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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. I have no skeg on my 90 four stroke....hit a rock 40 mph....no performance issues....
  2. "Ontario" Provincial Police. Is that jurisdiction enough?
  3. Rule #1 - Don't believe everything you see on TV It's not about obligations. Its about being courteous and respectful (both ways). If you wanna be dink, I'm sure they can be a bigger dink.
  4. Police officers can enforce the exact same laws as Conservation Officers. They don't usually, but its nice to see that some try. I know on Georgian Bay here, the CO goes out with the OPP on a daily basis, but I have seen the OPP enforce without the CO's on board. I think its great.
  5. Great show, watched it last night. That's two good shows for Canada...The Border and Flashpoint....nice...
  6. Good job, nice fish! We were at the tourny a few weeks back at AC Marina and the conditions on GB have deteriorated....94 people and a total of 6 fish caught...3 salmon....1.9 pounds won the tourny at 1000.00 bucks...2nd place .7 pounds...yes that was POINT 7 pounds...crazy stuff....
  7. DONT USE "UPS"!!!!!!!! They suck!!!! Try and use USPS
  8. I'm going up to my trailor on Sunday for the week....I will let you know how I do and post a report when I get back
  9. Gbay is zone 14....Gpool is 15....opens up this saturday. Good luck!
  10. Awesome pics Sinker.... My moms side of the family is all from Glace Bay, Cape Breton. I took a trip there a few years ago and had a chance to go over and spend the night on the rock. Absolutely beautiful.
  11. Those bloody exceptions....
  12. Right on!! Awesome ski's up there!
  13. Rich....I'm telling ya...I gotta spot for you We were out on GB today...in shallow water....a HUGE bay that is extremely shallow and moving along with the trolling motor.........and I have NEVER seen so many carp in my life!! There were hundreds and hundreds and some massive ones. Unbelievable. They must have been spawning in the mud? You and Photoz would have been in heaven
  14. ??????? There's no line limit per boat. 1 line per angler.
  15. No live bait was the key...jigheads with plastics on them....it was a great experience thats for sure!
  16. Went down to the Detroit River and stayed at a buddies house. Launched in the AM and 3.5 hours later, we had our limits....18 fish for 3 of us.....before the 60 k an hour wind gusts arrived. Awesome fishing.Mmmmm.....Walleye...... Check out buddies amazing hunting dog....absolutely gorgeous dog.
  17. Nope. But I can tell you how the fishing is on the Detroit River!!!! 3 of us limited out in 3.5 hours, absolutely amazing!! Here's the pic from yesterday....
  18. Go Wings Go.... I was gonna start a post for ya Stoty....but thought maybe not after reading the Habs post....either way....its too bad you won't be able to go to Joe Louis....this round...you still have the next two
  19. Looks like there may not be a game 5 for you to go down to Joe Louis......you would have loved it there
  20. I still think "aniceguy" is the one who had a picture of him holding a stringer of bass out of Midland's little lake a few years ago....now thats unethical
  21. Thats ridiculous. Sure hope that is not the case.
  22. The last few years I've been down for about 6 games....last year in particular they could not sell out a playoff game. It was quite disturbing. We walked around the downtown core and there was nobody and I mean nobody else walking around. Kinda creepy
  23. Welcome to the board....no disrespect, but you really need to pick up some regulations and take a look at them...they are quite easy to read. Anywhere around the Tomb, Beckwith, Hope and Christian is a good area for Salmon, Bows and Lakers. It is possible to catch Salmon in May or June. I use an 8 foot fluoro leader. My philosophy for how much line, is the deeper you go the shorter the line....the shallower you are, the longer the line. Hope this helps.
  24. On the Detroit there was 100 boats in one area....they are starting now.... We're heading down to the Detroit River Next week. I'll post a report when we get back.
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