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Everything posted by douG

  1. Sorry I missed you, Bill, I kept a lookout for a while. Nice clean lake trout you had there.
  2. I bet those whities were tasty!
  3. 2Rs took me fishing on his home lake near Apsley the same day that the power went out all over the NE, 2nd week of August it was. 2003. But anyway, it was Garry who took me muskie fishing for the first time, and gave me my first lesson with a baitcaster. On that same afternoon, I succeeded in pulling a bait away from a really nice muskie. My first. Garry was also famous for the best photography on OFC back in the early days - some of his captures still ring the bell. He is a wise and gentle man, a nice guy I guess you would say. Garry, these are all things you know. I don't expect a comment from you on my posts, even if I actually went fishing and caught something, a very rare event. I enjoy your reports and seeing your scruffy mug again, if only to learn how to take pictures. I think your posts stand on their own merit, replies or no. Best to you, 2Rs.
  4. It sounds like Kelvin (Loonietunes4evr) is doing taxi service as well on Saturday. Well done. Kelvin, I will bring a propane stove and 20 lb tank along with 2 covered roasting pans. This will help us with the keeping it hot all day plan. Also, oven mitts, tongs and a flipper, garbage bags, Al foil , and a fireplace type shovel for your lump charcoal fires all day.
  5. I wonder if the Little B'ar will learn to do that too.
  6. Someone is going to be wrong on the internets! Stay tuned for the debate! I can say that I admire your passion, tho. Youse talk quietly amongst yerslefs but I'm going to go watch some great hockey.
  7. . And then we went out to dinner - Italian seafood was the menu. It was nice to have a meal with my family.
  8. Great to see those old familiar faces, even though I couldn't make the day on Saturday. I would have been proud to meet those other Boudreaux.
  9. Dr. Sal, let me clarify my thoughts on this. Your child, who depends on you for everything, is currently experiencing the worst pain of his life. I remember the look from the BigKid at 6 1/2 months that said very clearly, 'I thought you looked after all this pain and need stuff for me, you are clearly not the parents I hoped you would be. I am going to be as brave as I can, but I'm just little.' I was frantic too. That stuff doesn't go away for the parents, but it does go away for the kids. They don't remember that stuff, thank goodness. Just do what you are doing. Ask advice from others, use what works for you, support each other, and know that at the same moment you are walking the floors with Nummer chewing on your finger, that there are very likely 100,000 families experiencing the same as you, prolly worse, in Ontario. Best of Luck, where the heck is the owners' manual for this thing anyway. Honey?
  10. Awfully dusty here in the internet lounge at douG's place right now. Best to Mr. Blizzard and fambly. Please find me at the Tyler event, I'll be the one at the bbq with the stylish blue oven mitts. I'd like to shake your hand and stand you and your young guy to some street meat at the lake.
  11. All plastic, not one of the best places on earth. The whole place is a zero sum game.
  12. My kids are 25 and almost 23. Turning into fabulous young women. Teething is not a big deal due to the fact that it is time-limited. We have all survived teething as children. As exhausted as you and your wife might be, there will be more stuff that keeps you engaged as the spawn mature. Good Luck, Pa. Teach em right and hope for the best. PS: Don't worry at all about the teething. Poopy pants, runny noses and a little cranky will not even leave a mark, looking back a while from now. You can get these teething rings that you can pop in the freezer. Sore gums need some stimulation, and these work. I've heard that rawhide bones can help, but I'm not real clear on the species. Anbesol helps, and so does gravol in a pinch.
  13. We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like "I feel a bit light headed, maybe you should drive...." And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, and a voice was screaming: "Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?" (attorney says: "What are you yelling about?") Never mind, it's your turn to drive." No point in mentioning those bats, I thought, the poor bugger will see them soon enough. We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers... and also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls. Not that we needed all this for the trip, but once you get locked in a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far as you can. The only thing that worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. And I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.
  14. You new guys with the love for Algonquin are great - it's great to see the appreciation for the park crosses generations. You are most welcome to the board, from where I sit. I look forward to some great trip reports. This site is full of gear types, so don't fear to post your tips. Fish pics are great, but the story and the rest are better. This is my tip.
  15. AH'M BRINGING some oven mitts this time.
  16. Klaus Stern Credit I found this on the Algonquin Adventures mb, and it seems to capture some of the magic of the park. 75 more sleeps until the May trip. I know, it's a little depressing, but it will only get better.
  17. Thanks, Bruce. I like the look of the crust - need another shot of the crumb. Is that a wet stretch and fold type of bread?
  18. Duudes, the American Anthem is a tough gig, and she acquitted herself jes' fine. She has the chops to make pitch all over the place, and also had the guts to drive the feeling right through to the end. Carrie brought it home. Leave the ad hominem at the door.
  19. Art, a storm like that would shut down any city in Canada, at least for a while. A yard of snow in a day is nuts. We'd dig it out and make do, friends and neighbours, much like yerselfs. Any pictures?
  20. Nice shootin, Doug, like the sunrise pic. That's a beautiful time of the trip, the whole day in front of you with colours to match. That lazer beam is amazing.
  21. Slow braised short ribs with red wine, beef stock, celery, carrot, onion and garlic. Diced tomatoes, sage, rosemary and thyme. A little Dijon and an anchovy filet. Into the oven for a couple of hours. Then, juice of half a lemon, a little parsley. Fresh ciabatta di me forno. Capunti noodles al dente. Asparagus. The rest of the wine. The best part of a meal like that is that it's really no work.
  22. Yo, Mo! A hearty Attagirl to ya.
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