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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. happy bday hope its a good one! cheers!
  2. i use yum dingers as well and they work great. I think it has more to do with the fish attitude that day then which kind of senko style bait you use. Cheers!
  3. im trying to decide if that was totally cool or a bit disturbing that the dude feeds small animals to his pet bass. lol
  4. i have liked the cooler temps, seriously we need alot of rain. not this 10 minutes rain shower but a couple days of good hard downpoors. i bet the farmers are getting worried! Cheers!
  5. By far the funniest quote I have read on here in a long time! Thanks for the laughs! Cheers!
  6. its a beauty of a fish! But 12lbs is pretty unrealistic. I would say it would be close to 7 but im seriously doubting the 24inch girth they claim. That fish is easy 10 years old. Wish he would of let it go. Cheers!
  7. wow that was one heck of a fishing trip and a great report! cheers!
  8. im down in leamington for business again and there is tornado warnings down here right now. Still sunny though but apparently its on the way. Cheers!
  9. the next bite. Im a bass guy and this show is still my favorite. They are awesome to watch, they always have fun and laugh alot! Very good animations and very good tips! CHeers!
  10. What the heck??? this is weird! who is this legend guy and who calls themself that lol
  11. 4.4lbs its a nice one no mattr what the weight! cheers!
  12. 4.4lbs its a nice one no mattr what the weight! cheers!
  13. oh no that is terribe news. i know how hard it is to let a dog go. try to think of the good times!
  14. that is a pretyt incredibe story with the walleye/rod thing! nice report! Cheers!
  15. congrats on your pb musky! Nice fish you got into for sure! Cheers!
  16. sorry to hear! I cant help much but i do hope you get something fast!
  17. nice report! To bad about the rod though! that pike was skinny but man it sure looked long. Cheers!
  18. very cool intro! Nice pics to. im sure you will love it here! Cheers!
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