I need to get an idea of what it would cost to retrofit to gas. Our furnace is already NG, in the same space, and we have 3 spare unused gas hookups (for lack of a better term) in that room. The furnace vents out the side of the house via black plastic pipes.. from what I understand these are no longer up to code and you need to go white. I also dont really know power vent vs 'the other' vent when it comes to NG water tanks. we also have a chimney that starts right where the tank sits but i don't know if it's correctly lined (for our woodstove). electric seems like the simple way to go but with the cost of hydro vs NG i'd rather pay a little more now and less later. plus it pains me to pay enbridge $20 a month in the summer just for the privledge of being their customer.
from what i understand tankless is still not really the way to go given the high initial cost.. payback is small over a very long period of time.