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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. nice report! That smallie sure had a big belly on it! Cheers!
  2. im leaning toward a tube bait for smallies right off the bat. maybe switch to a jig and pig for largies. Cheers!
  3. right on looks like a good time! Cheers!
  4. im fishing local tribs for bass for opener. The following weekend Im fishing nipissing for my real opener. good luck all! Cheers!
  5. i have family in the canadian forces so this is a touchy subject. its ok for people to agree or disagree about what war we are in but either way SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!!!! no matter what.
  6. interesting info. but it would vary from lake to lake. depending on the species of fish in any particular lake. CHeers!
  7. i know there used to be tons of great panfish there. that was 10 years ago though CHeers!
  8. great report glad you got htem into some fish! Cheers!
  9. im so glad i logged on. i am downstairs and didnt knwo the storm was coming. i rushed outside and closed the car windows. its raining now and tundering pretty good in oakville CHeers!
  10. i can do it myself but i i tried to explain it to you i would confuse you. wait until one of the techies chime in they will help you. cheers!
  11. yeah i have rented a boat on about 5 years ago for 40 bucks for the day. it was fall mind you and my picthc was its ust sitting there not making you monay mind as well take my offer. Hope yuou find one! Cheers!
  12. see not all lurkers are bad lol cheers!
  13. thats awesome man! its going to be a rush! Cheers!
  14. ahhhhhhhh smallies!!!!!! i love them! great report! GOod luck next month in your tourny. 12 more sleeps until im fishing for smallies on nipissing. Cant wait! CHeers!
  15. what a great thing to do!!!! Cheers!
  16. someone go first and tell me if its all good?
  17. 61 inch barracuda in the bahamas. 40pounds. It was when I was a kid so no digi cams back then. i couldnt reel it in by myself took an hour. Cheers!
  18. hope they find it! That sucks big time man! I will certainly keep my eyes open for it! Cheers!
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