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Everything posted by Raf

  1. thanks a lot for this thread... as i go off to work. i dont know about a cottage, i'd propably live there (close to) year round. so a home, on a muskie lake somewhere, either NWO (seul, lotw) or Georgian Bay.
  2. Yes I dealt with Hastings Marine but I purchased new. They were great to deal with. I haven't been back which is a testament to the motor I s'pose.
  3. it's gonna be hard to get an impartial opinion on the matter. everyone will propably be happy with what they have. i love my yamaha 40. maintenance is pretty standard fare, engine oil and lower unit oil once a season. check/replace fuel filter as needed. i do it myself, so cost is parts.
  4. You would want at least a 25 if not a 30 on that boat. Max is 40.
  5. yes the chopper was out this morning. they are focusing their efforts in the terra cotta area downstream towards norval.
  6. geeze bad time to be a hockey fan in canada? buffalo may as well be canadian. and how can EDM continue to suck. i know mcdavid's been out but with all those former rnd1s..
  7. in a boat this size (which I own) i'd be looking at a tiller instead (again which I own). the side console chews up a lot of room. once you start getting into the 16.5'+ length, a side console starts to make more sense. just my nickel. other than that, smokercraft builds a quality rig.
  8. osprey?
  9. moving from xp to 10 would be nice but if your machine is from the time dinosaurs roamed the land, it will be an unpleasant experience.
  10. spanish company. says they have experience with cold weather climates but... apparently not. says they are the same people that built the 407. hmmm... if we couldnt hire canadian maybe we should have gone with finns or norwegians instead?
  11. I think it's 20 returns for each year versino of StudioTax That's what I've used for the last 6-7 years.
  12. you wont miss a thing lookinforwalleye. we sure don't. toughest sell was the wife but once she found she can watch all the crap she usually watches commercial free and on her own time, she's a happy camper our bill went from ~160 a month to ~65 for techsavvy 25/2/400gb internet, netflix and nhl gamecenter. it'd be around 55 without NHL. 25 down and 400gb a month is more than enough for us, we can simulataneously stream on two tvs no problem and our usage is about 250gb a month on heavy months. the hardware is two raspberry pi 2s for kodi and all its apps and we had existing video game systems (ps3 and wii u) that have netflix/nhl gamecenter apps. cable/satellite is all but dead except for rural areas without decent internet.
  13. Raf

    mirrorless cameras

    a year later and lots of research and holding them in my hand i went with an olympus em10 micro four thirds. it's a pretty impressive little unit. going to stick with the kit lens for now until i figure out which focal point i do most of my shots at and get a good prime. although the 20mm-1.7 panasonic pancake prime would make this thing pretty darn pocketable.
  14. O|||||O welcome to jeep club. i'm on my 3rd. almost went the pilot route last time but naaaaaah. maybe the honda's a better fit for the fam but at least there's no timing belt and interference engine to worry 'bout.
  15. As a first step I would make sure that all routing / wifi is disabled on the rogers unit and allow the N600 to handle all that. I think someone alluded to it earlier, you want the rogers modem/router 'bridged' to the router so that the rogers unit is just a modem. I don't know if this is the model of Rogers modem/router you have but here are some instructions. http://www.rogers.com/web/support/internet/home-networking/247?setLanguage=en after that make sure the n600 is plugged in (wired) from the lan port on the modem/router to the wan port on the n600 and that DHCP is turned on on the n600. You should now only see two connections in WIFI one for 2.4 and one for 5
  16. Please clear up the infrastructure details. Starting with the modem, then to any router(s) and the connection type (wired vs wireless). What I am gathering is you have the rogers modem which is connecting to two N600s (one for the downstairs and one up?)? Which router is handing out IPs (DHCP) or is the modem handing out IPs and DHCP is disabled on the routers?
  17. my solution to wifi problems is wiring my house with ethernet. anything that streams anything is wired. i would try a router upgrade in OPs case.
  18. the biggest thing you give up going with a box is live sports yes, there are live streams out there but they aren't always great quality or reliable. if you are a sports junky then get the box but also subscribe to a sports feed.. ie. nhl gamecenter then cut the cord. at ~100 a season it will still be cheaper than paying cable for a year.
  19. average speed of 114 km/hr... that's impressive.
  20. just get a card that gives 4% cashback on gas and dont worry about being tied to CT. There are 3 that I am aware of, Scotia Momentum Infinite Visa, Scotia Amex Gold and CIBC has a new one out, their version of the infinite visa. These are all fee cards that are first year free and 89-99 per year. Like I said earlier in this thread, you get 4% at all gas stations and grocery stores so the 99 is recouped very quickly and then some. They also do 2% on certain other items and 1% everywhere else. The CT card works out to less than 1% on anything besides gas / shopping at CT. Junk IMO unless you shop A LOT at CT. We get nearly $800 back a year on the Scotia Visa by using it for all our gas, groceries and monthly bills (home / auto ins and internet). Always pay it off monthly so no interest charges. I don't know / don't care how scotia makes any money off me.
  21. I bet the tales, fishing or not are something to behold. Nice to hear, merry christmas to you and your buds.
  22. like chris and art said paying off your card month to month is key -- never pay interest sometimes the fee based cards make more sense than the free ones if you spend enough to reap the rewards and cover the annual fee.
  23. I use airmiles too and mostly buy shell cause it's the only game in town but I think they took away the investment vouchers this year which is a shame. On their own air miles aren't great but I agree, if you pay attention to the bonus structure they become more attractive.
  24. First year free and 99 there after which you recoup pretty quickly at 4%. These two categories likely are most people's biggest spends. Yes all gas stations and grocers. For any large purchases at best buy CT home depot etc I buy gift cards at grocery store to get 4% on those as well. The 2% bills category includes things like your home/auto insurance, cable/internet, etc. Works great for us. There's a new tangerine master card that gives you 2% on 3 categories of your choosing and 1% everywhere else that is no fee if your annual spend doesn't warrant a fee based card
  25. what do they give you % wise cash back on this card? their website is so (intentionally, i suspect) vague, other than 10 cents / liter off for the first 30 days on the gas card. i get 4% at all gas stations and grocery stores then 2% on bill payments and pharmacy and 1% everwhere else. this is with the scotia infinite momentum visa. i found that to be the best deal around when i was looking for a new cashback card.
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