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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. There isn't one. Some local townships are thinking of offering one, but still have yet to get approval from the MNR. I don't think you'll see the full support of the government, after how you saw how they caved to the outcry (a few people) in toronto this past summer.
  2. Yup. Government
  3. I wrote a letter to the editor about this. What a crock of crap. I may or may not have been having a few beers when I wrote. When my wife came home I talked to her about it and showed her my email to the editor..... She looked at me and said, "You're an idiot, they won't publish that". She went to bed. I laughed. I cracked open another beer and smiled.
  4. ....and....see that nice open water spot on the top of wayne's photo....???? that is where Raf is talking about....some years you can't access....some you can...nice fishin' though....if ur brave
  5. Maybe take a look at being a TTC booth operator? Sleep while getting paid...
  6. Beat it Terry71. As for the original poster, if you want PM me. You can also google Predator Hunting, there are many ways to hunt yotes. Just pick the right gun, the right call and you're ready to go.
  7. AzuluSpookd

    Nice Buck

    Wow Dan, that is an amazing picture. I think I'm gonna use that as my background on my pc at work, do you mind?
  8. I can't believe I missed this thread and I don't remember getting a letter from Crestliner about this. Maybe I did, who knows...but my boat is affected... Here's the list of boats affected... PS- Good post lew 04-09 14 Canadian tiller/sc 04-09 18 Canadain sc 09 167 kodiak tiller/sc 06-09 1600 Fish Hawk SC 00-06 1650 Fish Hawk SC 06-09 1700 Fish Hawk SC 00-05 1750 Fish Hawk SC 07-09 1850 Fish Hawk Tiller 04-09 1650 Sport Angler 07-09 1650 Canadian 07-09 1850 Canadian 03-09 192 TS SC 07-09 1850 Sport fish SST
  9. Those were some nice pics. Amazing what wolves can do!
  10. You'll catch lotsa pike in Hoggs....early morning and late afternoon you may even catch a few eyes. The hut city that Raf talks about sometimes doesn't exist. Some years its out there and others its not...pretty shaky at times. You could be fishing on 10 inches of ice and 20 feet away is open water Good luck , and let us know how you do!
  11. Those are some really nice pics. I had the opportunity to go there last year to visit my brother, what a great experience. Did you get a chance to hike up "The Chief" ? What a mountain!
  12. I missed this report! Good job guys, looks like you had a blast....like you always do!
  13. No disrespect but... May I ask where the "false or misleading" advertising was? They put out a flyer. They came through with the product. They sold it for what they said they would. It sucks that you and your wife couldnt get it when you were there, but I dont see how this is possibly false or misleading, unless of course they told you they would have enough stock to feed the 35,000 people or they sold it to you for regular price instead of the deal?
  14. Re read what you just wrote, you're contradicting yourself. As for using a gun for intimidation purposes, although not pointing it at someone....is still stupid (not posted by you).
  15. Oh Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Question for ya TJ and any one else who knows..... My girls are 11 and 12...is it still worth it to get the RESP''s ?
  17. I was thinkin of maybe buildin' and puttin' it at the end of the runway??
  18. Perrrrrrrrrrfect.....
  19. Nice...a 175 on that thing? Wow that is going to FLY!!!!
  20. So true...not for all...but for many! You think those places are bad, you should see "how benificial" OPSEU is....how they protect the lazy....how they abuse the Health and Safety Act...how they promote their workers to conduct frivolous work refusals....how when the Ministry of Labour is called the inspectors are OPSEU members.......how they utilize the Health and Safety Act for bargaining leverage (I'm sure others do this as well)....oh the list goes on and on and on....it is impossible to fire, let alone discipline an ontario government worker....all of these things have very very significant financial impacts...but who cares though right? Its the government....yet...people complain when their taxes go up without realizing all of the wasted financial resources that this union costs US the taxpayers. Some unions are as useless as an ashtray on a motorcycle. Period.
  21. Since when does a union have an impact on the Health and Safety Act? It could very well be, that some time ago...long ago that unions were instrumental in assisting with the creation of the legislation, UNION OR NOT, the Health and Safety Act applies to all. In short and I'll keep it brief, spreading propoganda that union shops have better health and safety standards is Bull. Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.....
  22. Always next time Brian...good luck. There seems to be some poachers around where I am...heard two shots ring out at 7:45 and another single at 8:30....hard to tell exactly where they came from, as I was in the swamp, but it sure sounded closed.
  23. Tonnes of moose in this area...coldwater..port severn....there were 3 car/moose collisions in September alone near 400/12 cutoff....too bad theres no open season at all for moose around here
  24. Good job Brian. That spot really looks like it is going to pay off for you. Keep at er! I'll be out fri, sat and sun, than can't go out during the shotgun hunt.
  25. Huh? What's your point, you're arguing the same thing
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