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Everything posted by NAW

  1. Happy wife..... Happy life!!!! We text drove almost everything under the sun. Finally found this guy up in collingwood. Bought it last night! Over budget and behind schedule... But such is life! Thanks to all the people who contributed to this post!!!
  2. Looks awesome! I have some time off (from June 13 till june 30. We need to get out for a float.. I've you don't mind a 16' blue kayak following you around!
  3. I enjoy the sound.. Drowns out the noise from the road, and my nagging wife... "What's that hun???? Can't hear you!! "
  4. Now I'm picturing you running white water in that beast!
  5. You're all assuming it's a "he" behind the wheel..
  6. That is terrible. Not to make this post any more sad... But this story reminded my of something similar that happened in my family years ago. My great uncle was fishing with a young lad about 50 years ago on 6-mile. The young lad broke off his favourite lure. The little guy was very upset. My great uncle, feeling bad about the lads lose, went back with snorkelling gear to try to find the lure for him. He was run over by a boat, caught the skeg in the back of his head and was killed instantly... A lure ain't worth your life..
  7. I can second the Mantoulin Restort. Stayed there last summer. It was a rough when I was fishing, and I was in a Yak. But managed a nice Pike. Lots a few more. And there are lots of cool sights to see on the island. For the kiddies, I would say the Island.
  8. Thanks Chris! Ya, it's used. About 5 or 6 years old from what the guy said. It was sometime after Riot changed their name to Azul.... And i did think about hacking it up. For about 30 seconds.... Then quickly changed my mind.
  9. I have only ever had two people come to my door since I moved to the country... That was almost 3 years ago. One was a neighbor who saw my "It's a Boy" sign a few years back and was just dropping of a homemade gift.. The other was a different neighbor who lost their dog. I think I'm safe... But if they do come out my way, I will mention this.. Just to see what they say.
  10. Thanks for all the tips and pm's so far guys! I think, with your help, I have refined my design a little. Now.... I need to select some materials and make it happen!
  11. The fishing yak definetly look 1000 times more comfy! Practically a lay-z boy on there!!
  12. I'm not to fond of sitting inside either. But fishing will not me the main purpose for this boat. I think I'll get used to it though. Been lookin on kijiji for months. These things go like hot cakes on kijiji. I actually had 3 deals fall through before I finally got this one... And they hold there value very well, I was suprised.
  13. I wanted to get something that me and the wifey can use. Also bring my son along for the odd paddle as well. But when I'm solo, this will be a fishing machine! My plan is to make a light weight "deck" that I can mount in front of the rear seat. Something I can mount my finder, hold tackle, rods, net, etc... That way I have all my gear sitting there right in front of me. It doesn't have to be anything fancy... I hacked this sketch together in pain to get my point across. I was thinking about having the rods up from, angled forward at a 45° angle to keep them out of my way, but still easy to grab. So... Any of you Yak fisherman have any advice?? I have a small anchor, but not sure the best way to mount it. I'm sure theres log of other cool Kayak fishing gear that I have not clue even exists....
  14. The kid actually has sloppy technique. But his speed and power are great! I think you could take him Terry
  15. Oh, this kid is at least 4 I think... Just a rough guess. But still.. It's crazy to see someone that young processing things that fast. Its almost like they put part of it in fast forward...
  16. I can see your point. It's a bit scary training a young child to that high of a level. But these days, people are starting to train their kids to be pro athletes at younger and younger ages. It some sports, it's almost a requirement if you want to make it pro. I teach martial arts to some very young children. Younger than the kid in the video (I think, I'm guessing his age at 4 or 5).. The most important thing to teach kids (well before you teach them anything like what's in this video) is to respect others, and to NEVER use the techniques unless it's life or death... We make it very clear, if you ever use these techniques out of place, you're no longer welcome to train at the studio. I was taught the same way by my Sensei. I;ve seen many students get kick out of our studio because they where fighting in the school yard.
  17. Sorry for the NF post.. But this video is wicked for an MMA Dad to watch....! Maybe one day this will be my boy!! He's 20 months, and already hitting the bag..
  18. X2. We sold the family cottage last summer. But I spent a month ever summer for my entire life at 6-mile. It's a special place for me. My new challenge, is G-Bay...
  19. You can't trick OFC!! We are all knowing!!
  20. Very odd find. Those are expensive dogs, with very few breeders in Ontario. My best friend breeds them and owns 2. Watch out how you train Hobo.. KBD's have a bad rap for biting people. They are an extremely strong minded dog.. Someone likely paid a few grand for the pup!!
  21. I'm gunna leave a 5 gallon pale trap out this weekend. But as soon as one drop in, some other critter comes by, tips it over, and eats the dead voles... It's happened a few times...
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