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Everything posted by torco

  1. Good stuff, keep the updates coming
  2. signed the petition, is there a form letter I can shoot to my MP? I will send my own if need be but thought I would check first.
  3. My deepest sympathies, a cat, dog, and general animal lover myself so I can empathize with your situation.
  4. I think we can all understand planning when the wife is involved PM sent
  5. Definitely some possibilities out there, I for one wouldn't rule out portages. Some are pretty short and easy, plus theyreally add to the adventure not too mention open up to some pretty cool places. Checkout some of the non-operating parks/crown land in Ontario, you can save on fees and no need to reserve.
  6. Procastinating and listening to Brad Paisley's I'm gonna miss her!!!
  7. I am not surprised, its pretty clear that the Governments strategy around the economy is nothing more complex than Sarah Palins "Drill Baby Drill" philosophy. Its an outdated model that does not make sense, to create short term economic growth at the expense of everything else is just lunacy. You would have thought by 2012 we would be thinking more integrative, holistic and long term and not so short term and linear. One needs to remember what the purpose of the economy is to improve ones life but I am not sure how that can be achieved without appropriate regulations and rules. I am not anti-mining or oil but we need to do this right or else whats the point? John Kenneth Galbraith stated it is not the quantity of our goods that matter but the quality of our life. I think many of us forget this regardless of your political stripe.
  8. I didn't vote them but no one should be surprised when they were a minority government they attacked the Navigable Waterways Protection Act, unfortunately with their majority position and ability to manipulate the spin, look no further than the robocalls scandal and how they turned that on the Liberal MP from my riding. I am not excusing what he did as not being wrong and he should be punished for breaking the rules but to compare sending out an anonymous message re-iterating your opponents very public view on abortion vs. redirecting voters to fake polling stations are mountains apart. Its a tough slog to stop them from doing anything with that majority but I am all for giving it a try.
  9. Its kind of shame to see the fish struggle to get past that dam.
  10. These guys are making us (anglers) look bad...I can't believe how stupid people are and I don't think that is harsh.
  11. Most piers along Lake Ontario are open all year and you can get into fish all year round, my guess based on timing is that now would be a good time. Enjoy, and good luck.
  12. Right on, thanks. I will definitely let you know. I spent most of summers in the Soo as a kid but have not a chance to fish up that way in years.
  13. Definitely wish I had booked today off! Nice job.
  14. No trip for me this year...We keep having spring babies, haha this one due April 7th. I plan to be up your (Dr. S) way this summer for a week and am hoping to do some trout fishing in between visiting family.
  15. I only own 1 rod that is 1 piece and find it a nuisance to transport and store. After getting into fly fishing I now own a 2 rods that are 4 pieces and I love them for transportation and storage and really can't say I have noticed a problem with them otherwise.
  16. In a lot of ways I do wonder about the roster make-up of the hockey club. A disproportionate amount of americans but I don't think its cynical, Burke is trying to assemble a team that wins but perhaps he is misguided and due to his familiarity with US hockey programs shows a bias towards US players. It would be nice to see more hometown players but only if they help the team win, this professional hockey and I will like any player that helps my team win, Loved Mats Sundin when he was a leaf.
  17. cottage country rentals. It is going to be tough on that budget to find a cottage in August. Many of the best valued (price and accommodation) cottage rentals are long gone by March. That said what the other guys suggested going with a resort type place with multiple cottages or rooms, one would think you could find what you need.
  18. Its been a few years since they have opened up for ice fishing, I think its partially to help protect the quality of the fishery. That said you can fish the part of the lake outside of the conservation area. It can be accessed from wellington rd 29 but I would be very cautious venturing on to the ice as it has flow.
  19. As far as I know the policy has not changed. I could not find a more up to date memo. It was less about unsafe ice and more about not trespassing. I remembering reading the GRCA issue a warning to people about Guelph lake being off limits for ice fishing in the local paper back in December or January.
  20. Here's your answer http://www.grandriver.ca/Newsroom/News.cfm?id=572 "January 10, 2011 Stay off the ice at Guelph Lake Guelph Lake Conservation Area is closed for the winter season, but that hasn’t stopped some people from venturing out onto the ice. The Grand River Conservation Authority wants to warn them that they are putting their safety at risk and could open themselves up to charges of trespassing. The GRCA used to run an ice-fishing program on Guelph Lake but dropped it a few years ago. When the program was in place, GRCA staff would check ice thickness daily to ensure it was safe. When the ice was too thin, the program would be shut down until it was safe to resume. GRCA staff were also on hand to deal with any emergencies that might arise. However, now that the ice fishing program is no longer offered, ice thickness is not monitored and GRCA staff may not be available to help if an angler runs into difficulty. Guelph Lake is a working reservoir, and water levels can rise or fall quickly, meaning ice can become thin or unstable in a very short period of time and without warning. Avid anglers can go ice-fishing at three other GRCA parks where winter programs are in place. The GRCA offers ice fishing at Shade’s Mills in Cambridge, Pinehurst Lake near Paris, and Belwood Lake near Fergus. Conditions are monitored daily in these locations to ensure the safety of those out on the ice. For more information on ice-fishing and other winter activities at GRCA parks, visit the winter activities page at Winter Activities Update ." You can fish outside of the conservation area but I am not sure about ice thickness, if puslinch does not have enough ice i would be cautious on guelph lake.
  21. Congrats! That is a good sized baby. Glad everyone is healthy and happy. We have about a month to go on our 2nd, another girl.
  22. Loving the music site grooveshark. You can pretty much stream anything commercial free, currently listening to Blink 182's new album. Its ok.
  23. I have been wondering the same thing environmentally. I have to think this will put some stress on certain fish and fisheries.
  24. I have only ever used an ultralight thermarest which is good enough but I could see as you get older needing something more comfortable. My wife has a luxury version of the thermarest I can't remember which brand and it is comfortable but not nearly as portable.
  25. Man you are lucky housing is so cheap out your way. In Guelph you can't get much for under 250K and the houses you are looking for would be all well over 300K. I don't have any experience to add but if you are able to build it sounds like a nice idea, I hear you on doing renovations I can't stand it. Our house was built in 1970 and has all the major work done but there is always something else to do. One thing I will suggest is you may find 1200 feet too small my house is around 1250 with 3 bedrooms upstairs (sidesplit) and an office/guest room on the main entrance way. I find it just a little small sometimes for storage and could probably use an additional 300-500 feet. Goodluck on your househunt or build.
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