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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. you have ot wonder though......carp are pretyt tough and versitile fish that can survive in almost any conditions. i would have thought they would have been the last fish effected by this. Hope it works out for all the fish.
  2. hey nice report! Those sunset pics were awesome! Cheers!
  3. welcome aboard! its fun here! Cheers!
  4. In my experience with new lakes I always start casting to shore. Then work my way deeper if I am not catching anything or if i am only catching small fish. (although this theory didnt work for me recently) it normally is a good start. I would also try to troll, i tend to catch more pike trolling then anything else. Troll spoons red and white daredevils are a good way to cover lots of water and maybe find where the fish are holding. Good luck! Cheers!
  5. got to love those spur of the moment outings! Looks like a good time! Cheers!
  6. oh yeah one more thing...... what is wrong with trolling for bass? I have caught some big smallies trolling before. Whatever works that particular day! cheers!
  7. hopefully they find him safe and sound!
  8. oh man that really sucks! Glad you are on the comeback. I am 30 years old and surely will put the ego asde if i ever feel not right! Cheers!
  9. well said! I never posted an intro myself and nobody ever came down on me. Justmyluck......I hope you have a great trip. Cheers!
  10. to bad you didnt get any fish but looks like a great long weekend! Cheers!
  11. change up the time of day ou fish a certain spot to. sometimes they will hit an hour later or earlier then you were fishing. dont get discouraged though sometimes fishing just shuts down due to boat traffic, weather etc..... Cheers!
  12. awesome report! that musky looks nice and thick too! cheers!
  13. i read that a couple weeks ago in the north bay paper while i was up there. embarressing im sure
  14. i was fishing the gull islands today and lots of choppers were out that way today. about 6 or 7 kms from were they believed they went in. http://www.nugget.ca/webapp/sitepages/cont...ssif=News+Alert Hope this is some closure for the family.
  15. i caught a 20 inch on nipissing a couple weeks ago and it weighed 3lbs nice fish anyway
  16. right on! I think i am fishing kash with some friends in the fall. good to know there are still decent fish there! Cheers!
  17. that must have been pretty exciting! Cheers!
  18. wow!!! sorry about the batterry! those looked like some rough waters you guys indured! glad yuou guys made it safe;y back! cheers!
  19. awesome report and the pics turned out well too. cheers!
  20. here is my justherb fish i caught it last night on lake nipissing and the beer I have tonight i will sure think of your pal!
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