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Everything posted by AzuluSpookd

  1. I took this link off the Hunting Lodge.... You've gotta watch this video, it is one of the most amazing ones I have ever seen.... Check out the shooter after he shoots...and how much he is shaking...it almost looks like he's ready to cry. What an amazing video. Enjoy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31mRIIzUtuI
  2. Went for a walk to see any sign....no current rubs or scrapes...prolly the next week or two for sure....
  3. Ha Ha! Ya Bugger!! We're actually contemplating going back up....some time next week or week after....just two of us...with two tags....might bring my clip this time
  4. Thanks for the pics! looks like a real beauty spot....I'm heading out this aft to shoot my bow and re-shoot my 300 win mag...
  5. Nice job Brian...Can't wait to get out myself...with my compound...got rid of the xbow last year...so this should certainly be interesting! Just got back from Moose hunt...what a week.
  6. Congrats on the fish, what a GB beauty....wow.
  7. I hear ya mercman.... We limited out yesterday morning...strong winds and rain...the best for hunting....we saw roughly 800 birds...it was the best hunt....then today...we saw 3 flocks...no wind....only got 3 birds...
  8. You have to be a midland resident to launch out of pete peterson....but, as someoen said you can park at bayport for a fee....expect a nice ticket, if not a tow if you don't do it properly. You can forget about Vic Har launch....brutal to say the least...you'd be better at muskys landing... Good luck....you're in for one hell of a day tommorow with the wind.
  9. Nothin' beats a compass!! Landmark and you're good. I had my GPS way up north the last few years...when we were in deep cover....it would lose its signal....it dropped 3/4's of the satellites...wasn't as accurate as it should have been. If you're in an open area, they're great. But deep in da' bush...not so good....
  10. Hey Skud...there's Kings Kraft taxidermy, near midland. His name is Calvin and does great work. I don't have the number on me though...
  11. If there's a motor, whether it be electric or gas....you're done. Can't hunt from it for moose or other except waterfowl. Gas disconnect means nothing.
  12. There's a special exception for waterfowl hunting...only.
  13. Hey Leech...How come you ain't huntin' this year?
  14. Although it may sound cool, I'm sure what he means is he will either be in a canoe or boat with only paddles while hunting...and no motor attached...because we don't want to promote illegal activities here.. If it's where I think you're going (17)...better watch out....CO's are there..and hiding...charged a group last year, who shot from their boat...even though they weren't movin'...motor still attached...big fine! "It is illegal to have a loaded firearm in or on, or discharge a firearm from, an aircraft, vehicle (including snowmobile and all-terrain vehicle) or motorboat or anything towed by the boat.A loaded firearm may be carried in, and discharged from, a canoe or boat that is being paddled, with no motor attached. MOTORBOATS: Under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, a motorboat means a boat with a motor that is attached to the boat MOTORBOAT: A boat with a motor that is attached to the boat and that is capable of being used as a means of propulsion, and includes any floating object being towed by a motorboat.
  15. What area you goin' to? We hunt on a river as well, it opens saturday, but we're opting to go two weeks later this year. I
  16. Get all the hunters out here and tell us what you're doin' this year? Anything different, same ol' stuff, new places? Same places? I've been out a few times goose huntin' and got a few birds....couple of buddies went out, 3 of them and had 28 birds down on opener Gettin' ready for my annual moose hunt...leaving two weeks later than last year, as we were huntin' in 25 degree weather last year....looks like we could have went on opener this year as the weather seems to be cooperating.... Got a brand new property to hunt for deer this year....lookin' at gettin' my fourth... What's everyone else doin'?
  17. It's because you talk too bloody much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're talkin'....you ain't listenin'........
  18. Congrats! Always wanted to enter that tourny....
  19. Could be walleye, but you're in what they call "The Hole"...salmon and lakers this time of year....specially if you travelled all the way to gin...you crossed right over it...good fishing out there...
  20. That's a beauty, Cudz! I betcha if you ran a poll, ppl would be guessin' around 4.5 to 5.5 for that!!
  21. Nice report Fang, thanks for sharing. I gotta admit, I love that fishfinder you have... I love the detail on those, mines made me really happy over the past 3 years, can't complain at all. Beauty laker, btw.
  22. This sounds like something I would be interested in getting for our moose hunt...no cell coverage withing 2 hours... 3 of the 6 guys are 65 + years of age...one has had two double bypasses and is 74, the other two are ladden with cancer and one has a bag to pee in...would be certainly useful in case something was to happen. Thanks for the link, solo.
  23. Nice pics Jason. Wow....the one on the left is a beauty! Good luck this year, I'll try and post some cam pics I have...getting ready for my moose hunt and then the deer hunt...can't wait!!!
  24. I believe that term was invented by you GB.....you're the one that always told me....east wind...don't bother going out!!.... Although I never listened...
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