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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. Leave your boat at home. Go out with Andy.
  2. I'm not sure what your question is....but...I have a 787c2....and I love it, couldn't be happier...the navionics is in it though...
  3. Thanks for the help guys....much appreciated. Those spoons were larger Salmon and Trout spoons wayne...no small ones in there...but I've got some in my other box
  4. Heading up to the family cottage on Round Lake, near the big KL for walleye opener on Saturday.... Always wanted to catch Splake...anyone have any tips for spring splake fishing?
  5. If excalibur was as small as a company as middleton, of course he would be sending off personal emails and visiting stores. Unfortunately, that's not the case...there isn't even a comparison between the two. Excalibur is the leader in Crossbows. Period.... Of course this is only my opinion I'm just razin' ya Cliff....no worries
  6. I love my excalibur like you love your middleton, but I won't hold it against ya'
  7. Well, since you're gonna promote Middleton... Excalibur all the way! Everything else is a copy cat!!!!
  8. You are correct...East coasters are always polite.....Ma is from Cape Breton...I'm not...which would explain things
  9. Yup, just no guns. Wayne, I spoke to your little buddy who doesn't like folks with conservation licenses fishing for skis, and he did advise that you're not tay. He said to use the map, it is exact and you're not in it. Remember...zosche's follow no rules
  10. No go for Sundays Brian. If you have any properties in Tay township to go to, your good to go. And GB... ....
  11. Too funny! Thanks for all the replies guys! Looking forward to fall now!!
  12. Thanks, I know that, that's why I wrote the only township around....ME!! LOL...
  13. Was able to get out with two buddies in Tay township for a sunday gun hunt (only township around that's allowed). The other two set up at the bottom of the field and I set up on the top end, about 300 yards away from them. They had 4 birds walk directly behind them, totally ignored their decoys and they didn't even see them until it was too late. I saw the birds and they just started walking my way. It felt like an eternity, but leaning against the tree, I watched them about about 20 yards away...two hens...a jake...and a TOM! YEE HAW....slowly lifted the REM and bang. Nice bird.......with a really big fan. Done for the year, might go out a couple of times to call and video tape for some guys...time to get my boat ready!
  14. Where'd the knitting picture go GB??? Don't be shy now little guy...
  15. Way to go rich!
  16. Are you freakin' kidding me?
  17. I have nothing to hold out for. The Shhhhh was in reference to GB's comment. Yesterday, there were no birds in the first spot. Went out to Moonstone and had gobblers all around us, but wouldn't come out of the hardwood. Decided to take 3 hours off of work this morning and head back out there by myself. Set up a Hen Decoy, and the birds started gobblin' around 0605 hours. I tried a few different calls and the one they responded to the most was my mouth call, that I had been practicing on for quite a while. After about 10 minutes going back and forth, the group of them came up on my left about 20 yards...4 Jakes and 2 Hens...going right for my decoy....no Tom, but I was looking for a Jake to go up on the wall...so I picked the biggest bugger and took him out. Nice bird, weighed in at 18.2 pounds at Wolf's Den (needed a weigh to enter contest) All 3 other jakes started kicking and jumping on my dead bird, made me laugh. Here it is. Pressure is over, now I can relax and get my big bird later.
  18. Shhhhhh.....
  19. What the hell is your problem? GB made a post based on past experience (more than yours). If anyone looks like a moron, it's you.
  20. Thanks for the report GB...I'm gonna book something with werner....It was nice talkin' to ya tonight, been a while!
  21. I wish I could help you Jedi....the only thing I know is that Chandos has monster pike, and I mean monster pike. 3 fish tourny's guys are coming in with 40 to 48 pounds...unbelievable. This years tourney is on May 29th.
  22. I'm heading to Kirkland Lake for opener and will be fishing Round Lake for pic opener! Unless I dont get my bird
  23. Lack of Knowledge isn't an excuse. Every angler and hunter has a responsibility to make sure that they know the regulations. Period. ...and I highly doubt 9 times out of 10 that is the case, regardless. I would suggest that 9 times out of 10 that those people (poachers) use that as their excuse, because people tend to want to believe it.
  24. Andy, is longshank part of this board or no?
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