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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. congrats on the new boat. you guys are going to have a blast! cheers!
  2. ah sorry to hear about the camera! that sucks man. looks like you guys had a great trip! Cheers!
  3. to bad the fishing was tough! I had a tough time this weekend fishing as well so dont feel to bad. Cheers!
  4. great looking bass you guys got into! cheers!
  5. yeah i saw the video a couple had of a panther in the lindsay area. it was a few minutes long. Cool stuff! Cheers!
  6. awesome! glad you had a great time! imagine what the numbers would be if you fished after 4pm? cheers!
  7. hope you catch that big girl!!! cheers!
  8. glad you had a good time im heading to that area tommorow to fish kashwakmak in northbrook. cheers!
  9. if erie is bad then do the drive to niagara falls and fish the niagara river. great fishing for numerous species in that river. cheers!
  10. i cant believe they still have customers. i remember them more the a few years back with internet service at the apartment building i was in. what a joke for service. i cant believe they are still alive. hope you work it out! cheers!
  11. great report! great story! Cheers!
  12. those look ike some awesome bass! Great report! Cheers!
  13. great report! enjoy the rest of your summer! cheers!
  14. i quite smoking 2 1/2 years ago. when i did smoke i always put the butt out and threw it in a garbage bag that i always had with me for my lunch, water bottles, fishing line. butts are litter. no question about it! Cheers!
  15. lol took me a few but i got it! Cheers!
  16. i have photocopies of my fishing license, drivers license and boater card in my tackle box just in case i forget the real ones. I emailed the mnr and they told me this was ok if i did forget my cards. however he did tell me that i may have to present the real ones at a later date if the co was suspicious of the photocopies. Cheers!
  17. midnight madness closed the streets in downtown oakville tonight. even though it may have been a tough trip to the water i must say that the pic of your son is absolutetly priceless! cheers!
  18. im waiting for the dude with the pet bass that eats rats to jump in on this one to see if there is a conflict! cheers!
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