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Everything posted by Raf

  1. Is this all locations? Mississauga has been my go-to for the common stuff; terminal tackle, line, mass mfg lures. their pricing has always been good. their web presence awful.
  2. i don't know how well they work i find blowing cold air AT our wood stove works really well and letting convection take care of the work. we have a backsplit and the wood stove is in the basement - i have small fans at the top of each staircase along the floor pointing down (pushing cold air down) if I stick my hand up to the top i can feel the warm air returning. the basement is obviously warmer but this method does a good job circulating the warm air.
  3. Cliff do you mean a wood stove fan like this https://www.homehardware.ca/en/rec/index.htm/Heating-Ventilation-Cooling-Home-Comfort/Heating/Stove-Fireplace-Supp/Blowers-Fans/Ecofan-Ultrair-Nickel-Wood-Stove-Fan/_/N-ntim8/R-I5530047?Num=0 just google wood stove fan.
  4. you haven't told us what you plan to run off of it concurrently.
  5. we use halwell mutual we burn about a bushcord but they didn't even ask. though they did insist on wett certification. they deal with rural/farm properties so i suspect this is why they didnt put up a stink regarding the wood burner.
  6. rapala makes great lures.
  7. Nestle has multiple wells in Wellington and maybe (?) dufferin county in addition to aberfoyle. I know they have one near hillsburgh.
  8. it may not be the gps that's off, the maps are.
  9. on a 9.9, unless the motor is layed up for extended periods of time (stabil) i wouldn't bother. go fishing then dump the remaining fuel in your portable tank into your vehicle. even on my 40, i only use stabil for the winter layup to stabilize any fuel in the engine. any unused fuel in the tank after a trip goes into a vehicle.
  10. Nice thing about learning a trade is you can work just about anywhere. Trades people are in demand from Toronto to kenora. Not so much for white collar types who are tied to major metropolitan areas typically. I sometimes wish I pursued the former instead of the latter. ..and they pay well if you are good. Something to consider if you're younger and reading this.
  11. sent you a PM bowslayer
  12. compare the labels and do the math, you'll find this comment is incorrect as well.
  13. You are correct it is not banned however, a homeowner cannot buy the concentrated versions of roundup in Ontario, only the extremely diluted form. So no, it is not the same strength as what's available in the states and a few other provinces. The diluted stuff available is mixed down a lot thinner than 6oz to a gallon. Ie. You are paying for water.
  14. 6oz / gallon
  15. it depends on which concentrate you have. they have a super concentrate and a regular concentrate.
  16. You should be able to find what processes are utilizinh network bandwidth using task manager or the more advanced perfmon.
  17. Dat view doe
  18. 2.5 years off analogs thanks to the vape i've got the same mod, make my own coils
  19. big pike have a lot more in common with lake trout than they do little pike. that's not to say you will find them sitting belly to bottom in 100' and, a lot of it is body of water dependent, but in the summer they can be vary nomadic and out over deep water for good portions of the time. trolling is definately the most efficient way to cover water focusing on humps and deep weeds. they will come in to feed at times and this is when you can intercept them casting; key on weed/rock mid lake shoals and points with deep water nearby. where you were fishing, i'd suggest heading 'out' towards the bay if you are after big pike at the height of summer and use similar tactics the muskie anglers do.
  20. i've 6 or 7 muskie rods but could fish with three rods, a 7'2 H st croix premier for jerkbaits, an 8'6 H st croix premier for mostly everything else and the 8' premier glass trolling rod. if i had to compromise and only have one rod it'd propably my 7'6 h premier. i definately like the longer rods for straight retrieve baits and may replace the 8'6 premier with the 9' big nasty but i'm concerned the 9' may be too much in my 15' boat. i've tried shimano, okuma but it is st. croix for me.
  21. if you fish a body of water full of hazards or if you're prone to hitting said hazards with a prop, stick to aluminum for your prop.
  22. you want a VPN to mask your IP when you download movies / tv shows. there are tons of providers out there - private internet access seems to be a popular one as for the box, it's quickly evolving -- ask this question when you are ready to buy. you should be able to get one sub $100. i have two rasberry pi's running in our house for this purpose.
  23. Very cool Joey To shoot timelapse, you need a camera that has the feature. I would imagine most DSLRs have one. My Olympus OMD-EM10 mirrorless camera does. I can shoot up to 999 shots at any interval I choose. you'll propably want a tripod, turn off any image stabilization (to conserve battery) and shoot in manual mode.
  24. grand river chop house in grand valley.. all local, great tasting and reasonable prices.
  25. dont forget the cat6e before covering up those walls.
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