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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. i have a 10 ft SIK made by paluski. it has a rod holder and is very stable. i even shoot ducks while sitting in it. thats how stable it is.
  2. i thought it was a good way to spend a saturday afternoon with the wife and kids. The only thing i bought were 2 picture frames for 5 bucks. i won the tix, don't think i would pay $12 X 2 to go though.
  3. I believe ice fishing is not permitted there. I think the reservoir is only to fishing from May - November
  4. you're being way too overly sensitive (especially for a fisherman). from what you described, I don't see anything wrong with how they're preparing those fish. Whats the difference between that or tossing live perch on the ice when harvesting them? heart beating = fresh meal!!
  5. fat chicks are like mopeds ...
  6. that only applies if you're fishing the harbor in a motorized boat. I heard alot of people go fishing at night in the Jarvis Street area
  7. thats the only one ive been to. i think its called causeway bait and tackle
  8. woohoo!! i guess i'll take the wife there for valentines day!!
  10. there will never be a UFC in ontario as long as Ken Hayashi is the ON Athletics Commissioner!!!
  11. the historic part is that he is the first black president. well actually he's only half black... which means he's just as much white as he is black... which means you are right, there isn't anything historic about it!
  12. when i read the title, i wuz gonna tell you to get a dog instead!
  13. but that cute little bear probably just wanted to play P3TA
  14. too late, u just made it ugly
  15. once Obama takes power, there is no way he is not gonna bail out the people that voted him in. so yes, it's just a commercial break.
  16. he should do an episode at Jane & Finch
  17. awesome pics. thanks for sharing
  18. no way!! The Ted Rogers West Centre I hate rogers!
  19. anyone here wanna go halves on that 2 for 1 deal?
  20. i have this little pond thats walking distance to my house too. I think it's called lake ontario.
  21. nice report. love the dirty shwa!
  22. thanks for the update. i guess i'll just take my chances and see if i can bust some skim ice. my 10 min paddle to the blind might take a bit longer though
  23. If anyone drives past lake scugog, can you give me an update on the ice condition? Planning on doing some duck hunting on the weekend, but don't wanna drive up there to find out it's solid. Don't mind breaking some thin ice.
  24. The company I work for is in the manufacturing industry (though not auto). Our factory is unionized, and UNSKILLED workers start at around $14/hr. To my knowledge, we have never had any strikes, stoppages or shortages of workers. The reason that we have been so successful is that the unions and management work with each other, not against each other.
  25. pike - 54" walleye - 22lbs smallie - 10lbs sorry no pics, forgot my camera every time.
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