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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. I noticed that last night while browsing through the channels. Awesome Channel...although the other half didn't think so I watched the 350,000 tourny on Simcoe last July...wow...Gregg Klatt was close to winning that too!!!
  2. I just bought one for mine from WestMarine. I have 90 4 stroke. The first one I had bought, had a plastic end, which connected near the skeg. Would not support the motor from turning. I took it back and for 10 bucks more, I bougth the one that was metal. It works amazing and the motor will not turn while I am driving. Now I can also mount my downrigger bar while I am towing! There were two types of set ups that came with it. One for if you have a roller near the end of your trailor, which I don't....so....I had to weld the other piece onto the trailor frame, because I couldn't bolt through and voila! Great investment.
  3. Hey Cliff.... One of my favourites for late morning until mid afternoon........ as soon as the sun spits out of the clouds.....throw on..... a GOLD Williams Spoon..... always a sure bet
  4. No Roy.....whereever you got yours, thats the ontario record.... The one I had was the Canadian Record..... You can see all live release and fish records here..... www.canadian-sportfishing.com
  5. The canadian live release record is..... PERCH, YELLOW 15.75X13.75 STEVE VENDRAMINETTO LAKE SIMCOE, ON 01/04/1997 The Canadian Fish Record weighs in at 2.97 pounds....I believe that has probably been broken several times on Simcoe!!!!!!
  6. I have a trailor on the French....last year we launched our boat right at the highway on the Pickeral, if you're going North, its on the West side....be very cautious of the launch, its crap However, we fished the Pickerel River using the same techniques as we do on the French and had no luck at all. We fished for 12 hours and nada. The french has always been good to me, although I have been going there for 20 plus years
  7. Keep up the good work Kev! We'll see you next year!
  8. You guys all have some very interesting points, points that I will consider when I do my first fly in! I did drive 12 hours up to Longlac last year and camped in the bush and caught a phenominal amount of walleye!!! The only thing we had to pay for was gas, food and drinks
  9. Here's the link.... http://www.myspace.com/rainbow_fishinggeek
  10. That was the one, all torn apart! No big deal...you shouldn't have issues with yours....it could have been a bunch of things for mine....now I am in the same boat as you...waiting for parts...
  11. I have the Nautilus. It's great. Although, on the advice of Sinker....I now charge it on the trickle charge 2amp....seems to holding up much better....although the new trolling motor is shot now
  12. Good job Wayne, it should work out well. I was in there today with my 55pd Wireless I purchased last year. It was acting up all weekend, while up in Kirkland Lake. Brian took the prop off and opened up the housing unit and there was water in there No idea why, as there isn't a mark on the skag, never hit anything....now I need all new parts in there..
  13. Hey guys, I just bought my boat last year, brand new 90 Merc 4 stroke. When I changed the lower end oil in it last fall, it was the EXACT same colour as yours. My immediate response, based on what people had been telling me was that there was water in the oil. When it was brought in this spring, the marine mechanic said, "No worries at all. This is the colour of the oil that the Manufacturer puts in for the first time." Needless to say, after running out on GB quite a few times this year already, I've checked the oil and it is fine. Mechanic was right.
  14. Hey Bri...Who pee'd in your cheerios today? Bass must still be closed....hee hee...
  15. GB and I were just talking about that area...I've known that under the bridge to the locks has always been a sanctuary (spearing area...I mean spawning area ), but I couldnt' seem to find it either.....
  16. Although I don't fish Simcoe that often, I agree with Brians first post. I tried cleaning 50 perch one time and it was way too time consuming As for Georgian Bay...I'd like to see the Walleye slot dropped and continue with the 2 fish limit. Either two fish under 22" or 1 under and 1 over 22", if you so choose. I have a trailor on the French River as well, but I think the limit and the slot should be minimized. The slot size up there is one of the biggest in the province, 15" to 25". Very difficult to catch an Eye up there more than 25". Most fish I've caught up there are 16" to 22"....
  17. Its all personal preference with the manufacturer... I was in the market for almost a year... I must have taken about 10 different trips to the barrie legend dealer...I was adimant that I was going to get a legend...because I truly thought the price was cheaper.... then...after adding the motor that I truly wanted and other options....I took all of the information and went to parry sound to Jack Burny marina.....told him what I wanted.....and asked what they could do.... Ended up going with the 1650 Sport Fish, with a 90 4 stroke (max) and a heavy duty trailor and all of the options that I wanted with the legend....I chose a non-current model (still has the same warranty and still new) and a non-current model motor (warranty started the day I bought it)..... The boat ended up being cheaper than the legend...and the legend only came with a 60 4 stroke.... I am very happy with my crestliner, but at the end of the day, it came down to the best deal for me. Now...had legend given me a great deal....I would be in a legend at this moment.
  18. That is pretty amazing, great job! I just purchased two electric big johns and am going to need to do something similar to my boat. I just have no idea how to do the electrical part, I have a bud that is going to make me an aluminum bar to go across....so the electrical is the issue.... any suggestions/help?
  19. Whites Falls...nice thread wayne....I like the pic of my work....
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