherman use deer hair etc for tying flies and this is no different. I did some work for the MNR this summer and had a chance to ask a C.O. if this was legal and he just smiled and said his father used to do that years ago with great success shrugged his shoulders and said lets not go there??? I left it at that. What is your opinion. I thought this would make a nice little winter project to make some prototypes and give them a go next summer.
  15. Hi Bigredfisher. I had to redo the carpets on my nitro bassboat 2 years ago and went out and got a few estimates. I was blown away by the estimates I got. They were all in the 2000.00 range so I decided to do it myself. I bought a better quality carpet then the stock carpet for about 200.00 bucks. Be careful taking the old carpet off because you will need it to trace the pattern on the new carpet. All the hinges on the lids have to be removed and put back on in there original places or the lids won't fit, be very carefull with this or you will have major problems. I kept track of the time it took me to complete the job and it is somewhere about 60 or 70 hours. All the old glue must be removed off the decks and lids by means of scraping. On the lids the tops have to be glued first and left to dry before you begin to wrap and clamp the edges so that the carpet doesnt move when you are doing the edges. I used regular contact cement and the job turned out perfect. Its very laboursome thats why my estimates were so expensive. But I saved about 1700 bucks doing it myself. Hope this helps.
  16. Was just wondering if anyone has been fishing the Bay of Quinty for walleye lately. I was there last week from thursday till sunday and the fishing was terribly slow. I was in the Thompson Point area and we caught three fish in three days. Lots of fisherman jigging and trolling and lots of skunks. I was there last year on the same weekend and the water was about 8 degrees colder and there was fish everywhere. I think we caught something like twenty five fish last year. I guess all the nice weather we have had have set everything back a few weeks. Was also wondering if it ws like this all over the boq or were some areas producing fish during this time period. Oh yeah we still had agreat time and fished our asses off. Thats it for the walleye fishing for me this year. Now all we need is some cold weather. Thanks Fish.
  17. Stoty, Im heading there tomorrow till sunday on my yearly pilgrimage to get some big eyes, I hope. Probably won't sleep tonight cause i'm so excited, but lifes tough sometimes.haha. Hope to post some nice pics when I get back. Fish
  18. Hi Mike, Not too sure about the Rideau but if you travel about 100 west of Ottawa there are some nice cottages for rent on the Ottawa River. One place in particular is on the quebec side of the Ottawa River directly across the river from Petawawa, Ontario. Its called Hotel Pontiac and the owner rents cottages with beautiful sand beaches at your front door. You have about 40 miles of river to fish and the scenery is absolutely beautiful. The fishing is great and your not far from Algonguin Park. I believe the hotel is in Chichester Quebec in the county of Pontiac. The owners name is Bob Miller. Do you have your own boat? If not I believe he rents boats also. Hope this helps. Fish.
  19. Hi guys, new to this site and am finding it very interesting and entertaining. My buddy and I want to give winter steelhead fishing a try but I don't know where to go. I live in the upper Ottawa Valley and would like to know what river to fish that is the closest to where I live. I know that southern ontario has probably the best fishing but for the first time want to try somewhere closer to home. Any suggestions would be gratefull. My buddy is from B.C. so he has fished steelhead for many years so I have a good teacher. Do you need a seperate salmon fishing license or just a provincial one. We will be shore fishing since the boats are put away for the winter. Thanks Fish
  20. I fish for smallies up here in the Ottawa River in the fall and they can be really hard to catch. Most of the time you have to go deeper and slow your presentation down really slow. I often go to a carolina rig and live bait (minnows) and this usually works for some really nice 4 to 5 lbers. I also use jigging spoons for fish deeper than 20 feet with some success. The main thing to remember is to slow down your presentation. Tight lines, good luck.
  21. Awesome hawg. I have been fishing bass religiously for 35 yrs and am still looking for a 7 pound smallie. It may never happen but its nice to see someone catch one for sure. They are few and far between. Tight lines.
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