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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. i know the area youre talkin bout. east of the island, just north of 7A. I fished there tons of times, and they don't really care. They only post the signs once duck hunting season starts. As soon as I fired my first shot, 2 guys came came out in their boats and told me I was trespassing. Scugog is a pretty big lake, so there are other places to hunt. They are right anyways, as the hunt club or whoever owns the land under the water before it was flooded.
  2. not many choices in scarberia. you could also try the mouth of the rouge river.
  3. lol that happened to me too many times!
  4. not surprised. last summer my sons daycare (kingston rd/altona) was in lockdown after a they spotted a loose bear in pickering. they ended up catching it in the liverpool rd/kingston rd area. i guess a bear lockdown is better than a lockdown because of some gang shooting.
  5. i was duck hunting on the bog yesterday, and it was dam windy!
  6. if its okay for 300 lb chicks to wear skimpy clothes in public, then its okay to carry a dead moose.
  7. that pike looks like a supermodel!
  8. nice job, if only i could stay awake that late!
  10. dont let a little bit of cold stop you, you wussy!
  11. lol, 12 % is the standard # i always hear from them! in the long run, index funds will beat out 80% of managed funds. if youre only in for the short run, then GIC or high % savings is the place to go
  12. all this time i thought chinooks love the taste of styrofoam! reminds me of the first time my buddy asked me to go salmon fishing at the credit river 8 years ago. he says that he caught a whole bunch of salmon using styrofoam as bait. i was like huh?
  13. i dont get it? your neigbour was using your unsecured wireless network, so you spliced his cable?
  14. a wireless router and a neighbour with an unsecured connection is always the best!
  15. isnt mark chmura a former tight end for the green bay packers
  16. hey thats a sweet yak muskie! who needs a motor when u got that thing to pull you around.
  17. u can get one online too
  18. actually I do know someone who is in Primerica, and yes I did go to one of those presentations. Fortunately I do take the time to investigate anything that has to do with my $$, which is why I stayed far far away from Primerica. This "financial advisor" sold some RRSP's to my wife (before we got married), then after I transferred them to a TD E-funds account and bought index funds, he called me up and said I was crazy to do so, and that his fund would make %10 and blah blah blah. This "financial advisor" has a kid with the GF they all live with mom and dad and have no education in terms of economics. Don't know about you, but I wouldnt take financial advise from someone in his situation. So yes I do know someone involved with this company, which is why I am so against them. Don't feel so special that you're a part of the "team" because anyone with a pulse and $99 can be also!
  19. especially the ones that you reel into your downline! BTW were you the one to recruit Pachone in your downline? I find it quite a coincidence that you just "stumbled" on this board, and your first 2 posts are in this subject. I have a feeling that you heard about this thread from Pachone and came on here to defend him. So you like all kind of fish eh?
  20. maybe if you try using a smaller aperture setting (a higher #), it may be in focus below the surface.
  21. did you eat it?
  22. is it a part of the program for Primerica reps to sign up on fishing boards to defend Crimerica? Your post would have a lot more credibility if you knew proper english, and didn't sign up here just to defend Crimerica. But I guess you really wanted to talk about fishing, but just clicked on this thread by accident. Oh well must go to job now. I am 95% people.
  23. but the disadvantage is the cost!! $15 for 150 yards of pp @ walmart! and when you set the hook, the fish goes flying outta the water too! lol
  24. Crimerica is Legit company, that deceives people into thinking they will become instant millionaires by selling their over priced products. I know a Primerica "Financial Advisor", and I wouldnt ask him for any advise unless I wanted to here a sales pitch for his products.
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