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Everything posted by torco

  1. I could see the 2% on the purchase being an issue if you are apparently making $1000 profit on the sale as once the sales person gets his portion it doesn't leave much of a margin for the dealer. I hate dealing with the Dealer, especially for new vehicles. As far as dealerships go from a sales function there is almost no value add in the sale process to me since I can find all the info I need online. Car companies really need to rethink the sales channel for selling vehicles which could arguably lower prices for consumers and improve profit margins for the manufacturer. You can buy just about everything else in the world at Wal-mart why not cars? I'm just throwing out hypothetical's here...
  2. Thanks for the tips. Its much appreciated.
  3. Hey what lakes did you fish with tornado out of port loring? I ask because I have done a canoe trip to a couple lakes in that area and one has a fly in camp on it. I always thought the guys at the camp would be floored if they knew we could get in and out in 3hrs by canoe for free
  4. Go back country camping with a canoe is the way to go. Its affordable to rent a canoe from one of the many great outfitters around. i suggest you visit myccr.com for trip planning ideas/help. If you are planning on going to an operating park like Algonquin Park, it maybe worthwhile to book you route in advance so you are not disappointed. Some of the best fishing of my life was a 3hr canoe ride into a fly in fishing lake off of the pickeral river system.
  5. Nice haul, I am newby as well and got skunked last saturday but plan to give it another go this weeekend. Its funny you mention the 8 inch auger. I bought an 8 inch auger, it took me a long time to drill as well this past weekend, the ice was pretty thick but still. Maybe I'm not doing it right? Any tips
  6. City Marine is right on the queensway. I know they specialize in Mercury products but think they still service other brands as well.
  7. Well I gave guelph lake a try (the area outside of the park) I saw a few people fishing well away from on the otherside. I really didn't know where was best, anyways I had no success but it was fun. It was my first time fishing the lake in the winter so its to be expected. The ice was thick so no concerns about falling through as I was sitting on almost 18 inches of ice. I took my german shepherd pup with me (well she is a year now) and she had a blast out there, she would watch me drill a hole and then she would try and dig her own hole through the ice, looks I have found a good ice fishing partner All in all depending on the weather hopefully I can get out again next weekend and maybe catch a fish.
  8. Well I am going to give either guelph lake or one of the other conservation areas close by a try tomorrow pending ice conditions. I will put a report up, it will be first time ice fishing in years.
  9. I know that area you are talking about, I fished it this past summer. I don't think that is with in the boundaries of the conservation area. Maybe I'll give that a go if the ice looks safe.
  10. Hey, I received an email back from the GRCA, apparently Guelph Lake is closed to ice fishing this season. Other places like shades mills and belwood are open though.
  11. Hi All, I am finally all set to do some ice fishing and would like to give Guelph Lake a try. Anyone have any recent ice conditions? I went the grand river website but they didn't have any info. In fact they don't have any info on Guelph Lake Ice fishing, I could have swore they use to rent huts and that I have seen people out there. Any info appreciated, Thanks,
  12. Petition signed...Although I'm kind of annoyed as this was predicted to happen long ago without intervention. Not too be to negative but with all of our errors over the last number of decades will this be the one to finally kill the fishery and alter the great lakes the most profoundly?
  13. With our first baby on the way in March, I'm going to try and keep it local to the guelph area, maybe get out the flyrod and try for bass and trout in the grand or up to guelph lake with the canoe for bass and pike. Will try and get my steelheading in before the end of March if I can get any open water. We have our annual trip to the haliburton area with the extended family pretty much planned out, hopefully back on redstone lake for some big smallies and maybe even some trout. I'm already setting my sites on 2011 and a trip to BC for steelhead or salmon but I guess it all depends on the baby and convincing the wife.
  14. As a recent public sector hire, I moved from a public company to a university the pay is a bit lower than the private sector but the benefits are better. Of course the pension looks good now but its probably unsustainable like most pensions. The old vs young ratio is just way too skewed and since I'm still under the age of 30 who knows what retirement will look like when I'm around 60+ years. I suspect I will more than likely being paying into a plan that won't pay out much to me but rather supports those already retired. These lists are good and bad, like most things some are worth every penny they make and work hard for their money and some just make you shake your head. Alot of these guys as mentioned like the token book guys at TTC need to retire as you can bring in a lot more affordable labour for what I assume is a fairly unskilled job.
  15. The best bets are probably Belwood and Guelph Lake. go to the Grand River Conservation Authority website for details, was thinking of renting a hut on guelph lake in the new year to try it out. I have only fished it in the summer. Other places somewhat close are puslinch, conostogo, orangeville and one more place closer to hamilton which eludes me at the moment. Hope this helps,
  16. Wow, great day on the water. I concur on April....I don't think I would do to well trying to learn how to fly fish with her, far too much distraction!
  17. This is an interesting thread for a fishing forum! As an accountant I usually come and read the threads as a break from working on things like this HST stuff . There is alot of misinformation and lack of information out there on HST which is evident by many of the posts. In theory the idea of a harmonized tax makes sense, it saves administrative costs for businesses, tax credits for businesses, etc. However, theory(strategy) and action(execution) are often quite the opposite. The current governments (federal & provincial) have failed on the action part on a number of fronts. Firstly details are sketchy and not easy to come by even if you know where to look or attend courses put out by the accounting firms because their simply we and are not enough details available. Second, no question the consumer gets this in the teeth especially on necessities like natural gas for heating your home. The exemptions should have continued to apply in my opinion or they could have looked at a reduction in rates which has been done elsewhere. Third, the way it has been setup will not make the administrative burden easier on businesses because we will still have to track the taxes separately so its more of harmonization on the front end but still split on the back end. So what are the benefits: Assuming sales don't decline business's win big with more tax credits to claim on their monthly gst (soon to be HST) returns and that's really it Apparently we will see other business tax custs and personal income tax cuts and rebate cheques which were included in the bill ( I don't know the details so I can't say how good they are) Drawbacks: Well consumer costs on many items go up 8% (including necessities in my opinion) at a time when alot of people can't even get a cost of living increase. A more complex tax administration system as a result of new rules. Increased costs at the ministry if they are going to be cutting cheques to all the residents of ontario who pay taxes since physically cutting and mailing cheques aren't cheap. Well hopefully that was somewhat informative for people and gave some new perspective and insight. I kind of just rambled on, I'm not trying to be political nor do I see have political aspirations for one party or another.
  18. A lot of good points have been raised, especially with the rivers. I guess one thing I could add from customer perspective as I have used guides in the past as its a great way to try some fishing you will not normally do or don't have the means to do regularly. I took advantage of a guide for Lake O salmon and trout, down in Belize to fish the reef, up on Lake Nipissing for walleye and bass, musky fishing in the kawartha's and I took some fly fishing guided lessons on the grand river. These were all treats for me, I would think most customer's come at from this angle. You want to learn and have abit of an adventure while you do it. I love fishing and it doesn't really matter what for. I guess it gets tricky especially with rivers and creeks so easily exposed in southern ontario. It would be really easy to go back to a limited number of spots on a creek east of toronto after being shown it and that would be discouraging. Anyways it has its place on certain bodies of water and hopefully people will continue to do and make a living on it because I know I will probably use it. Would love to go for rainbows on Niagara or whereever the heck solopaddler goes once in my life.
  19. I only go out a few times a year, although I wish I had more time but such is life. Listen to Bill M, I use the convergence with stradic reel and do fine for the amount of time on the water. Its a decent rod for the price, mine is only 10'6 a little shorter than my previous rod but it does fine in small tribs such as the ones out east.
  20. I only go out a few times a year, although I wish I had more time but such is life. Listen to Bill M, I use the convergence with stradic reel and do fine for the amount of time on the water. Its a decent rod for the price, mine is only 10'6 a little shorter than my previous rod but it does fine in small tribs such as the ones out east.
  21. Hi, I am new to the board. At least when it comes to posting, I have enjoyed people's posts though for some time. Anyways what Kemper says make sense like all fish when the water gets out of their comfort range they slow down. I would argue that it hasn't happened yet this year in the rivers I fish on Lake O. As I had a couple hrs on Sunday and managed to get 2 trout (1 rainbow and 1 brown) on a spinner. I decided before going I would give only only spinners/spoons a go and see what happens. It was alot of fun and good change from drifting.
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