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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Can the exhaust vent be shared between the furnace and heater provided it is white pvc?
  2. 100% net. the cradle is dangerous at best with two people and impossible with one. just my opinion. if you are concerned about space, there's the foldable deals.
  3. :thumbsup:
  4. I need to get an idea of what it would cost to retrofit to gas. Our furnace is already NG, in the same space, and we have 3 spare unused gas hookups (for lack of a better term) in that room. The furnace vents out the side of the house via black plastic pipes.. from what I understand these are no longer up to code and you need to go white. I also dont really know power vent vs 'the other' vent when it comes to NG water tanks. we also have a chimney that starts right where the tank sits but i don't know if it's correctly lined (for our woodstove). electric seems like the simple way to go but with the cost of hydro vs NG i'd rather pay a little more now and less later. plus it pains me to pay enbridge $20 a month in the summer just for the privledge of being their customer. from what i understand tankless is still not really the way to go given the high initial cost.. payback is small over a very long period of time.
  5. Looking to replace my how water tank (electric) with possibly a NG unit if it makes sense $$$ wise or another electric. Any recommendations for someone in the area - we're in grand valley 20 mins west of Oville? Just looking for honest work not looking for shortcuts / hacks to save $$$. I know we have trades people on here so thought I'd throw it out there.
  6. It's currently a lot less, and has been for several years. NG prices are at historical lows. My annual NG bill (we use it for furnace & cooking oven) is about $700 + a bush cord for our wood stove -- we just supplement with wood. once our current electric water tank dies I will see about switching that over to NG as well if it's not too bad ($$$ wise) to retrofit.
  7. be careful of the source of these tow ratings the same vehicle in europe / asia / australia may be rated to tow xxxxlbs while in north america it is rated to tow zilch. it doesn't mean it can't tow xxxxlbs but it does mean if you get into trouble, you ain't covered. always check the canadian specs.
  8. you may have a hard time finding rural and NG. they are out there but not common. unlike oil or hydro, i wouldn't let propane sway my decision and if there's a wood burner in the house to supplement, even better.
  9. piece of your neighbours lawn ornament?
  10. yes, now that Lew's refreshed my memory ours too was a 1500 liter unit and I recall some fills were closer to 700 while others were in the 1200-1300+ range. all depended on the price per liter. propane is cheaper than hydro or oil to heat with but more than NG. placed we lived at wasn't well insulated and we typically needed two tanks+ for the winters.
  11. the cost per liter of propane has varied a lot over the past 4-5 years. anywhere from 39 cents / liter to over $1 per. always cheaper in the summer but a tank wont last through the winter unless your home is extremely well insulated -- not likely with a farm house. we no longer live in a place with propane but on average, i'd say it cost us $1100-1300 to fill IIRC.
  12. very sorry to read this Wayne and family.
  13. cool shot as it came ashore Colpoy's Bay / Georgian Bay
  14. high,mostly straight line wind speeds and a light show that rivaled laser floyd for the majority of us except teviotdale
  15. Cut off switches are common in automotive use. You cant get on some drag strips without one. There's nothing fancy about them. Id defiantly eliminate the battery or fix any wiring first but if the problem is not apparent it's a way around your problem.
  16. i'd put it in-line with your negative wire coming off the battery.
  17. and if you can't find the source, and it's not the battery, i'd just put in a kill switch that you flip on and off when you use the mower.
  18. my 14.5 w/tm, full floors/casting deck, 40 4-stroke, plus trailer is likely under 1k all in. you will be ok.
  19. they hold their resale pretty well, you may be waiting a while.
  20. glad that's all it was.. dodged one for sure. i have a 2010 yammy as well and I would have a crap if it crapped.
  21. what's the view down to the dock like from your bedroom window.. man that looks like a slice of heaven.
  22. i have the samsung note 4, great phone huge screen.
  23. same question.
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