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Everything posted by Raf

  1. i played around with it a bit today. the detail extractor and tonal contrast tools are pretty neat. i could see a lot of these effects way over used though kinda like HDR when it first hit.
  2. Yes they do. It is a function of sensor size. Google for a comparison of the various formats. Both mirror less and dslrs can do the shallow depth of field to a much greater degree than a tiny sensored p&s bUT if this is really a priority go dslr. There are smarter people here than I who can explain this better
  3. Yes they do. It is a function of sensor size. Google for a comparison of the various formats. A very simplistic way to look at it is the crop factor. A micro 4 3rd system has a crop factor of 2. Meaning a 25mm 1.4 m4/3 lense is really more like a 50mm 2.8 full sensor dslr / 35mm film equivalent. Both mirror less and dslrs can do the shallow depth of field to a much greater degree than a tiny sensored p&s bUT if this is really your thing go dslr. There are smarter people here than I who can explain this better
  4. Raf

    Scam nf

    with all the different ways of communicating these days, the phone's kinda an antiquated device is it not? particularly a land line which i havent had in years. if i don't recognize the number, it's private, or unknown it just doesn't get answered. if it's important they'll leave a msg.
  5. i'd just make sure the trailer is in goods shape, bearings, tires, etc. then pull.
  6. Mine does?
  7. blaque, nice shots. the sony a6000/6300 are great cams and i almost went a6000 but beware the sony e mount lenses in terms of cost. this was the main reason i went with micro 4/3rds instead of sony; there is a vast selection of m4/3rds lenses by olympus, panasonic, sigma etc and they are priced in the lower stratosphere compared to sony. the format has been fairly widely adopted.
  8. if you are looking at a replaceable lens camera, do your research on the pros and cons of dslr vs mirrorless and how they apply to your photography. i did and went with mirrorless, olympus em10 a lot smaller than a dslr with great image quality. very happy with the purchase. if you do decide to go with full frame dslr, you cannot go wrong with either brand.
  9. Raf

    Icy Soul

    thanks for sharing those unique shots
  10. had the jeep in for brakes this week and figured i may as well swap the all terrains on. not to worried about a late snowfall in that vehicle though.
  11. the upper grand was close to breaching up here yesterday but i dont think she will.
  12. that is still GTA in my mind. lots of IT work in K/W even Guelph. Once you start looking beyond Barrie it quickly drops off. Telecommuting is becoming more common but sadly not part of the program where I'm currently at.
  13. for me it's work. difficult to find anything outside the GTA in my field (IT). i do live an hour north just west of orangeville and commute. i'd be willing to take a small pay cut to move north but not much demand for IT geeks up there.
  14. belwood is the only place i could think of but it'll still be iced up
  15. i just hope people don't get desensitized to these over time... like car alarms. i'd much rather hear a few knuckle draggers got annoyed than they just ignored.
  16. i download anything that i want to watch in super high quality 5.1 surround in the home theater which is stored on a NAS. stream everything else. we have several devices in the house hooked up to tvs that are capable of streaming netflix, nhl gamecenter, grey market streams, etc.. ie. ps3, a couple of raspberry pi and a wdtv live. that's not including the laptops/tablets/phone which can do the same. i dont like the android boxes, prefer the rpi's and linux for that purpose (kodi).
  17. I'm in dufferin county hope it just blows away. Driveway near killed me with a shovel no practise snowfalls this year.
  18. we got about 30cm guess it depends on your location
  19. what is this cable tv people keep talking about? you should be able to find all that content online for little or no $$$
  20. i hear your frustration but i dont think any of the players dealt were what you'd call core pieces TO build around. not sure we have any of those at the NHL level yet. maybe van riemsdyk and reilly.
  21. bluetooth speaker and a phone with your tunes on them or stream them.
  22. no surprise, he's a UFA, no real market for goalies right now and they're propably not willing to pay him what he wants. they already have a tier ii goalie in bernier locked up.
  23. yup lake winnipeg too. provincial income tax rate in MB though -- HOLY MOLY. no matter where ya are, they get you somehow.
  24. sad part is, i'm only half joking. there seem to be jobs in my field (IT) in winnipeg and there's some great muskie lakes just over that imaginary line in ontario.
  25. winnipeg is starting to look mighty attractive. only time i'd have to come into ontario is to fish... all within a 3 hr drive. Hmm.
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