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Everything posted by torco

  1. I think it favours conference b the best (the new yorks)they have virtually no travel compared to the other conferences.
  2. Love the pictures from Algoma Country. Need to get up there and visit my family more often so I can take advantage of that awesome fishing.
  3. Yeah I had a similar thought but then thought to myself can't really judge the place on the christmas party. I don't get a lot of perks at my job, no real bonuses or expensed lunches and my salary is below market but I get some pretty sweet benefits that many would really be grateful to have such as ample vacation.
  4. another great report. Right now I am living out my steelhead fishing through these reports as due to life circumstances I was not able to get out the last 2 weeks and it does not look like I will be getting out anytime soon. So please keep them coming
  5. My previous employer was quite large and had a big party for all the plants plus each plant had there own. I always enjoyed going with some of my friends from work plus our significant others it was a nice meal and it was fun to people watch some of the drunkards on the dance floor after dinner for a bit. I now work at the university we have a festive lunch, christmas lunch would be offensive Anyways its not bad another good meal its not on my time but works so thats a bonus.
  6. I find some of them amusing but some people get really worked up and really believe in it. Don't even get me started on those musky guys, haha.
  7. We all know you shouldn't stereo type any angler based on the method chosen. That same fly angler could be a gear angler the next day. Crazy that they kept an atlantic but at the sametime its hard to be surprised with all the craziness we see during salmon and trout runs. Nice fish Solo, I never get tired of reading your reports and have learned a lot so far.
  8. Thanks for posting, the camera work on those pictures was excellent. Some of those shots deserve to be in a magazine or calendar somewhere!
  9. It happens. I am trying to get steelhead on the fly this fall and have not had any success yet. Yesterday was probably the most painful because I knew there were some nice fish in the area I was fishing and a good part of me wanted to go back to the car and get my spinning rod and float for them. Just keep plugging away and trying different presentations.
  10. That sucks but I would say don't count out all guides based on this experience. A good guy not only helps catch fish but provides valuable teaching or should at least. Hopefully you at least learned something on the trip.
  11. My daughter is only 18 months but seeing that really makes me excited for my daughters future. I can only imagine your pride as a Dad! Well done and congrats to your son his first steelhead!
  12. Bronte at dundas does but I am not sure if only south of the road. check the regs.
  13. Great report and its so true, to catch fish one needs to be versatile. Agree with most that float fishing will probably catch the most steelhead over the long run but something about the strike when casting a lure that can't be beat.
  14. they kind of remind of wolverines.
  15. interesting article. I was not aware that a lack of thiamine was an issue with atlantic salmon.
  16. Awesome report, always like your reports. You know some people will probably never get a steelhead on a dry fly that is an amazing achievement. Me - I am still hoping to get a steelhead on fly rod. Perhaps this weekend. Wife and daughter are away for the weekend so I should finally have time to make a good attempt at my goal for the fall season.
  17. Well a wedding at Taboo could get a expensive fast. I remember we looked at doing a wedding in the Muskoka's and found that most places couldn't accommdate 150+ guests. Lots of great places around 80-120 guests if I remember correctly. We really liked Severn Lodge.
  18. Here is an interesting article from the globe and mail. Not really directly related to the protests but something we have all protested at least a little at some point in time taxes. Enjoy http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/tax-isnt-a-four-letter-word/article2201690/
  19. I wanted to attend that as I now have a switch rod but my wife was working and my closest baby sitters was my moms place out in oshawa. So I went out to oshawa, managed to get a few hours in lost a couple of salmon which was fun.
  20. So I shouldn't feel bad about working all weekend
  21. Yeah it looks beautiful but what matters is catching fish, often time I feel like I am doing some bastardize version of a roll cast to get my line out there. I am not a good caster and should spend more time practicing but I am not sure that watching videos is the best way to do it, you probably pay $20 bucks for a dvd and you can probably learn from in person starting around 30/hr. My best learning has been the 1 on 1 kind.
  22. Awesome report, very jealous.
  23. How do explain this http://www.actionplan.gc.ca/initiatives/eng/index.asp?initiativeID=39&mode=7 Most people don't realize the government did this. I am not saying it was right or wrong but it is like a bailout. It is a kind of bailout, smaller scale than the US and the assets are of better value but to say there was no bailout is a bit disingenuous.
  24. Charles Adler, Am640 and Sun media....Based on these sources its kind of hard to believe the story to be true.
  25. Its about many things and I think that is part of what makes it compelling is these people are saying its just a or b or c, etc its a whole bunch of things that need to be addressed. So the message is not necessarily clear as a save the whales kind of protest. One message that does stand out especially in the US is that the American dream is dead for many. Americans have long prided themselves on the fact that if you worked hard enough take some risks you can become wealthy, whether it ever truly existed I am not sure but the myth seems dead since they bailed out the banks. As the banking community played high stakes poker and lost but instead of being accountable and taking the hit they forced the house (john and betty main street) to foot the bill while they were allowed to stay at the table and make millions more on their money. How would you feel if that was you? I wish them well, as we need change, and it needs to start somewhere, and this could be the start.
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