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Everything posted by douG

  1. PowerPro and TuffLine are fabulous, I've never had an issue, but I quickly learned that my improved clinch knot or rapala loop were not going to work. Tie a palomar knot if you are tying a swivel, or a uni knot if you are tying directly to a lure. KNots. I don't understand the line fail way down the spool, tho.
  2. Thanks very large dere, Fidel. I really enjoyed the few times Grant and I got out, and fish would have been a bonus. I would guess. The Dawg can be a little prickly, but a real likable character, and generous as hell. One of my favourite afternoons was rowing Glen around the channels south of Lakair on the west arm of Lake Nipissing. I was determined to put Glen onto his first pike, and I did it too.
  3. Somebody pm me with Grant's info, or ask him to give me a call. Thanks.
  4. I lucked out on this one. I rebooted the compute in safe mode (hold down f8 when it tells you) and picked a system restore time before the mess started. Then I ran AVG to make sure everything was clean. That was a couple of weeks ago and everything has been ok since. This can be a nasty one and the ass that wrote this should be keelhauled. Good Luck.
  5. Well played, sir.
  6. The mountains are nice, bu they sure do block the view.
  7. Fabulous, Mike, that was a truly epic trip. Thanks for the share.
  8. Rick, Roy, thanks for considerable efforts to keep this thing alive. Nice job as always.
  9. Yea, chat! My typing skills were beginning to suffer.
  10. douG


    See? It turned out to be a nice day after all. That's good news, Carole, and welcome back.
  11. Very nice, Emil. Looks to me like a professional job.
  12. Whistle Berries.
  13. Emil took it to the limit once again. If you like, I can take some nice photos next year of those fine fish you catch every outing.
  14. Emil, GBW's recipe sounds delicious, but I started out a little bit simpler. For 1 kg / two pounds fillets: Kosher salt 1/4 cup. Sugar 1/8 cup. Lemon juice 1 tbsp. Garlic one half head minced. Water to cover, not more than 1/2 l - 1 cup. Marinate in a zip bag overnight in the fridge, and lay fillets on a rack to dry for 4 hours inside. Transfer to smoker, skin side down and cook slowly at 140 for a couple of hours. Throw on some chips of maple or hickory or mesquite onto your lump briquette fire. Pm me for Quality Control consulting. I can help, really.
  15. Thanks for staying in touch, Steve. Best to you, Kristi, and the lil critters.
  16. Very well said, Rich. One of the best things to say to your kid.
  17. Nice shootin'.
  18. I like making baked beans too. Plenty of bacon, diced tomatoes, onion, garlic. Molasses, dijon mustard, chicken stock, thyme, and cook em slow. Maybe a drop or two of liquid smoke and some crushed chili flakes. I like mixing the bean varieties, with black beans, black eyed beans, pintos and bostons. Serve em with some cheese, pickles, and fresh bread, wash it all down with a good ale.
  19. Where is SNAG? Conspicuous by his absence.
  20. That report was an icefishing clinic, MJL. It was a great read, sharing the journey of an already great fisherman finding a way for the first time to bring some very nice lakers to the sunshine. Just a great report. TJ, put this one in the FAQs.
  21. Sweet, Mike. A gorgeous fish.
  22. What is a pike-perch? Is that also a zander or kuha? Good Luck!
  23. Hauki, a warm welcome to you. I am pleased to learn about fishing in Finland and really enjoyed your report and pictures. More please! Your written English is better that some native speakers around here, so don't worry.
  24. OK, so it appears that Chuck is a wingnut, watch this: . Here's some more. Beck I 'spect to get roundhouse kicked upside the haid right some quick. Still down on the Norris, me.
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