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Everything posted by fish_fishburn

  1. Probably a loose connection at the pole. I saw this just recently at a neighbours up the street. We did a meter test on a few receptacles and the reading were bouncing all over the place. He called hydro and they came the next day and it was a loose connection at the pole.
  2. I believe that scents help. Weather its to cover your scent or the fish actually like the smell of the scent your using is debateable. I have tried many different products and they all seem to work. I know that operating a boat you can get oil or gas on your hands that can't be good when you transfer it to your baits, so maybe the scent covers that. I have seen some really weird home made concoctions in my time. I tend to use the spray types because they are cleaner to use and don't make a mess of your boat. But I can honestly say that I have caught a fish on the very next cast many times after applying it to a tube or whatever bait I am using at the time. Some anglers swear by a certian product. I've seen guys use WD-40 for walleye and one buddy of mine just refills his bottle with used deep fryer oil. Some say garlic flavour is the best. The product BANG at 10 bucks a can is no better than the 3 dollar RATTLESNAKE product sold at wally world in my opinion. I know a guy who even goes as far as grinding crayfish up in a food processor and adding it to vegetable oil and he says its the best scent/attractant for smallies that hes ever used. All I know is theres always 3 or 4 cans of it kicking around in my boat and I use it if the baits I am using are not scented. Maybe its just a confidence thing but I think it helps.
  3. Oh man that does hurt. Instead of going to the hospital go to the liquor store and get a case of wisers deluxe, cause there going to be sore for awhile.
  4. Heres a good one. We were in Picton two yrs ago fishing walleye. Was the end of november and we were staying at Merlin Park. The fishing was out of this world. So the first evening we had a big dinner and a few drinks and hit the sack early. Day ywo was even better and The lads from Fishing Canada were there to do a shoot. There big deck boat was parked right beside our boat and we thought that was pretty cool. Well after I had a half a jug of Wisers in me I grabbed my camera and told my chum to come with me, I want to get a picture of our rigs parked side by side. So we make a drink and head to the dock, its about 11 at night and I snap off a few picks and my chum says why don't ya get in there boat and sit behind the wheel and I'll take your picture. I thought about it and said if they see us they probably won't say anything there a pretty cool bunch of guys. So in I go, get behind the wheel and my buddy starts taking pics and of course I'm performing now in high gear hat on backwards the whole deal. He's pissing himself laughing so hard and snapping pics, flash is going off like a strobe light. We finally make it back to the cabin without any incidents and check out the pics and they were all siht cause he was laughing to hard and shaking to much while her was taking the pics. There was six of us and I couldn't get anyone to go back and take some better pics. But there still not to bad just a bit blurry. Pete and the boys never did find out but they might know now so I will apologize for my chums dumb idea. I brought the pics back with me last year and the guys all had a good roar.
  5. Great srories Rick I'm still laughhing about the BBQ bomb.
  6. Thanks MJL but I was thinking along the lines of drifting them under a float or maybe on bottom with a small split shot.I'm just not sure how you would rig them or if they would have to be preped first.
  7. Just wondering what type of shrimp people use, how to cure them/or do anything to them and how to present the shrimp.
  8. I agree Jigger they sure do look cool in the water. I wonder if we have any biologists on here who could chime in and give us a scientific opinion. Just curious.
  9. yep the main ingredient is fish oil. No Bull !
  10. Lets all chip in and get bruce the banjo minnow,haha. just kidding you Bruce.
  11. Brine: 1 gallon of water 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup of kosher sat(do not use table salt) Add ingredients to a pail and stir to dissolve the sugar and salt Do this the night before you smoke your fish. If your fish is frozen no worries add to brine and keep in a cool place with a tight fitting lid. let soak for 8 to 12 hours. The fish has to be totally covered in the brine Prep: Carefully remove from brine and place on paper towel to remove eccess moisture. Place on a rack and let air dry for a few hours until the meat starts to get a little stiff to the touch. place on smoker racks, if skin is on, skin side down. Brush the tops with pure maple syrup and place the thicker pieces on the bottom racks and the thinnest pieces at the top. Load smoker. Not sure what kind of smoker you have but mine is electric(big chief) Do not use smoke for the first hour Your wood chips should be soaked in water before using so you get a nice slow smoke. Add wood chips to pan and redo this every two hours for 8 to 9 hrs total cooking time. Remove when done and brush with maple syrup and allow to cool for a couple of hours. Put the fish in ziplock plastic bags with the fish wrapped in paper towel this is to absorb moisture when thawing from freezer or storing in the fridge. This recipe will do a full smoker about 20 lbs on average. Ps. Stay away from the spice rack if you want awesome smoked fish that tastes like smoked fish. Whitefish is the best followed by lake trout salmon and everything else IMHO. Enjoy
  12. I usually leave them in the bags they come in unless they get torn or punctured. My favorite tubes and sluggos etc I buy by the hunred count so They have to be broken down. In that case I use the zip lock freezer bags, they seem to be made of thicker plastic. The Shimano sachels that come with the bags in them are junk they don't seem to be compatable with the scented plastics so I just use them for terminal tackle and spinnerbaits now.
  13. I would think that this would be okay on your lures and hooks but probably not to good for feathers etc. Maybe you should just do a few and put them in a seperate box and see how they fair out while stored for the off season. you can even try WD-40 since it is primarily fish oil and comes in an aerosol which would make it easier to apply. Let us know how it works out for you.
  14. wool gloves I would say are the worst for removing the slime and are the norm for most because of the cold weather that comes with steelhead fishing. Maybe there should be a law that says nets are mandatory when fishing. That way you can stand in the water and never have to take the fish out of the water. As far as dragging a flopping fish up on the sand or mud because you probably don't have boots or waders on and don't want to get your feet wet is just totally wrong unless of course you are going to keep it. Don't get me wrong fellas I respect your opinions and am not trying to pick a fight with anybody I am just saying we should all do whats best for the fish, thats all.
  15. I am not sure if this topic has ever been discussed here but here I go. I see alot of photos of anglers showing there fish pics while wearing a tailing glove. I have always been told that you should wet your hands before holding any fish so that you don't remove the protective slime off the fish. The slime is there as a barrier to prevent skin infection. It seems to me that wearing a wool glove or a tailing glove for the simple reason of getting a better grip is a total dispespect for this awesome creature. A properly played fish should nor require a glove of any kind as far as I am concerned. I did some research on this topic and have seen pictures of Steelhead with what looks like their tails are rotting off. This might be from spawning or quite possibly from the use of a tailing glove. Some say that tailing gloves should be banned and I think I have to agree. I guess this isn't a big deal if your going to bonk the fish but with so much catch and release these days by conservation minded anglers I think this is something to seriously think about. I'm sure alot of people have never thought that a glove could probably be doing serious damage to any fish since we see them in use on pretty well all the fishing shows now days. Some of the gloves I have seen are like sandpaper on the palms or even like a butchers glove with the chain mesh. I guess I will side with caution and never use a glove, and always wet your hands first before handling any fish. What do you think?
  16. good work boys, hope you had your OFC hats on.
  17. Merland Park in Picton is a great place. Really nice people and good facilities. I have booked itagain for this year. We always get the mikey big fish cottage. only 50 ft from the dock and 2 minutes from down town.
  18. My ex has a toyota highlander a great family vehicle, great on fuel, tows decent, man I miss that vehicle.
  19. Vance throw in there that she must be able to clean fish and you should be okay.
  20. Dancing with stars, so you think you can dance, canadian idol need isay more excuse me while I go puke.
  21. Raptorfan, you sound just like me 20 yrs ago when I started fishing bass tournaments. It's not that I didn't know how to catch bass but in every tournament I would do just fine on day one,and then on day two I would siht the bed because I didn't move or change my tactics due to weather changes etc. I would buy every magazine or video I could get my hands on and study it religously. I bought every new bait that came along listened to the pros on the fishing shows and nothing seemed to work. I have probably fifteen shoe boxes full of baits that haven't seen daylight in ten years. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't believe everything you read and watch on a video because probably 75% of it is bull siht. You seem like a good guy and I feel for you and know exactly how frustrated you are. You have been fishing for awhile I assume and know how to fish. All these articles in magazines and videos and the pros that endorse them have one objective and that is to sell the product. I am not saying they are bad people because I have met quite a few of them over the years but thats there job. And if the numbers don't add up at the end of the year there sponsors will cut them loose. Maybe you are suffering from information overload. I know I was. And when I just got back to the basics and really started to analyse my days on the water things started to change for me and I started to win a few bucks here and there and even started to win a few tournaments. I am still trying new baits that come along but mostly I fish the baits that I am most confident with, and most of the time they produce. Look at drop shotting for example. Thats how I fished when I was 5 yrs old. Now its such a big deal you need a certian type of rod and this and that blah blah blah, what a pile of siht. Its all marketing. After a hundred hours that other site fishing for steel and you haven't caught one yet means only better things are to come if you keep at it my friend. Wish I was there when you do cause I would enjoy watching it more than catching one myself. Keep a positive attitude, and remember to much information can be a bad thing. Sorry for rambling on and if I pissed a few pros off but just giving my honest opinion and trying to help a fellow angler.
  22. I always ask to whom I am speaking with and write it down. That way if the person is acting out of line I will call back and ask to speak to the supervisor. Then when yaking with the supervisor I will mention this persons name and what they said, the supervisor then can deal with it.
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