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Everything posted by lunkerbasshunter

  1. if so it is a canadian record. sure woudl love to see a fish like that! Cheers!
  2. this time of year and with all the humdity we have had the last few days its no surprise. strong wind coming over the great lakes can produce small little cells like this in no time. Glad you made it back to shore safely. Cheers!
  3. i love them all but i think the red and white and the black and yellow the best. Good work! Cheers!
  4. coming here in oakville right now! the radar looks like its going to be a fast one though! be safe all! Cheers!
  5. windy walleye? not good for bass fishing but i always do wel for walleye in teh wind. Be careful out there! Cheers!
  6. that was alot of fun to watch! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
  7. awesome episode! I got to tell you, your way more talented then me. I can only get my spinners and buzz baits stuck in trees. Never get an actually fish up there lol Cheers!
  8. really good info there. thanks for posting! Cheers!
  9. hmmm why do they need those sharp looking snappers if they eat mosqitous? it was a pretty cool pic! Cheers!
  10. i think the pics need to be less then 250kb
  11. good morning all, Is it not a really nice break from the humidity this morning? Im loving it! Cheers!
  12. sweet report! That is one big muskie! Cheers!
  13. awesome test run! Hpe you have a very succesful year on the new boat! Cheers!
  14. all the best man! Alot of companies pull this same Bull. Im sure you will find something soon! Cheers!
  15. oh im glad that blood was yours i would having been worried if it was the fishes. lol just kidding hopefully you didnt get cut to bad. that really is a nice looking ski! cheers!
  16. wow sorry about the trip, looks like you gus made the best of it anyway. Cheers!
  17. my favorite area to fish is the south bay of lake nipissing. I do enjoy the muskoka lakes and ahmic lake(not cause of fishing but scenery) in parry sound. i think the list can go on and on lol
  18. wow thta is one heck of a report!!!! Good job guys! CHeers!
  19. very nice report! Great looking smallies! Cheers!
  20. 53 bass in one day is a dream day!!!! congrats! cheers!
  21. great report! lots of decent fish caught! Cheers!
  22. no you cant own water in ontario but you cna own the land around it. its a tricky subject that can be debated either way. however if you boat into it without tresspassing on private property then i dont think you havea problem. like brifishguy mentioned its better to tell them politely that you are catch and release only. most will leave you alone. Cheers!
  23. the nurse was pretty cute, maybe a water ballon fight shoudl be in store for me tongiht. Opps the wife is reading over my shoulder!
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