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Everything posted by ricoboxing

  1. look at all the TTC bus drivers and ticket collectors on the list. and people wonder why the fares keep increasing.
  2. NOOOOOO, youre making a big mistake. dude, it's not too late to change your mind. just kidding, congrats... i guess
  3. i caught a bunch of steelhead in the spring with my 5'6" ugly stik, 8lb test using the small berkely pink trout worms and some tiny split shot. Just found a pool, drift and let the worm bounce along the bottom. you can have the most expensive setups but it dosent matter what you use if you're fishing in pools that don't hold any fish.
  4. http://www.ohep.net/ all the info you need to get licensed is here. do the "one stop" course (hunting and firearms)
  5. same setup as him 36lb minkota pushes around 2 people fine. if im alone, i just use the kayak.
  6. I don't do any big game hunting, but when I took my hunters education course, the instructor said that after you field dress the animal, just leave the carcasses in the bush as another animal will eat it.
  7. same crap, different year. i don't bother fishing the tribs at this time of the year anyways.
  8. yummy, nice going!!!
  9. those wingmasters are suppose to be way better then the express versions they make now. nice going!!
  10. your conservation license allows you to keep a limit of 2
  11. u ate the fish before the picture!
  12. nice report! thanks for sharing.
  13. My wife used to go fishing with me when we were dating. now that we got 2 kids, she dosent fish with me anymore, but dosent mind me going once or twice a week. Just tell her, "would you rather me be out fishing and hunting, or at the bar getting drunk with the boys and picking up girls?"
  14. salmon can run? cool!! They should be in the now, and after every rainfall now. Was a snagfest at the oshawa creek last weekend.
  15. by the look of the guy, thats the corner of church and wellesley. looks like the lower niagara river to me
  16. I went in there one time and they had lots of overpriced lures covered in dust. I wondered how the heck they stayed in business, then I heard the "news"
  17. I thought that electric motors were excluded?
  18. I usually go to Gagnon's cause its the most convenient. The customer service at lemorons has improved alot since BPS opened, so sometimes I'll go there if Im in the area. Nothing beats spending a few hours at BPS though, even if you have no money!!
  19. hockey stick cart > Kayak Cart—Mini by Wheeleez®
  20. been seeing a bunch jumping chinnies in front of the oshawa pier lately.
  21. i just bought this yesterday. 0% financing too!
  22. I've been fishing from a SIK for the last 3 years (I also got a scanoe). If you're using it purely for fishing, then a SOT allows more stability and more gear to carry. The reason I have a SIK is cause I also use it for duck hunting, so I'm out on the lake in November breaking ice, and sometimes have to paddle longer distances.
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