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Everything posted by torco

  1. I whole-hardheartedly agree.
  2. Thanks Ron, I like the rainbow limit reduction
  3. Nice, great save. I have dined in waders and wading boots, lol I had just fished all night during a spring trout opener and was hungry for breakfast. Some strange looks but oh well.
  4. Sweet pics. I was out last monday for a half day with my brother inlaw. I was using berkley's nymph powerbait in pink and white. It worked well, anyone else ever use these? Misfish you could also try some hair jigs or wooly buggers under the float.
  5. Wow, I have never seen anything like it, another one for the bucket list
  6. Watched the video a couple times no conclusive evidence it was snagged or flossed. Nice fish in some beautiful surroundings.
  7. Good link, something I have been trying to do for a while now. Its very difficult process for the consumer in Canada as food labeling of fish is damn near useless in this country.
  8. Can't add much but just don't get carried away with it. Sounds like you are shopping for a bargain so that won't be a problem.
  9. Grandriver Troutfitters out of Fergus does beginner classes and guides. I have learned from Ken and Larry at Troutfitters both are excellent. Guides and classes are invaluable as there is nothing better than being able to ask questions and get instant feedback.
  10. Actually looking at doing this trip in 2014 or 2015 but what happened to you is kind of my big fear. 99% of my canoeing experience is flat water so before I go I was thinking I need to get some whitewater under my belt. This definitely confirms it for me, it looks like an amazing place from the pictures, thanks for the report.
  11. I had a pair of red ball neoprenes for many years they worked well but always leaked around the crothc. A patch would last for a while but it was always the crotch because of the seam. It is black friday this week and a couple years ago I got a great deal from Cabelas on a new breathable waders. It would be worth looking at doing some internet shopping this week.
  12. I have not used roe in a few years for steelhead, I have definitely caught less with artificials but in my limited time on the water (family takes a lot of my time now) I have had fun learning new techniques and numbers have never really mattered to me.
  13. Wow Mike, what an epic trip! Thanks for taking the time to share it with everyone.
  14. I wouldn't skimp too much on the rod and reel combo. If you are worried about breakage why not buy a nice travel tube or case for it.
  15. I'm an accountant, lol and always do my trip plans in excel. Too funny. Happy planning
  16. Wow great report, thank you
  17. Well done on both reports, looks like you have been very busy catching some big fish!
  18. This pretty much sums up my position.
  19. sweet report!
  20. Thanks guys, excellent work.
  21. LOL. So true, I now have 2 and my time for fishing has been greatly reduced.
  22. Very cool, how many fish do the volunteers lift over every year?
  23. Lots of rain in the forecast for the next week
  24. Awesome!
  25. Despite what some will say, males will attack with pretty good aggression even if they have been in the river for a bit of time. I just returned from a trip up in Thunder Bay and witnessed first hand how aggressive chinooks can be on the fly. I have actually not seen them this aggressive before, which maybe attributed to less pressured waters of the north. They went nuts for white zonkers while I was there but I think you will be fine with any variety of streamer patterns like buggers, zonkers, or even classic spey tupe flies.
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