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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Torrents will be your best bet
  2. your options suck if you dont have copper/fibre (cable & dsl) running to your area. best bet is to find a local guy who beams a signal from a tower in your area. failing that, xplornet (crap), or the rogers/telus/bell deals you are currently using which have ridiculously low monthly usage limits.
  3. Is the rogers unlimited/100 down for 59.99 a promo rate that goes up to 84.99 x months later or a permament rate?
  4. 25/2 with teksavvy with 400gb / unlimited 2am to 8am. We're a shade over $50/mnth after taxes. We are pretty heavy streamers (cut cable a while ago) and never go over the 400gb, typical monthly usage is in the 150-200gb range. Never had an issue having two streaming devices on at the same time either with "just" 25 down. Gaming and surfing don't chew up a lot of bandwidth, streaming and downloads do. if you really use 550gb a month then you are looking at an unlimited plan and you'll need to shop around. last i checked rogers was competitive on the unlimited plans.
  5. or you could just get an ecodiesel ram and have 420 lb-ft @ 2000 rpms at the crank & get 28mpg on the hwy to boot. the other thing I've noticed in the two years of owning my diesel grand cherokee (mercedes motor not the vm motori in the ram) is how easier than a gasser this thing tows. By that I mean, loaded vs unloaded the difference in mpg is a lot smaller then in my v8 GC and, having peak torque right around hwy cruising rpms means no downshifts and power 'right there'. i know the cost to fill with diesel is typically more expensive down south but for us here it's about equal to gas when you look at it over 12 months. personally, i'm sold on diesel power for trucks/hauling. stick that ecoboost in a mustang then we're talking. but yes, the f150 is still a really nice truck.
  6. nice truck OP wars have been started over this. (my money would be in a ram diesel )
  7. It's free cause you will get the item in mid February Pretty sure they come by weather balloon
  8. The best ones are with guys leaning so far back it looks like they are about to fall out of the boat.
  9. you order one of these http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Car-Truck-Motorcycle-12V-Smart-Compact-Battery-Charger-Tender-Maintainer-NEW-/272004329420?hash=item3f54b8afcc:g:bPwAAOSwAYtWHIBD although i remember paying about $4 CDN for mine.
  10. this one might end up in the wood chipper
  11. Thanks for sharing that. If you don't mind me asking, what is your NG bill like? Our dryer and hot water tank are hydro and nearing end of life. I will likely replace with NG units if the cost to retrofit is not too significant. Our furnace and cooking stove are already NG so during the summer months we hardly use any NG yet still pay 20 a month for the privilege of being an enbridge customer. May as well shift some of our electricity consumption to lower cost gas.
  12. That's incredibly low. What are the details of your home and what is running off gas/propane/oil vs hydro
  13. just checked our bills gas is 60 / month equal billing - furnace and cooking stove we also heat with wood as a secondary source which keeps the gas bill down hydro is 100-140 monthly - hot water, a/c and everything else 1600 sq/ft it's hard comparing cost of hydro across provinces/territories. a hydro bill from quebec or manitoba (lowest in the country) means nothing against a bill in ontario.
  14. that's really high guys.. my last monthly bill was 108 all in. it's usually in the 100-140 range all year. 1600 sq/ft split level wood/natural gas for heat, gas cooking, everything else is on electricity (including hot water).
  15. the big hookers are proven fish catchers as mentioned, hard to go wrong with 14" jakes, 13" grandmas and the big believers in the 'mass produced' segment of muskie baits. for the expensive 'customs' you're paying extra for a bait that will last you a lot longer than the above mass produced deals.
  16. income splitting looks(ed) at household income just like any benefit (baby bonus) you may receive does. the idea behind splitting is that a household income of 100K should have the same tax bill whether one person makes then 100K and the other makes 0 or each make 50K. without splitting, the household where all the income comes from one earner ends up paying more taxes than the household where both people work and make 50K each. what is so unfair about income splitting? a household making 100k should pay the same amount of taxes whether the split is 80/20 or 50/50.
  17. Up here the wiND farms go on farm land owned by large scale commercial farms. Ie nobody lives on the land. So of course they dont care they don't live here. The rest of us who do are stuck with the noisy eyesores and can't say boo
  18. or we could just create a hockey, politics subforum.
  19. they already do get additional help, through other policies.. ie lower income tax bracket, gst rebates, higher cctb payments, etc which middle class earners lose out on. why does every policy need to help 'those who need most'. what about the rest of us? all income splitting does is make the tax bill of a couple making 80k and 20k each equal the tax bill of a couple who makes 50k each. sounds pretty equitable & fair to me? the scare tactics in this campaign have been flying left and right from all sides of the fence. it's just politricks.
  20. What are you going on about? Income splitting helps any family where one person makes a significantly higher income than the other. ie. families where one parent stays home or works PT to watch the kids. Typically, the middle class.
  21. i have the nitecore ea41, happy with it. 2015 model is marketed as 1020 lumens. runs on 4aa's i have another that runs off 18650s that I prefer but they are specialized bastteries decide what batteries you want to run off of and go from there.
  22. must have felt good to get that buttoned up before the snow flies as a unknowing observer my next priority would be that wood stove LOL
  23. wood is our secondary heat source. we burn about cord per winter.. so 30 bush cords, i'd be good for 30 years LOL
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